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  1. I think it is cruel to keep one fish on its own in a tiny little bowl, even if the fish don't know much about it. All fish deserve a decent amount of room, generally the more space the better I suppose! About the 3 second thing, I agree that isn't right because my mum has some fish and everytime she walks up to the tank all of the fish swim to the top waiting for food so they must remember that if someone goes up to the tank they are going to get fed.
  2. White, black and silver are all under consideration at the moment, but of course it depends on what they finally release!
  3. I'm not really excited about it, I do get excited when there's some info and I am interested and still think that I'll get one but not in an over the top kinda way. Some screens or even more game info would get me more hyped but inbetween all of these little snipets of info it goes all quiet and gradually the excitement drains away again. Not like earlier in the year when there was lots more speculation. Nintendo should probably try to get some info out there after the 360 launch but before Christmas.
  4. Exact same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, took me ages to figure out what to do to get it back to normal, I found out by accident in the end but that is what I did!
  5. Sent me the wrong thing once, wasn't too happy but I've had the wrong thing from Gameplay and had to wait ages with Amazon too so it probably wouldn't stop me buying from them again.
  6. $99? I know, even better idea, give it away! Seriously, there is no way Nintendo could sell if for $99, first it would be too much of a loss for them, second it sounds, exactly it would be, cheap, and cheap = rubbish, low quality. £150 certainly sounds better to me, but up to £200 would probably be OK too. They may go somewhere inbetween like £179?
  7. I really want to go and see this! Always loved Wallace and Gromit, the stories, the style and the way Gromit never talks! I'm sure it will be an amazing, sorry, 'cracking' film!
  8. Is it iTunes version 5.0 as Apple have been having some problems with the Windows version?
  9. Perhaps Sony and Microsoft won't copy the Revolution controller at all. If this does 'Revolutionise' the video games industry it may give each of the console makers a chance to go three seperate ways which vary much more than they do now. Mind, its probably only Nintendo who would bother!
  10. So we are saying Gyration's 3-D mouse thing works differently to the Revolution controller?
  11. Isn't Gyration Inc. the company which Nintendo invested in a few years ago?
  12. Nothing like I expected but I do actually like it! I think Zelda could work very well with it and be very fun. I hope we get some great third party games too! The only thing is I don't see is it attracting a huge amount of new players to the industry, now people are going to get confused between standard controllers with the PS3 and 360 and this new type of controller with Revolution.
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