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About Surly

  • Birthday 02/19/1991

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Other Systems Owned
    Dreamcast, MegaDrive, Xbox
  • Favourite Game?
    Skies Of Arcadia
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    5064 4136 8705 4291
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Smash Bros Brawl: 2922 0529 6195
    Mario Kart Wii: 4124 5135 3603
    The Conduit: 2750 9554 5653

    PM me when adding etc.

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Picked this up. It's all pretty confusing at first, but slowly getting the hang of it. Just killed the Great Jaggi offline, tried to get online and meet my friend. Was greeted with a plethera of error messages trying to warp to each other and after 30 minutes, just gave up. So far, online is dissapointing...
  2. Well i've now noticed that the 22.80 copy is not from Amazon themselves and the postage is £5.00! So I had a look on ebay, there are a lot of cheap buy it now copies. Check it out if you're interested. Just got a copy for £24.
  3. The price drop commences! The Conduit is £22.80 on Amazon UK now. Wii Speak is £9.99 on Play.com now. So i'll be buying that today!
  4. I got this message the other day, although after turning it back on, there is no difference. My saves are all there etc. Any experience this before?
  5. I totally feel your pain. It may have been discussed already but the new Nintendo Cards in shops are £20 for 2000 points! So that limits us even more!
  6. Total People who definitely will buy the Conduit (assuming it is quality): 8 Total People who definitely will buy (or have bought) MadWorld: 4
  7. Surly


    That really does look fantastic. The only thing holding this game back for me, is that it could get pretty repetitive. Looking forward to some more previews.
  8. Surly


    That's where I stopped for a good few months actually. The bit where you met that girl at Sasa Sanctuary and had to do a HUGE 2D dig. Really frustrating. So glad I picked it back up again though and recently finished it. Loved it to pieces.
  9. Officially, the end boss can go fuck himself. I can't figure out why it's giving me so much trouble!!
  10. Don't worry. My friend had stars that he let me turn into points on his account and then I used the points on MY wii, not his. It didn't give me any trouble.
  11. I'm with you guys. I'd be very gutted if this never saw a PAL release.
  12. Is this ever gonna get a EU release date? I'm guessing half of you are all gonna be importing it...
  13. Those screens remind me of a game called Cosmic Smash that was released for the Dreamcast very very late in it's life. Another one to watch.
  14. Totally agree. A lot of the games in the montage really did look fantastic. Really liked the style of this, those little red flashes, of what i'm assuming is blood, just looked lovely! I actually forgot about the conference today until about 3pm. Very happy with what I discovered!
  15. That video footage looked properly tasty. I've never played the original on VC, but I honestly can't wait for this.
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