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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. It was awesome from Day 1, but people are sheep.
  2. Yeah, I keep changing mine depending on how many pieces of a set I get. At the moment I've got...
  3. Did you change your clothes recently? I had bad luck ever since wearing the sunglasses I got from the Summer Solstice and various t-shirts. Changed back into my denim shirt/Link's hat and was fine.
  4. @Ronnie, it's really the huge beetles on the coconut trees that are worth a lot of money. Personally, I try to get 5-10 sharks and the rest beetles every time, although I haven't cut down the trees in the middle. So yeah, that's it for June! I did get every Fish, Bug and Diving item that disappears, although some of them are back in a few months. My villagers probably think I'm selfish because I've just ordered the final room in my house, yet have only carried-out two Public Works! See, I really want a different type of bridge for my 3rd, but still have only two types to choose from. I suppose I could do the smaller projects like benches and signs, but I want to focus on more functional things first.
  5. It's yours. But seriously, how do I take it down? I haven't got any Common Walls to replace it with. I don't mind having a bare wall, I just don't know how to do it.
  6. You can have it, mate, because you like Dragon Quest VIII. I'll drop it round when I can work out how to get it off my wall.
  7. Mighty Switch Force 2 Review Completed this last night. The first thing I want to say is that Mighty Switch Force 2 is a fantastic game. At first, I had difficulty getting to grips with the hose, but once you've mastered it, it's clear this sequel is even better than the original. Like the first game, it is a mix of platforming and puzzles, largely centred around phasing blocks in and out. Not surprisingly, Standard blocks are back, as are the reflex-testing Cannon blocks. These are just as much fun as before, but thankfully the levels that focus on them are tighter and less baffling. Also back are the dreaded Lock blocks. If they weren't complicated enough for you first time around, there are now three colours to manage, as well as Water Channel blocks to spray your hose into. Although this might initially seem like an overcomplication, it is satisfying when you work out which ones need to be activated together, and which kept separate. Entirely new to Mighty Switch Force 2 are the Furnace blocks, which re-ignite after a short period of time. These force you to think and act quickly, but once you've mastered them, the level design in general is an improvement upon the first game. I don't know if it's just my imagination, but the jumping also felt easier. There are still some difficult jumps, but most of them seemed more forgiving. If I had to sum up Mighty Switch Force 2 in a phrase, it'd be "Hard to master, great once you're used to it". It all culminates in a more enjoyable Stage 16 than the first game, with a moment that is more "Metroid" than any real Metroid has managed since Metroid Fusion. There are moments, like Patricia Wagon's victory dance, that show an enormous joie de vivre. Simply completing all 16 stages unlocks something, as does rescuing every Secret Baby (Stage 9's is very sneaky). One is useful, the other is cosmetic, but they both make the game much more enjoyable to play (and encourage you to go for the Par times). Quite simply, Mighty Switch Force 1 & 2 are the two best games specially designed for the 3DS's eShop. I can't help but think WayForward is the best developer in the world, as they never make mistakes with graphics, sound, controls or overall tone. I love the fact that they don't make their games look 8-bit. Instead, they look and play as though 2D games kept the same spirit, but just kept getting better and better. Speaking of music, after some thorough listening, I consider Jake Kaufman's new soundtrack to be even better than the original's, especially a particularly good Dubstep number and an excellent song on the end credits. Matt Bozon has hinted that he might make a Patricia Wagon game that is all-action (presumably without puzzles). All I can say is "Yes please!" Whether it would be like Metroid, Contra or Mega Man, who knows, but I am eager for more Patricia Wagon! 9/10
  8. I got Princess Peach's parasol! Bumped into Sahara and asked for my house to be redecorated. Was quite surprised that he/she replaced my Palace Floor and Palace Wall with Sci-Fi Wall plus Exotic Carpet. Thought it'd be something that matched.
  9. It really wouldn't trivialise it. I carry my 3DS with me when I can, but most of the time it's not convenient. Most of what I do is too active/kinetic to have my 3DS on me - the last thing I want to do at the end of a hard day is go out again just to get the coins. As such, my Puzzles are sitting there uncompleted, and they never will be. Maybe your lifestyle can fit it in, but try and understand those who can't.
  10. Wii U Wind Waker HD - Remake or not, Wind Waker is Zelda done right. 3DS Etrian Odyssey IV or (if it's out) Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - I believe Etrian Odyssey IV is out this year. If not, oh well. I'm just not that excited about any other 3DS games.
  11. I think it's time for Nintendo to lift the 10-coins-per-day limit. It just doesn't make sense now there are so many things to spend them on.
  12. Not sure if the music is as good, to be honest, although I'd say it's the same tier of quality. Some of the tunes are remixes. The thing that's bugging me at the moment is the difficulty. The combination of hose + fire means you need to be much quicker on your feet and think faster too.
  13. I would go Mercenary, then Hero. That way he'll eventually be able to use axes and swords, and also have great skills. Can't remember if you can turn Fighters into Heroes. As D-prOdigy says, get them all to Level 20 before you re-class. Apparently, the game keeps track of how many times you've re-classed, and that eventually slows down your levelling, but getting someone to Level 20 within a specific class won't slow it down any more than if you only got them to Level 10. Normal/Newcomer is so much more enjoyable than Hard/Classic, in my opinion.
  14. Sorry about this, I meant 2x2, not 4x4.
  15. Is it better at teaching you, or is it just that you're more used to it now? I didn't understand the first demo at all.
  16. Yeah, it becomes much easier to collect the wallpaper and flooring you want, thankfully.
  17. Anyone else downloaded this today? I've done the first seven stages, at which point it becomes quite challenging. I've stood still a few times trying to work out the puzzles, which activates Patricia's "idle" animation! (Did she have one in the original? I don't remember that.) Like Super Mario Sunshine, the hose can be used at different pressures. Of course, there are no analogue buttons, so it's determined by how fast you tap (or hold it down). For example, you'd just tap the button lightly if there's a fire right in front of you. When I play a WayForward game I'm in another world, and this is no different. Fantastic visual style, character design and another stunning soundtrack by Jake Kaufman! Well worth £5.
  18. It's a flea. Swing your net at it!
  19. The Club Tortimer membership is always on the right-hand side of the desk, even after you've joined. Every day you can buy things from the Sea Captain's mother-in-law. There is a desk in front of her with three things, and a large (sometimes 2x2) object to the side. I'm not sure why I joined Club Tortimer, as I don't really play online and it just adds extra dialogue when you set sail!
  20. 1. Dragon Quest VIII (10/10) I've said so much about this over the years. All I'll add today is that I've still not played anything as good, with as much charm or even as technically-impressive. What a shame. Everyone at Square-Enix should be made to play this whilst an audio tape repeats "This is how you do it! This is how you do it!" over and over again. 2. Dragon Quest IX (9/10) The reason this is here instead of DQ V is that VIII does what V does, but even better (for the most part). Considering it doesn't excel in graphics, music, story, tone or atmosphere; and that it's entirely without well-written characters in your party (after all, you create them), in many ways it's not a great Dragon Quest. However, it is a great experience in its own right and, going by how much we enjoyed it on this forum, oddly social. I don't want Dragon Quest to always be like IX, but I wouldn't mind if it was the template for a handheld sub-series. 3. Etrian Odyssey (9/10) I might not have enjoyed this a great deal before I became used to character customisation in RPGs, but Etrian Odyssey remains the only game that has given me the feeling of going deeper and deeper into a labyrinth. Add to that amazing music, hand-drawn enemies and intense gameplay, and you have a winner. The tactics have to be so... precise, by the time you've completed the post-game, it gives you the feeling that you have totally mastered it.
  21. So, now I've played the four I was interested in (the other four weren't really in the equation)... Luigi's Mansion 2 Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Fire Emblem: Awakening Animal Crossing: New Leaf ...for me, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing were the two 10/10 ones - the two best games on the 3DS, even. I'd be perfectly happy to have Fire Emblem as my downloadable game, but I'm glad I went for Animal Crossing.
  22. What, Mermaid and Cabana? The tropical island. I go there every day just to see what's available (and the songs!)
  23. I'm just collecting the Mermaid and Cabana stuff because it's easy to buy! The Mermaid Floor is great! I do a lot of Scavenger Tours (easy way to earn Medals), so I've seen a lot of the other sets. Sleek looks fantastic, so I hope to find pieces from that set.
  24. Well, IV just seemed a bit simple to me at the time, especially without Party Talk. VI is sprawling, but had a powerful story here and there. Plus it had changeable classes/vocations. To be honest, I could swap IV and VI around depending on what mood I'm in. I'm glad VIII and V are considered the best though. IX is also in my Top 3. I can't say the story or atmosphere were anything special, but I just had so much fun with it.
  25. I always send a letter the day before. However, I think they prefer a visit on the actual day. Take a present too, as they appreciate it!
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