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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Just got my Freakyforms Deluxe download code in my e-mail
  2. I turned the Miiverse features off for the moment in the game. It's great implementation, but I want to finish the game before flooding it with these things The impossible has happened. The Super Guide appeared. Could have sworn I only died thrice
  3. Oh sweet, you can control the Wii U OS with a Wiimote
  4. Downloaded Nano Assault Neo last night...quick download and great game
  5. Au Contraire. I believe you're forgetting about a store called GAME
  6. I love the Pikmin game. My brother and I were playing it for a while. Great fun
  7. Seems to take everyone an hour regardless of speed
  8. I'm ordering Batman today for my second wave...and maybe Sonic. Have £20 off on my ShopTo account. Was going to download Sonic but all eShop games are RRP so Sonic is £40, not the sub-£30 on all sites. Anyway...Serebii's impressions. All the people complaining about the Wii U are fools. The OS load times aren't bad at all, they're just not instant. Even connecting to Miiverse was fast...was on it in 10 seconds. Games aren't choppy at all. Everything is just awesome Played NintendoLand with my brother and we had great fun. Isn't that the point of gaming
  9. The fact people still believe it, and those sites which reported it haven't issued a retraction annoys me to no end
  10. Only got two games, trying to make them last...already done World 2 on Mario. Must get more
  11. Am noticing the GamePad isn't as crisp and bright in Mario as I'd like...but nuts to that, I'm looking at it in 1080p on the TV
  12. I think my problem is more of my shoddy wireless receiver. It boots my DS half the time
  13. It was done. It was the natural reset
  14. Nintendo Network ID of SerebiiJoe
  15. Shit, thought my Wii U bricked there for a second...it took a short while to load after the update reboot and was just displaying black on both screens
  16. Yeah, I had to manually set my IP address, gateway and DNS servers to get it working
  17. Still updating but has anyone checked if the Wii transfer works?
  18. They're said to be fixing that with the next firmware update in the middle of next month
  19. My Wii U was also pretty cold
  20. Not the biggest haul, but yeah. It's all mine:)
  21. It arrived Giving up hope is always the best thing to do. Currently downloading the update.
  22. Have given up. Don't think my one is coming today :/
  23. I hate you all
  24. Be glad you aren't doing it tomorrow. This is why I wish mine would hurry the fuck up
  25. I hate the wait for the courier. My friend at TNT said it'd be here before 11 but alas, the tracking says 9-6
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