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Posts posted by sumo73

  1. 11 hours ago, Agent Gibbs said:

    I don't see why they needed to change slogans and word everything how they did

    The jist of it seems to be nothing has changed, but now the construction industry, some manufacturing industries etc that cannot work from home can return to work IF their employees can safely accommodate it. They are also loosening restrictions on recreational exercise, to remove the sily instances of one bloke sat in a field sunbathing/picnicking being fined.

    Its still stay at home save the NHS

    however for some insane reason, we now have stay alert, control the virus, something or other and the Matt Lucas parody statement, which is just all mixed messages and nonsense.

    The main issue i have is NOW we are quarantining travelers coming in to the country, i honestly thought this was already the case and if not why the hell not? i've seen several pundits on tv interviews saying that many countries already did this at the start and that helps control the virus and that our government seems to have gone the other way and is doing it at the end to prevent a second wave. With nobody really having an explanation why it just couldn't have been in place from the start to the end.

    Its like they've panicked over how well other countries have done, how bad we've done and how we at some point need to reopen our economy roughly in line with others to avoid an utter depression post brexit and just gone with the fuck it approach let the people leak out of lockdown and we can blame it on them when it goes tits up

    The new logo is yellow. I don't drive but I know that for some green = go, yellow/amber = green and red = don't go yet and this has already filtered down to the general public about this virus and social distancing seems to have been lost on some already and the new rules don't come into effect until Wednesday.

    Regarding quaranting travellers to the UK that currently isn't the case from what I've read. The government said that new measures regarding people coming into the UK will not come into force on Wednesday 13th May and that the government will set out new measures in due course. 'The scientific advice shows that when domestic transmission is high, cases from abroad represent a small amount of the overall total and make no significant difference to the epidemic'.(https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do)

    If that is the case that travellers to the UK represent no significant difference to the epidemic why are you introducing new measures then? The government however does go into why they are introducing new measures but they should have been stricker to begin with.

    I just hope that once we have reached the next stage in all of this the PM fully consults with other parts of the UK and goes through the new measures so that there is zero ambiguity including the next slogan. Fingers crossed! 

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  2. 2 hours ago, killthenet said:

    I just worry that for the UK specifically it is premature to start easing restrictions, the government have been saying since the start that we are at least two weeks behind places like Italy so surely we should be waiting another week or two before announcing any changes.

    I worry that the rate of infection will spike, that people who are confused by the reports in today's papers will go overboard during the weekend and put themselves at risk. Obviously the restrictions need to be relaxed at some point but the government seem to be flying by the seat of their pants - they have no idea what the best course of action is. Hell, if they'd locked down the UK the same day as Italy I'm sure thousands of lives would have been saved, their whole approach has been a mess.

    At the beginning, the UK government might have been thinking about creating a herd immunity idea and then moved towards a lockdown instead which delayed things.

  3. On 5/5/2020 at 12:21 PM, drahkon said:

    Lots of stores are re-opening again in Germany. Hair salons, too.
    Restaurants, hotels, etc. set to re-open throughout May in some federal states.

    Schools have opened again.

    Bundesliga will probably continue on May 15th.

    Infection rates are low.

    Good news all around here. I do, however, think that we'll get hit with a second wave. And I also think that there's nothing we can do until a vaccine has been developed.
    The balance we have in Germany right now is acceptable, though.

    I'm still doing my part but I will most likely visit my best friends again, starting next week. However, not in groups. Just one-on-one meetings.

    I spoke to a friend of mine in Germany last night and they said a similar thing about the situation lifting again. I agree that there is nothing we can do until a vaccine has been developed.

    Personally I believe that using face masks more (even home made ones) in addition to hand washing, social distancing... will help slow things down until some kind of vaccine can be found despite some 'experts' who say they are a waste of time or that people are not intelligent enough to properly wear one. 


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  4. The bottom line is business is business and politics comes second. According to the WHO (don't mention ROC) Italy has a higher number of COVID-19 cases than China. :confused: Something doesn't seem right here.

    Something has to change through all of this but I wonder if it will. The UK still imports about half of it's food from overseas and yet about 1/3 of all food bought at supermarkets is thrown away. The UK depends too much on importing food and other things from various parts of the world. If you want to buy a face mask it's probably better to make one yourself than wait a month to get one from half way around the world. Being more self reliant as a country isn't about resurrecting nationalism but successive governments have allowed us to be far too reliant on others because it was cheaper and more expedient to do so.

    I know quite a few East Asian people and a few of them have had some issues from other people because of all this mess. It's not their fault (look higher up) and the blame must not be put on them. I won't get on the China bashing train.

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  5. When I think of Adam and Joe I always remember Adam's Baaddad or the Star Wars stuff they did plus this sketch for some reason -

    I've got a backlog of DVD's and games to go through but when this does blow over I will be getting a Switch (finances allowing). Also I'm trying to resurrect my Japanese skills and go on Wii Fit/U again.



  6. 20 hours ago, MindFreak said:

    Here in Denmark, people panic bought stuff on the first couple of days after the government had shut down the country but after a couple of days, the shops had replenished their stocks and now only a few things are genuinely sold out. I hope for you guys that something like that also happens! 

    But yeah, buying huge amounts of fresh food (millk for instance) is just a waste of food as no-one can eat it / drink it while it's fresh anyways. I also saw a photo on Facebook where someone had bought 100 cans of baby powdered milk... That's basically more of a year's supply and that's just mind-boggling and stupid beyond belief. 

    Things like bread and milk can be frozen for a while so that might explain why some people are going nuts on things like milk but the 100 cans of baby milk I don't get. I'm glad that the situation in Denmark in terms of food shopping has improved but I don't see this so far in the UK especially in terms of 'locusts'.


  7. It amazing to see how things have changed over a short period of time and you get to see the value of some people in all of this. The toilet roll thing is crazy and took me several days to track down a small pack of which I gave some away. I have some old newspapers regardless. Since I don't have a car, I have to like others here go back and forth with smaller amounts of shopping but have had to buy stuff that others didn't want and 'kindly' left on the shelves. 

    Good luck everyone! We will get through this!

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  8. 10 hours ago, S.C.G said:

    No one is getting banned... :p N-Europe forum membership isn't what it used to be, we need all the members we can get. ;)

    In all seriousness though, my thoughts are much the same as they were over three and a half years ago...

    Admittedly, quite a lot (or not a lot depending on how you view it) has changed since then but both the forums and N-Europe are still the same great places. :peace:

    A great place sure but it's moving towards an echo chamber in some places. Sorry to say.

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  9. Saw this film very recently and went into the cinema with low expectations mainly because I had heard a lot about this film already largely from YouTube videos. I knew the basic plot and what a lot of people had said about the film but I left the cinema thinking the film was okay and better than I had expected.

    I personally think the previous film (The Last Jedi) did some damage to the overall thread of the newer Star Wars saga and had JJ. Abrams been involved in all three films we would have seen a more coherent direction. I don't hate The Last Jedi but it did undo a lot of good intent The Force Awakens had set up.

  10. Merry Christmas everyone! Although it's Boxing Day here it's still Christmas until early January. Christmas Day was spent with family and it was quiet but over all too quickly. I'm already back at work but hope to get a few days off after the New Year. I'm still quite old skool when it comes to sending Christmas cards and the whole thing sometimes gets too much although I do like sending them off. I have some New Year cards to send out including New Year cards to Japan and then I can finally relax and play some video games.

    Best wishes to everyone at this time and of course for 2020!

    • Thanks 2
  11. Previously a Liberal Democrat voter then moved to voting Labour back in 2015 and again in 2017. I can not vote in good faith to either party anymore. Politics and the media now have become echo chambers with most people clueless/hostile towards others who have different ideas or views. People talk, are quick to judge but fail to listen. I will probably vote for an independent (aligned to no party) this time. 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

    Mario Kart, duh! It's already aiming to get every accessory in there somehow.

    Sure but I guess I should have said I would like to see third party developers maybe use this in some games or least allow the option to use it.

  13. On 9/12/2019 at 11:21 PM, Jimbob said:

    Not sure what to think.  The concept is good, and it'll attract the audience it's aimed at.

    But please, please, please.  Don't make videos like this again Nintendo, or use the most QVC esq hosts you could find.



    As someone who is still using Wii Fit U, I'm glad that Nintendo is going to continue this line of games at least in a spiritual successor way more than how Switch Boxing did. Hopefully the ring attachment will be used in other games perhaps. Not sure how at the moment though.

  14. 13 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    I would love to have seen what content they would be producing if the Switch wasn't a success. They've all latched on to the hot product and are just constantly churning out random top 10 videos. Did these guys do anything to help push the Wii U when that was around because I can't remember seeing them covering that at all.

    I also hate the videos they do where they randomly spend hundreds of dollars on a mystery box of games on eBay and then open it on camera. 

    It annoys the hell out of me that YouTube recommends me such videos but because I don't have an actual account I can't block them from popping up. :mad:

    Sadly, this is the state of the gaming scene, where click bait titles and stupid reaction shot thumb nails are the order of the day, while well produced and thought out gaming videos don't get the credit or views they deserve.

    Part of the problem is YouTube itself, it's ethos, it's attitude to content creators, it's algorithm and it's almost complete lack of communication skills. If you log into YouTube (and 90% of the time I don't) you still get videos pop up that I don't want to watch (having an account does not really change things much) and I'm getting to the point where I can remember the grammarly advert in my sleep. A lot of independent content creators have to create something that is going to attract attention, get the YouTube algorithm to notice it and eventually burn themselves out in the process. Channels like 'The Daily Show', 'Team Coco', 'The Late Show',.. I know are very popular but I have no interest in them but YouTube will promote them even though they are already very popular in America. The days of 'broadcast yourself' are completely over, welcome to the machine.

    During the Wii U era part of the issue was Nintendo as well with it's odd 'Partners Program' which thankfully they have dropped but still you get YouTube channels saying things like '5 reasons why the Wii U sucks' and then '5 reasons why you should buy a Wii U in 201X', 'I bought a Wii U in 2019, Why?'... I even saw a Wii U video made in 2015 where the creator just changed the title to 2019 because they knew people would watch it more. Decent well made videos are out there but you will need more time to find them. I normally just ignore YouTube's home screen now and just use the search function.

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  15. On 7/18/2019 at 5:41 PM, Dcubed said:

    The original people who made Monkey Ball have no interest in returning to the series, and the ones who are still left at SEGA are happy making Yakuza games and Yakuza spinoffs instead.


    I don't think they've got what it takes to make a new Monkey Ball game like the originals anymore.  The talent and skillset just isn't there anymore.  It's a shame; the best we could hope for is a HD remaster of the first two games.

    Former head of Amusement Visions and producer of Monkey Ball/Super Monkey Ball, Toshihiro Nagoshi is still at SEGA. He has been behind many of the Super Monkey Ball games including Banana Blitz however he is also behind the Yakuza series as well.

    Regarding an HD remaster of the first two games, I think a remaster of Super Monkey Ball Deluxe for the original Xbox is worth it.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 22 hours ago, Ike said:

    Saw this interesting article on how an interview or tweet gets mistranslated and it spreads like wildfire without anyone actually checking the original source themselves.


    Good read. Actually this just came up recently with the news about the remake of Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz. Someone had translated incorrectly the original source in Japanese and it got relayed in English that an HD version of Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz was coming out plus a new Super Monkey Ball game as well. There's been a bit of back-peddling on reddit because of the mis-translation by at least one user. As a side note, I would be careful with google/bing and any other machine translators. They can give fair results but it's never perfect and it would be stupid to trust them all of the time.

  17. I'm clearly in the minority here but I thought Banana Blitz on the Wii was good and it was certainly an improvement on Super Monkey Ball Adventures, Touch and Roll and what came after with Step and Roll. However a new monkey ball game close to the first two games style is really what is needed here rather than SEGA looking at older games and HDing them.


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  18. On 7/8/2019 at 5:33 AM, MindFreak said:

    People are complainging about the lack of Mushu in the trailer. It's odd to leave him out of it, I agree, but I expect the next trailer to include him.

    But yeah, it does actually look a like a good movie.

    I saw the 2009 Mulan film in Mandarin and I thought that one was okay but this one just look generic and aimed mainly at a western audience. I might give this one a miss.

    If anyone is interested in reading - https://www.hypable.com/chinese-mulan-2009-jingle-ma-disney-tips/

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