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Everything posted by Diageo

  1. DS/DSi General Discussion

    ok thx. So what's the battery life like on this thing? And is the charger different to the ds lite one?
  2. Swine Flu Vs Will Smith And His Dog

    i'd say aviaire is avian...
  3. DS/DSi General Discussion

    Wow, I wasn't screaming at him or giving out to him. Chill out jeezus, it's not like I told him to fuck off, i just said it didn't answer my question. Thanks anyway nintenchris for trying, wasn't trying to annoy you. @rez Do i have to put a smiley face at the end of everything so you know I'm not serious. It's the internet, you don't have to take everything so personally. And saying "don't help him" isn't being rude? Your just being a hypocrite there.
  4. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    which part is tricky?
  5. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    Hey I've been making a level for a while and putting a lot off effort into it and I need some feedback. It's about halfway done. Can ppl check it out? Its called Subway Beta. Now it is locked because I don't want everyone playing it before its finished, so here's how you get the key: Go to my first ever level "Forbidden Temple", and as soon as it starts jump to the left behind the big wooden head and you will get it. Thx in advance
  6. DS/DSi General Discussion

    That doesn't really answer my question now does it...
  7. DS/DSi General Discussion

    Does Asda deliver to ireland? Republic that is.
  8. DS/DSi General Discussion

    What would be the cheapest place to get a DSi?
  9. Tales Of Vesperia

    No one did say Wii was an RPG machine. This doesn't mean though that all Wii RPG's are bad. There are plenty of good ones out now and upcoming. MH3, Dragon Quest etc.
  10. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    I don't see the appeal in Katamari either. I'd like a proper JRPG right now! havent played one in years!
  11. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

    Thats a good looking crocodile! Not something I say everyday
  12. Tales Of Vesperia

    ToS definitely doesn't, it has pointer as optional and thats it. Monster Hunter 3 looks great with amazing graphics and can't go on PSP, controls have come from the PSP so that people who played it there can get straight in. And it was made for a console first anyway. How can you know the games I have mentioned are not well made? They're not even out yet here.
  13. Tales Of Vesperia

    There's plenty of Wii games that don't have waggle. It's really easy to get excited about Wii RPG's, at least I am. Monster Hunter 3, Tales of Graces, Tales of Symphonia: DotNW, Arc Rise Fantasia. Monster Hunter 3 and ToS: DotNW have no waggle at all.
  14. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

    Why do they keep changing the way leon looks? he looked fine in resi 4!
  15. MadWorld

    But he complains about minor faults for the sake of complaining and some entertainment. That is in no way a good way to review games. I don't take his reviews seriously because of this. His analogies though are funny.
  16. Monster Hunter Tri

    But with a big giant sword like that, it looks stupid if they dont, even a little. With weaker weapons I'd understand but one that takes that long to attack with, it seems reasonable.
  17. Monster Hunter Tri

    The monsters don't even flinch, thats annoying.
  18. The Conduit

    Well it's better than I expected it to be
  19. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    add me on psn will u chris and then we can try to get things going

    Sometimes my internet works fine and sometimes it works, it keeps saying DNS error and it works for some websites and not for others... HELP

    I don't use the wireless on my PC. Its all wired. I don't know whats wrong with it, it works on everything except my computer!
  22. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

    I didn't really like umbrella chronicles, its very playable but its boring.
  23. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    They're actual objects like materials, costumes, stickers etc. We should really have a 4 player bash. I'll be on tonight if anyone wants to try?
  24. The Conduit

    why doesnt everything else have that?