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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Ok. I accept that as a good reason. However, I have to ask, why is that reason valid for Sony and Microsoft but wasn't valid for Nintendo last year? Considering we had similar complaints last year, it begs the question. It's more valid this year (seriously, Nintendo does need more output focusing on the GamePad etc. this year. It's crazy), but last year...
  2. By how the game looked? The game is beautiful. Yes, it started on the Wii, but that doesn't mean it stuck to the Wii's capabilities. Come on.
  3. Well I do completely disagree with you, and we'd just be in a circular argument again... And surely just claiming Pikmin 3 is a "me too" sequel is a bit disingenuous. It's a fantastic and fresh game. So what it's a sequel.
  4. Splatoon. Zelda. Starfox. First party software is no more limited than it ever has been. I can provide a list enumerating the first party content provided in the first 18 months of each console in the last four generations, if you wish. Only difference is that the gaps are a bit more noticeable now.
  5. I said that they could have theoretically done one with him doing voice overs and there being an animated form of him :p It says that the hyperbole police is here. Where did I say it was everyone else?
  6. I reckon we'll see a Direct soon, but there is a reason that Directs have disappeared...Iwata. Iwata hosts the Directs, and Iwata has not been well. I'm sure once he's well enough, they'll be back properly.
  7. So you'd rather they spill all the beans for the games long before launch? I hate it when developers do that. Hell, I was annoyed by Mario Kart 8 Direct doing that for Mario Kart 8.
  8. I don't know. I'd say slim. I also do admit when I'm wrong. Really? I do remember that it did become bad and I even, stupidly snarkily, pointed it out to Ashley when it happened. You appear to have a selective memory. As we should be, I am even still. Things haven't suddenly got grim since then. Very little has changed.
  9. 1. I disagree. I only end with "you'll see" when the argument has become circular and I want to stop it. 2. As I said, I get distracted. I have a huge site to run, and my freelance work, so I have to focus on that and that sometimes means I miss replies.
  10. I admit, I do get distracted easily, but that is necessary for what I do. I didn't see your post because of that. My apologies. Though I do take exception to the idea that my posts are delusional. They are not. Because, if I don't do it, then this place would just become a festering pool of negativity and that is far more toxic than any of my posts. Also, I never have said Nintendo hasn't messed up. I have outright stated otherwise on numerous occasions. I shall attempt to restrain myself from countering all the negativity, but come on, can you not see how horrible it is?
  11. I meant being positive about Nintendo, which is the usual way trouble starts here :/
  12. Because I try to be positive about Nintendo on a Nintendo forum, and try to counter the rampant negativity that comes from certain posters? Ok. I never understood that, but ok.
  13. I know. Besides, I've received messages from many users here who appreciate me actually sticking up for Nintendo and trying to be positive in the face of the constant trashing Nintendo receives from certain people here. Some users have stopped posting because of it. It's a shame that it has come to this, really.
  14. What a gloomy place it must be for you lot, with just the constant negativity about Nintendo on a Nintendo focused forum. Sorry for being positive and for seeing things how they actually appear in regards to industry growth.
  15. Because one console is doing "well" does not mean the market is growing fast, especially since PS4 sales have drastically slowed. You just have to look at Daft's numbers which help illustrated that. Xbox One and Wii U are doing worse too. You're looking at one console, seeing it's doing well compared to its rivals, and are declaring the industry is growing. It really isn't. The dedicated gaming industry is contracting, and scarily fast.
  16. Not always. Take the Wii Virtual Console. Donkey Kong Country were removed, but can be redownloaded, but Yoshi's Cookie is totally and completely gone. You can't even redownload it.
  17. There's also the issue of what happens if the service goes down, or the game is removed from the store and you've had to reformat your hard drive. It's gone forever.
  18. Purchases are linked to the account
  19. Na, we've known of this one for a while. It's the Kalos Elite Four stage from Pokémon X & Y
  20. What the frak are you on about? It's not 6 months after the launch. November 2006 - July 2007 = 9 months on sale November 2013 - July 2014 = 9 months on sale I was comparing sales industry wide then and now. I was not comparing PS4 sales to say the DS in 2007. For those examples, I was clearly stating the industry wide decline. Stop warping my posts to fit with your "Serebii is against Sony" folderol. As I said, people were considering the PS3's sales at ~150k to be a massive flop, and again, we're celebrating the PS4 being amazing with similar sales. The entire industry is contracting, not the Sony part. I suggest you actually read the post before going off on one. Thanks
  21. Agreed, but that brings in the next point. Nintendo games are, for the most part, unlike the rest of the industry. They are not as frontloaded and continue to sell well even years after their initial release. As such, a massive drop like that would do more harm than good.
  22. Of course it will. Digital is not that popular, especially in the US where there are still slow speeds and bandwidth caps.
  23. The thing is, such large price reductions further what Iwata has been saying about devaluing the products. Look at the Steam Sales. Many people don't buy games initially and just wait for heavy discounts in the Steam Sale. It's not a good business practice. Dropping a full retail game to £4 shows that there's a lack of faith in it and its sales. It's also typically being sold at a loss due to it. Sales for the sake of sales is not the best thing for the industry. Same argument I make against massive price cuts of Wii U or 3DS. It'd sell, sure, but it'd be more damaging.
  24. It's better for the consumer to have glitchy, unstable games?
  25. There's no probably about it. They are. Problem is that if they do that, then retailers will cut all Nintendo support. As such, where would people buy the consoles? Even online retailers would cut support. It would be a catastrophe. It would be the worst thing for Nintendo to do and would kill their business. It would be nice, sure, but it's not happening. It's the same on Sony and Microsoft's stores so it's not fair that Nintendo is being picked on for it when it's a standard that is being forced by retailers.
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