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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Serebii

    3DS XL

    I only see the yellow tinge when it's a time of a transitional screen. When it's actually trying to do white, it's white with no tinge. I really don't see 1:1 mode for DS games being too small, it's just about the same size as DSi screens. I love the XL though, the screens are amazing
  2. Well I ended up cockblocking myself again. Seems to be my one talent
  3. Hungover but still advice giving :p They run until December 31st. They're accessed via the Wireless Play part on the title screen. Then you go to Download and bam. There are passwords that will unlock them too but I won't reveal those yet
  4. Well I have nothing to do until 3 today so :p But thanks, I will! No problem, always glad to help
  5. They only will attack if their strength in their armies matches or is greater than the strength of the warriors you have in the area They will re-appear and tell you when they've scouted and the boosts are permanent. The date system is essentially just listing what turn it is
  6. I gave up collecting all the Arceus...have about 60 hours logged and thanks
  7. Serebii

    3DS XL

    The one issue I have with the 3DS XL? They didn't fix the cameras. I get that they're VGA and designed to be cut to 400x240 for the screen, but that's no excuse for the poor quality of the camera :/ They can have it at 640x480, cut to 400x240 with 3D with the cameras being prestine
  8. Serebii

    3DS XL

    Basically, the only time you'll see issues in graphics on the 3DS XL is if the developer cut corners. Thankfully that is not thge case with most games (I have no issue with OoT either though tbh, and I'm a very anal person when it comes to graphics)
  9. Serebii

    3DS XL

    The games seem perfect to me. Better than the 3DS
  10. Serebii

    3DS XL

    I am in lesbians with this console The screen is amazing
  11. Serebii

    3DS XL

    That's what I did originally, but nothing. Got it working by putting it in the 3DS at first, having it create management data, and then deleting that on the PC and copying everything over
  12. Serebii

    3DS XL

    How does one copy the stuff to a new SD card. I just tried and the 3DS didn't see anything on it so I had to use my old one...I want the space
  13. Serebii

    3DS XL

    I love the System Transfer. It has Pikmin carrying the stuff between 3DSs
  14. Serebii

    3DS XL

    Got mine...I knew it'd be big but holy crap
  15. Serebii

    3DS XL

    Just realised, my 3DS XL is going to have data from my 3DS, which had data from my DSi, which had data from my DS Lite, which had data from my DS I got in 2004...
  16. Serebii

    3DS XL

    Did a quick google search and Friend Codes do transfer
  17. Serebii

    3DS XL

    That can't be right...I would have thought it'd carry the friend code over and give the old one a new one...
  18. Table was copied from the original Rumble which had it
  19. Not sure, but they should be able to. I'm going to test Japanese and UK this weekend (I get my copy tomorrow as it is a birthday gift)
  20. Seems that the passwords from the US one work on the EU one and vice-versa http://www.serebii.net/conquest/passwords.shtml GAME just revealed the password yQAw81qxGR for Larvesta, and it worked on my friend's US game
  21. Halo 4! :p Seriously though, while ports would be nice, I'd much rather they worked on new software
  22. Oh, I probably forgot to post them on that page. Here's the missing 6 Thundurus: 11890516 Garchomp: 10279741 Eelektross: 64916130 Zoroark: 61501893 Gliscor: 71824825 Gallade: 42910125
  23. Serebii

    3DS XL

    ShopTo's courier is Monday-Friday only, so we better be getting this tomorrow
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