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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Again, you're stating your opinion as fact. Even if it's not the best game, it has every right to have some focus in it and it's not "hiding a lack of games". What you mean is that there was a lack of games that interest you, and that's fine. There are some there that I have no interest in also, but let's not take our views as a statement of fact. I would never say statements akin to yours.
  2. I stated Wii U titles they had. Just because you don't find them "worthy" does not mean they were not games being showcased. Wii Sports Club Baseball is also valid as it wasn't out at that point. You are entitled to your opinion, but you need to stop spouting your opinion as the absolute facts and making bold and outrageous statements based on these opinions as if those opinions are fact. They destroy all capabilities you have to argue.
  3. Your point was that they were hiding a lack of games and that most of them aren't out yet. I have proven that statement erroneous.
  4. Oh boy. List wars. Also, just because you don't like some of the games doesn't mean we shouldn't count them. That's the most asinine bull I have ever heard. Ok Treehouse Live Day 1: Captain Toad Treasure Tracker (Out) Mario Maker Xenoblade Chronicles X (Out in Japan) Project Guard Project Giant Robot Splatoon (Out in 3 weeks) Hyrule Warriors (Out) Day 2 Bayonetta 1 (Out) Affordable Space Adventures (Out) Fantasy Life - 3DS (Out) Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (Out) Mario Maker Mario Party 10 (Out) Mario VS Donkey Kong Tipping Stars (Out) Monster Hunter IV Ultimate - 3DS (Out) Project Giant Robot Shovel Knight (Out) Splatoon (Out in 3 weeks) Super Smash Bros - 3DS (Out) Super Smash Bros - Wii U (Out) Swords & Soldiers II (Out in two weeks) Yoshi's Wooly World (Out next month) Day 3 Bayonetta 2 (Out) Codename STEAM (Out in the US. Here next week) Devil's Third Fantasy Life - 3DS (Out) Project Guard Splatoon (Out in 3 weeks) Hyrule Warriors (Out) Super Smash Bros - 3DS (Out) Super Smash Bros - Wii U (Out) Wii Sports Club Baseball (Out) Yoshi's Wooly World (Out next month) Your argument has fallen apart once again to the harsh mistress of facts. Or they'll do it at the same time and Square Enix get screwed over :p
  5. Trying to sort a train back for Nationals from Manchester back home, but for some reason on that day, they're not running any of the direct trains so I have to go through London meaning I'd have to change my train to get there on the 29th since they have specific tickets to go either through London, or avoid London or pay double the price. Good grief. Can't even find a reason for no direct trains that day
  6. There were many games shown there...
  7. Notice I said widely, not unanimously. I also fail to see how the Treehouse Live was "covering the fact there's feck all games" or "padded out the event" when it's something that didn't exist before and had a plethora of titles
  8. What they could do is a mix. Do the Digital Event on the first day, then stream the Developer Directs like they did in 2013 and do Treehouse Live
  9. I think Nintendo are going to keep the digital format for E3. It has served them very well and has been widely accepted because it brought the content without the selfcongratulatory bloat from conferences.
  10. http://www.gamnesia.com/news/report-rare-just-showed-off-a-banjo-kazooie-game-with-kinect-controls They claim it was an "experience" just for that, but I doubt that
  11. It doesn't sound bad. It was beaten by Puzzle & Dragons/Mario and Dragon Quest...three of the largest franchises in Japan.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/Nintendo/photos/a.120520318032430.30157.119240841493711/826917464059375/?type=1
  13. Just because they had a DS doesn't mean they had these games. While the DS sold over 150 million units, many of the games on it were lucky to break 2 million
  14. Ok Do note that not everyone had a DS and even if they did they may not have bought the same games as you.
  15. Yoshi's Island DS this week
  16. Yeah I agree with this. I'd rather have it unorchestrated. It feels better
  17. If the eyes were a bit higher on the right one, it'd be perfect
  18. Yeah. Now Villager's eyes are far closer to the source material
  19. Restocks have started with Marth & Villager in Japan, with improvements. New on the left, old on the right Old on the left, new on the right
  20. Probably a terrible fanboy idea, but after this I hope Nintendo steps up and offers Playtonic an old-Rare style deal. Nintendo need developers of their calibre.
  21. I only pledged £15...my first kickstarter. Not going to go crazy like @S\.C\.G. though haha Simultaneous release on all platforms. It's going to happen! Wii U here we come
  22. Indeed. Grant Kirkhope tweeted that he has been saying that the public wanted games like this for years but was shot down (obviously by Microsoft as he was working in Rare until last year).
  23. Passed the mine cart goal!
  24. Yay, they hit the Transformations goal
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