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Everything posted by bluey

  1. How was your day?

    foo... things are finally looking a little more "up"! i got a job ~ i'll be starting at SEGA in a couple of weeks (they're not sure of the start day yet) but yay! now i can pay the rent and buy food... and have christmas!! hah! actually, i'm still cheaping it up for xmas.. i'm making bath bombs for people ^__^ i'm going to hide little rubber ducks inside the bath bombs though... surprising!!! i can't wait to start work again...i'm SO bored.
  2. How was your day?

    well, jamba works there ~ so he told me about the vacancies.
  3. How was your day?

    HELLOOOO!!! i've been super busy! i got a month-long teaching assistant position at a local high school - which was cut short because the head of department decided to fire me rather than discuss a few problems she had with me. *sigh!* LONG story - but if you're interested in the whole ridiculous story you can read below (i've told the story sooo many times >__>) basically - i was on a month-long contract, but i applied for the long-term position with the school and didn't even get shortlisted for an interview...
  4. Sexuality Thread

    you've obviously never been on a bus in south west london @__@ i truly believe i was the only white person within about a mile radius..
  5. Prank Call Contest?

    *cough* i think reZ may have phone prank envy... you know what'd be good...? getting a load of random strangers to rick-roll someone who used the words "what's the worst that could happen?" when warned about giving his number out on an internet foru..... oh wait, nah someone already did that, didn't they?
  6. Too fat to work?

    i'd be more worried about a 20 stone employee dropping dead on shift than breaking a seat @___@
  7. Post Your Purchases

    yap. yap! so now if i EVER get a car... i can put my bike in the boot. haha..
  8. How was your day?

    i deleted my facebook account. and i bought a bike! ..thats pretty much it..
  9. Post Your Purchases

    £50 ...it folds! yay! for the tube. just needs love and a little WD40....
  10. She wore blue velvet...

    ahh thanks guys!! ^_^ i had a great time!! jamba made me an AWESOME cake, it was a sponge and jelly cake with raspberries and BLUE icing topped with kompeito sweets
  11. What would bluey do?

    Mmmkae... So this weekend is my birthday (yay) ... But my idiot boss has rota'd me in for saturday even tho i asked for the weekend off MONTHS ago... When i asked him to change it if basically said "no. Sunday is your birthday not saturday. You're working." then he's swanned off on holiday for 2 weeks! Anyhoo... Jamba has some surprise stuff planned and booked for saturday... So i'm thinking i should bunk off. Like.. Just not turn up. What would you do? More importantly... What should i do?!
  12. What would bluey do?

    she bunked off! actually i started the LIE on friday morning - the company PA who works in the same office with the main bosses happened to ring the store... and we're fairly friendly - so when i mentioned i was feeling "fluey" and had been phoning around for cover but getting no help she was like "i'll speak to MY boss!" who went a bit nuts and phoned around TELLING people they had to come cover me cause he didnt want me anywhere near his restaurant if i felt "fluey" and i'm so glad i did ^_^ i'm having a very nice birthday weekend! our friends around the corner had us over for dinner on friday night, where i caught wine flu... and today pat took me for a surprise picnic in kew gardens - the surprise being that my whole family showed up!!! ^____^ and it's not even my real birthday till tomorrow!!
  13. Piercings and/or tattoos!

    lawl. "it's a shop! i can tell by the shadows" yeah it is... i like how photoshop and gooooooooooooooooooogle and the likes are verbs now. for example: i'd like to google his photoshop. and other such gems... ^__^
  14. What would bluey do?

    ok decision made!!! i'm bunking off - but in the best way possible for them.... i shall explain! so i'm SUPPOSED to be working a double on friday... but since there's LOADS of front staff in on friday night (i'm opening friday morning) i'm going to tell whoever comes to relieve me on friday afternoon that im not coming back after my break 'cause i've been feeling ill all day but have soldiered on until now. and that they should probably find cover for me for saturday as i feel VERY ill and might not feel better. then i'll just call later on and tell them i'm definitely too sick to work saturday. sick with the piggies. edit: plus!!! i never get to be the irresponsible one.... ^___^ i wanna be a wild child!
  15. What would bluey do?

    i should probably clarify; i put it in the office diary like, the week i started working here... and my bday is on sunday... but jamba has something planned for me for saturday (its a surpriiiiiiseeeee ^____^) which i do. not. want. to. miss. but... yeah. i'd really be leavig everyone in the lurch. the question is... do i care?
  16. N-Europe Summer Meet

    hehe ~ to all who've PMd me saying thank you for ANY tiny little thing i might have done for them in the past just in case.... y'welcome ^_^ and eevil - yes i got your PM but it confused me lots O-o until jamba reminded me what you were talking about (goldfish brain~~) and then aaaall became cleeear. nah i wasn't scared....much O . o!
  17. N-Europe Summer Meet

    whatever, dude. what we're saying is that you didn't bother to say thank you. (take it from me - you didn't. i was actually paying attention 'cause i tend to LIKE being thanked when i do stuff for people.) the correct response to that is "oh god! i'm sorry! i must have had my head so far up my arse that i forgot!! THANK YOU!" or some derivative thereof. on the OTHER HAND: SCG has not only called to say thank you but followed that up with a PM to reiterate. which is fucking lovely. we're not arguing with you - we're just telling you that you were a rude ungrateful fuckwit. and saying "th-th-th-thank you" in such a sarcastic way is yet MORE rude.
  18. N-Europe Summer Meet

    dyson; dont worry! we hadn't bought any food or anything so it was all ok SCG; you're SO welcome. thanks for calling/PMing us afterwards too. was a pleasure to have you and you make pretty awesome coffee!! villan; the words "please" and "thank you" might be good to learn for next time someone lets you stay at their house. for free. you're welcome by the way. everyone else; nice to meet you + THE SAME BAG?!?!?!?!111
  19. you might have heard about the new "vetting and barring scheme" being introduced by big brother the government this october; if not - basically - ANYONE who works with school kids, be they visiting firemen, children's book authors, parents helping with school trips or school caretakers... will have to sign up to a database and pay £64 for the privilege. as a prospective teacher this makes me pretty angry!! i've already paid £20 to the police so they can check my ann-summers purchases. i've had an ENHANCED CRB check - that's the paperwork that the people running the VBS recommend if employers want a more thorough check of their employees! MORE THOROUGH! this article from the independent really sums it all up~ i understand people's anger at having to be vetted - the whole guilty-until-proven-innocent thing is a little insulting when all these people are doing is taking time out of their schedule to teach kids about literature or fire safety - in an assembly hall with at least a few other teachers in the room. like one of the authors interviewed said: how the hell would even the most cunning deviant be able to molest a child in a room full of other children AND adults?! plus! doesnt this kind of thing only serve to make parents more paranoid about pedophiles hiding in the bushes? will the little old lady at the sweet shop have to register too? she deals with kids. what about parents themselves? should social services get their act together a bit after all the baby-x cases recently so that abusive adults arent who the kids go HOME to? personally, i dont mind them checking whatever they need to check - but why the £64 fee? i have to PAY (even more money than i already have) to prove i'm not a paedo?? where's the protest petition?! sign me up.
  20. N-Europe Summer Meet

    i'm bringing my frisbee!! it's BLUE!!! ^___^
  21. Futurama Voices To Be Recast

    i think the simpsons is just gunna run 'till one of the less noticeably replaceable voice actors dies/quits/is assassinated ...
  22. vetting and barring system

    i was joking.. to some extent. what i'm saying is that i've already given the police my permission - and twenty quid - to paw through my internet records. and that doesnt bother me in the slightest - because i'm only into the regular porn. i'd love to know what exactly the new check consists of to warrant the extra £45... a survey? "Are you now, or have you ever been, a paedophile?" o yes o no