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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. Playstation Discussion Archive

    I bet that guy was popular in high school:heh: Nice! Sexiness
  2. Trusted Platform Module.

    I dont' want you blaming me if something goes wrong cause I just glanced through that Wiki page. But if it only has to do with BitLocker and you have no plans on using BitLocker then yes delete it if you wish. Strange I have BitLocker but no Trusted Platform Module thingy, or that I know of anyways...
  3. Install Windows Vista on 2 PC's?

    I know with XP you could install it using the same serial twice... oem crack ftw
  4. Trusted Platform Module.

  5. Trusted Platform Module.

    I just skimmed over and I saw that Vista uses it as a part of BitLocker.
  6. Your Favourite Breakfast Cereal

    Cinnamon Life Cereal. Is the best cereal ever invented. Or on the odd day here and there Rice Krispies. (Regular)
  7. The Perfect Keyboard

    Mmm so many sexy keyboards. *drools*
  8. Post your desktop (56k time to Panic!)

    Meh got real tired of XP real quick so fresh install of Vista for me:) *Awaits a comment from Takeo*
  9. What type of chocolate do you like?

    Anything cept Dark Chocolate, can't stand the stuff.
  10. Post Your Purchases

    Wow, that looks so good. I finally pre-ordered Halo 3 today.
  11. Thats alright, I already do take it out... I won't be ordering one till a nice protective case comes out though.
  12. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    If he does then whatever, he should of payed better attention to what he was bidding. I know I messed up when I use to buy Pokemon cards on eBay years and years ago. But I had to deal. As long as it says clearly and the picture is clear what the auction is about, then its his fault.
  13. Naruto: Rise of a Ninja

    Wow, I sure hope I have some money around the release date... I thought I heard somewhere that it comes out in October in the US? I can't wait!
  14. Vista Thread

    I'm officially fed up with Vista. 1st. It won't let me play AoE III. 2nd It deactivates and still has not reactivated. And now it won't let me play Diablo 2 LoD! I'm loading XP MCE within hours, god so annoying.
  15. Paper Mario Thread.

    Yay level 27, off to the Ice place.
  16. Sony Vaio Laptops.

    Whoa Caris why aren't you a staff member no more? Your name looks empty without green. But for Sony laptops, if you ignore the price, they look damned good. They have very high quality portable laptops. Didn't you just buy an Apple computer or something?
  17. Banned Users

    People are referring to demonmike04 whom did get banned. Emasher it almost seems like your stirring up more trouble.
  18. Banned Users

    My bets are now on demonmike was "Fresher".
  19. Banned Users

    Who was "Fresher than Fresh"?
  20. Post Your Purchases

    Are you pretty satisified with it? My currently mobo, Asus P5AD2-E, sucks something awful with Vista. So I really needed a new mobo. And the upgrade to a Intel Core 2 Duo from a P4 should make a huge difference?
  21. Post Your Purchases

    You pre-ordered all of those!?!?! o.O wow *jealous* Latest Purchases: ASUS P5N32-E NVIDIA nForce 680i mobo Intel E6550 Core 2 Duo CPU
  22. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Got Resistance in, pretty fun game, but the online is awesome! Mainly because with xbl I have extreme lag, but I have absolutely no lag with Resistance online! Ps3 gets props from me!
  23. Banned Users

    Wow I sure missed a lot o.O This is one heated thread... My assumption of this thread so far: Done way more bad than good, but highly entertaining!
  24. Vista Thread

    Anyone have their WGA problem fixed yet?