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Everything posted by LazyBoy

  1. Football Season 2019-20

    Anyone watching the Villa-SU game?
  2. General Switch Discussion

    Thank you, overjoyed to hear the writing is good. How's the world building?
  3. General Switch Discussion

    Kindly share your opinions with us once formed. The Paper Mario feels are strong.
  4. Paper Mario: The Origami King

    Great post @Fused King, though I haven't played colour splash, I will say I agree TYD was the masterpiece it is in large part due to its world building. Dripping in character, constantly inventive and for the most part shaped to interact with actual gameplay in a deft and rewarding manor. That opening dungeon with the dragon? Superb. Where's my switch port?
  5. Paper Mario: The Origami King

    Yeeeeeeessss!!!! Thousand year door is one of the greatest RPGs of all time (not opinion, fact), so I'm ecstatic to see turn based battles return. I see from that little clip that audiences are back, and there are lots of flashes of story, so this looks to be the closest to TYD of all the games since then. Any word on what studio is making this?
  6. Anyone still playing this? Just got into it
  7. Remembering the Nintendo GameCube

    To be discussed on a future smashing cast
  8. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

    Has anyone come across a canoe, or anything that would not look out of place at an outdoor adventure park?
  9. If you are a good conversationalist, play Smash online, and are looking for a channel to express your love of video games, then I could use your help. I am looking to start a podcast, and am looking to the NE community for people to be on it. Here's a synopsis of what it's about: Did you get all that? I'm here to answer if any clarifications are needed. Still interested? Post below and tell me. And remember, you'll need: -Smash Ultimate (+online) -Device(s) for taking hour long calls over skype, that record a high quality of audio -A love of talking all things video games -A touch of competitiveness -...and it wouldn't hurt to have a sense of humour. Peace! p.s. shout out to Glen, Jonnas and SCG for already registering their interest. edit: Well this is a little more quiet than I would have liked. Might as well move to arranging. As a test it would be fine to move forward with a test of 4 of us - maybe we'll get some more interest after that. @S.C.G You've said you have some software for recording game footage(right?). What about the audio from skype? And will you be able to lay the 2 over each other? @Glen-i Could I ask you to host the battle arenas? There won't be much to it, but you're practiced at it and you've already got a good range of custom arenas And for both of you and @Jonnas, when do you think you'll be able to spare an hour in the next week to give this a try?
  10. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

    We've got a Smashing Cast episode devoted to Animal Crossing! Check it out and tell us what you think. We visit each others islands, and in the end come away very complimentary:
  11. Should Reviewers be fans?

    Something I've noticed with the releases of FFVII and Streets of Rage IV is a multitude of reviews written by ultra-fans of these game's series. They'll normally have a line in their review along the lines of 'I loved the original' or 'I grew up with the earlier games in the series'. This causes a problem for me, and I wonder if anyone feels the same? It's not so much about impartiality (although that is an aspect), but more that it removes their ability to step back and see the game as a product of its time, as opposed to a homage to their childhood. I must have gone through a dozen FFVII reviews that fawn over 'how it's got something for new and old fans alike', before I got to one that addressed some of those archaic RPG elements that don't deserve to be in a 2020 game. A Streets of Rage review did the same, framing it entirely in terms of how it builds on the series, without addressing whether a refresh of a 20 year old genre still does enough to be relevant in the modern age of video games, or even just keep up with the norms of the industry. I think there is a place for those reviews, but they need to be marked out as comments for fans, and less as a review that treats the game as it's own entity. Anyone else feel the same?
  12. Should Reviewers be fans?

    Some great posts, all worthy of a response. To retain nomanitive consistently though I'll reply generally. Don't think I want one kind of review at the exclusion of another. I think there's room for both. Certainly were we discussing BotW then I would want the perspective of someone who can place the evolution of the game's structure in context of the series' progression. But that's a perspective, by definition they are going to see things one way. If I am coming at the game having never played anything that preceeded it then I need a perspective closer to mine - not a 'fan' (i.e. someone who LOVED a preceeding game). Therefor if I am talking to these review sites/channels, I'd say find a way to review the game with multiple reviewers. If you can't stretch to that then review fewer games.
  13. Need to offload some turnips too.
  14. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

    She thinks the time gating is bullshit because she knows exactly how she wants her island AND SHE WANTS IT NOW
  15. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

    My non-gaming wife is totally into it after initial reservations. May not be comparable, but there's a lot in there for casuals to like. I don't mind watching her play either, I guess cause it's such a rarity. And of course because we're sharing an island the decisions have to be made together, which I guess is Animal Crossing's meta.
  16. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

    The Racoon statue is the best thing in the game. He's pride of place on an island at the head of my double waterfall. Glorious he is.
  17. Cheers mate, easy 1.2m. Enjoy the strange gift.
  18. 481 sounds plenty. Wife and I will add you and head over later today if that's ok.
  19. So I'm going to have a bad week according to the calculator. To my brother's game!
  20. This prediction system you're using - is it describes somewhere? Quite curious.
  21. Codes for the wife and I. She would like to see some islands tonight, so give us a shout if you've got some time to receive a guest. WangJiLin - SW-3368-4671-3023 - Oranges - Idleworth McNuggets - SW-6157-0114-3240 - Oranges - Idleworth
  22. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

    So I will be moving my house up to to a big hill at the back, whilst my wife keeps her house down on the beach. I'll expand my place into a fully fledged castle, whilst she keeps hers small. I've started this project with a series of ramps and bridges that leads from the town square, via Mabel's and a new park I'm planning. The next move will be to move the house itself, and start transforming the great plateau into the castle grounds. Whilst upgrading the house I'll also build a path from the new park down to the Cranny, and on to the town square thus creating a second path. Question for those experiences at terraforming. Is it possible/advisable to raise a currently single height waterfall into a double height waterfall?
  23. 98 here. Hoping my brother's island will come in cheaper.