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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Yep, that is good thinking. Maybe the NX is a handheld and the characters have been newly-rendered for that. Personally, I think the next Animal Crossing will work across both handheld and console.
  2. Nintendo Directs just feel like a hard sell nowadays - amiibo figures, amiibo cards, DLC... I know some people love it but it just doesn't do anything for me.
  3. So we get the ponytail version of Azure Striker Gunvolt? Nice.
  4. Yep, I thought Incidents 13 and 14 were the hardest, with 15 and 16 being nicely easy. : peace: What makes it difficult is juggling three colours plus other blocks. In the original, you had Red, Blue and Standard, whereas in this you have Red, Green, Blue and Standard - one too many, in my opinion. Great game though, and I love the pixel graphics much more than the hand-drawn HD version (as nice as that is).
  5. Hoping to see: Azure Striker Gunvolt Risky's Revenge: Director's Cut Dragon Quest VII However, it'll probably be: Splatoon Yoshi Kirby Zelda delay was an April Fool
  6. Nice one for giving them a go, H-o-T. : peace: Did you even find the Hyper levels easy?
  7. It's been quite a lot longer for me - I must say, I'm no faster at it. I keep wanting to post moments from the game on Miiverse.
  8. Yeah, I'd definitely get one too! People only get annoyed by these things if they are mandatory and have a detrimental effect on the console itself - hypothetically, the NX only being as powerful as the Wii U because it has VR. It's not that people are stuck in their ways just that (in my opinion), they would rather pay for the VR headset separately.
  9. VR isn't necessarily a gimmick, but it's so expensive, power-hungry and problematic in other ways, my personal opinion is that it should remain a completely optional add-on/peripheral for the foreseeable future. I think a lot of us just want a traditional pad on a powerful machine that plays Nintendo games and (ideally) some of the wider industry's as well.
  10. This one turned up on my Mii Plaza a few weeks ago! I thought I recognised you.
  11. If it's a home console, I just want it powerful and straightforward. A traditional controller that you can plug in via USB, with the console itself at least having a chance of playing multiplatform games. If it's a handheld, then I'd also want it traditional. 3DS was pretty much perfect for me, although I wouldn't mind if it only had one, high-res screen. In either case, I don't want the machine to be defined by an expensive gimmick (sorry if that word offends anyone - it's not meant to) because a) it adds huge expense and b) it encourages the average person to say "Why would I buy that? I'm not interested in 3D." or "Why would I want the Wii U? I've already got a Wii." By insisting on having different hardware, Nintendo is forgetting its own games (and services like Miiverse and StreetPass) are good enough to define its machines. Everyone I know who showed any interest in the Wii U did so because of Mario 3D World and the upcoming Zelda game. Never was any interest based on how each game used the GamePad. Anyway, my point is not to bash the Wii U (nice machine, I quite like it), just to emphasise why people get excited by games in the first place - it's the thought of playing something enthralling (like Zelda, Dragon Quest etc) on hardware that'll allow it to be as enthralling as possible.
  12. Always wanted to play this, so hopefully will now get a chance.
  13. I see where you're coming from here. Personally, the Wii U's graphical capabilities have wowed me far more than I expected. But for me, the ultimate console would be one where I could play via a tradition pad with analogue triggers (not that Zelda has ever used them, but still...), which I could plug in via USB. The console would also give me the option to turn off the internet connection if I wanted to. Alternatively, I'd absolutely love to play the ultimate Zelda on a handheld, considering how good handhelds are getting. But it would have to be a handheld that gave the user as many options as the 3DS, rather than the Wii U's "do it my way" approach.
  14. Personally, I hope the NX is a handheld, but it could be a very powerful one. When you look at how advanced Vita was - released 2011/2012 - and the fact that Wii U is from late 2012, it's quite possible that, by 2016, handheld technology might be able to somewhat resemble the latter. Even if it has to run at 480p, I don't think it's inconceivable that there would be an NX version of Zelda Wii U. I think Nintendo's shareholders/board must have said "You've spent all that money making Zelda for a console where people don't buy the games?" (I know I'm putting it crudely, but that's the gist of it). Then Nintendo must have looked at the Skyward Sword situation and how that worked out for them, business-wise, compared to the Twilight Princess situation and made the leap.
  15. That's an excellent point. The idea that they didn't have the whole game concept mapped out is ridiculous. Yeah, if they don't show it at E3, it's because they don't want to show it again as a Wii U game. It'll probably next turn up at E3 2016 as an NX game (with a small statement afterwards along the lines of: "Wii U version will be released one week after the NX version").
  16. On the assumption that this isn't a (rubbish) April Fool... Look, I respect Aonuma and don't really care if the game is delayed, but let's not kid ourselves - this is its "Twilight Princess" moment. The idea that the scope of the game has surprised them is ridiculous. It was as obvious as could be that it was a huge game and going to takes ages to develop... which made the promise of a 2015 release hard to understand in the first place. It's highly unlikely they're going to put all this effort into a huge Zelda game like this and not have a version that'll run on their next piece of hardware - the NX. Let's just hope that - unlike the Wii compared to the GameCube - the NX actually has as many buttons and as much controller capability as the Wii U gamepad (minus the actual controller screen - I can do without that).
  17. I know I'm a Shantae fanboy, but Pirate's Curse really is a great game. If you like Metroidvanias at all, I can't see why you wouldn't enjoy it (although maybe wait until Risky's Revenge: Director's Cut if story is important to you). It has a very light tone, is dramatic at times, and has the funniest script I've ever seen in a game. Furthermore, I can understand where you're coming from regarding the rest of the 3DS's line-up. I love a good RPG, but almost every one on the 3DS is disappointing (exception: Etrian Odyssey IV - that's brilliant).
  18. OK, regarding the NX, the one thing that really surprised me is that this graphic has the PC in it: I understand this is to emphasis that one account will encompass all devices, but to what extent? Considering it's on the left, will it likely only run the smartphone games, or could it run some of the more traditional games as well? It's possible that, this time, Nintendo cares more about getting people as customers (with a Nintendo account), rather than sales of any particular hardware. The other thing is, considering the NX may have to "absorb" the Wii U and 3DS architecture, is it possible Nintendo might use PC architecture this time? And considering they say they will show this next year, that suggests a 2017 release (3DS shown 2010, released 2011). Anyone else think it's far more likely this is a handheld than a home console? If so, would that be feasible with PC architecture yet? I think it might be the first (and weakest) machine in their new ecosystem. Anyway, those are just some thoughts about the possibilities.
  19. Yeah, it seemed more arduous than the original, even though I can't remember if it's actually different. Chateau Romani helps a great deal with that fight, because the main frustration is running out of magic power.
  20. Midna is my favourite just for her voice tone. Even now, when I think back to the game, I can hear her voice and the other sound effects of TP.
  21. Some possibilities: 1) Zelda game using the Link Between Worlds engine 2) Metroid (more of a gamer's thing) Perhaps, but there's no better RPG series.
  22. Just to clarify, I didn't mean gimmick in an offensive way - I meant a differentiating factor that is both mandatory and expensive (so not the d-pad, rumble or analogue stick). It's not about what I like either. Personally, I found stereoscopic 3D very thrilling and find the GamePad very useful at times. I purely mean the business model since 2006 that can leave a console looking like a flop if the public don't get excited enough about the novelty to pay the initial price. It's hard to predict which ones will take off or not, but you can see in advance whether it's using this strategy.
  23. OK, thanks chaps. I went for Pikmin Short Movies HD. Should have gone for A Link to the Past, really, but it'd only be upgrading it from the Wii version to Wii U.
  24. I've got a choice between Pikmin Short Movies or a couple of Panorama Views. Is the Rio Carnival one good? By the way, if it's a download code, why do they ask for your physical address?
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