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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. What, really? This is as bad as that time I failed to recruit that character in Dragon Quest VI because I told him he turned into a monster at night. Honesty is the best policy. Regarding progress in general, I'm in a similar place to you. I need to pay off my 2,498,000 loan, which feels a bit too much to power through at the same pace I did the previous ones. I'm also in the process of laying paths in a neat formation, having corners at natural points etc, lining up the horizontal ones with vertical in the right places, and it's dawning on me how expensive it's going to be to move everyone's houses, ramps etc. Annoyingly, I also believe one of my bridges could be one square closer to the estuary, so that's going to be expensive to rectify (and take ages). Personally, I think the best way (if you're not playing online) is to become familiar with the high-value fish and insects. Some of them are significantly more valuable than the others. Fish are a bit of a lottery, but I think it's worth catching these bugs: Peacock Butterfly - 2,500 Paper Kite Butterfly - 1,000 Agrias Butterfly - 3,000 Rajah Brooke's Birdwing - 2,500 Atlas Moth - 3,000 Madagascan Sunset Moth - 2,500 Orchid Mantis - 2,400 Wasp - 2,500 Giant Water Bug - 2,000 Man-faced Stink Bug - 1,000 Tiger Beetle - 1,500 Jewel Beetle - 2,500 Hermit Crab - 1,000 Tarantula - 8,000 https://www.polygon.com/animal-crossing-new-horizons-switch-acnh-guide/2020/3/24/21191276/insect-bug-locations-times-month-day-list-critterpedia I've highlighted the ones I feel have a particularly good effort-to-value ratio once you have the conditions set up. Fish are great as well, but all sizes can be valuable, and you don't know what it is until you've caught it. Also, keep in mind C.J. will pay more for your fish and Flick will pay more for your bugs.
  2. Incredible!!! You don't do things by halves, do you?
  3. Yeah, @Glen-i, as others have said, the Tuna and Blue Marlin just require a pier. Definitely doesn't have to be raining.
  4. Do you get any kind of reward, such as the island being kept free of weeds if you want? I remember that as a reward for something in New Leaf, with the villagers planting flowers on their own as well.
  5. C.J. appeared on my island again yesterday, so I passed on all our comments about the Fishing Tournament. I asked him for a Tuna model, which arrived this morning. Although I'm pleased with it, I've come to the conclusion that the bug models are better because you get to see them on a bigger scale, whereas the fish are much smaller than the real thing.
  6. Woke up this morning to find I had received two things in the post - one was a trophy from the Happy Home Academy. Bronze, so it's not as easy as I thought! The other was a trophy from the fishing tournament - also Bronze, for 100pts. If it carries over, that's fine, but I do think they should have reassured the player of that. I couldn't be bothered to get 300pts yesterday, but some might have done so not knowing it carries over, and that could have lessened enjoyment of the game. Another thing that's annoying me a little bit is how you need to put scenery outdoors to get more than a 3-star island rating. For me, this just clutters things up and I'm hoping I can get 5-star simply by having all the upgraded shops (eventually) and lots of flowers.
  7. The Darner Dragonfly model is great, in my opinion. Glad I went with it.
  8. Yeah, Atlas Moths are great. Some of the butterflies are fantastic, especially Agrias Butterfly and Rajah Brooke's Birdwing.
  9. Flick is on my island today, which is the first time I've seen him. Not sure which bug model to go for - am leaning towards Darner Dragonfly. Looking forward to all the giant beetles in the summer though.
  10. When I saw Max I was really looking forward to seeing him hand drawn, but I'm surprised they're using the classic sprites instead. It's probably because of the people who complained about the graphical style, as if to say "See?!! The new style is better!" As much as I love pixel art, to see the 16-sprites is a surprise. Great news that it'll be out soon.
  11. I saw the credits roll today, and so thought it'd be a good time to gather some thoughts on the game. Of course, it is nowhere near complete, and this is an almost impossible game to properly review with the limited data we have at the moment, but now's as good a time as any. As far as I'm concerned, Animal Crossing is pure magic. I fundamentally love its charm and personality, and the gameplay actually. From the moment I started playing, just after midnight on 20th March, I felt I was in a different world. It’s without doubt the escapism we need right now. It didn’t take long to get back into the habit. Before long I was keeping hold of favourite items to put in my tent, digging up fossils and catching my favourite fish and bugs. I’m a great believer in evolution, not revolution - keeping the feel of what went before and not changing too much. New Horizons does this brilliantly, adding just enough to be different from previous games, but in most ways just being better. I’m not even sure I like the smartphone Tom Nook gives you, with its constant ping of achievements that distract you from whatever else you’re doing, but I can appreciate its satirical comment on modern life. In the early days, I also felt under pressure to obtain iron ore, which seems like the distant past now, and I also wasn’t keen on how much the game deliberately keeps from you at the beginning. It somewhat annoyed me, for example, that there was a time-limited creature such as the Stringfish hidden away up on a clifftop before you could easily and reliably access that place. Everything else is so subtly improved, you probably wouldn’t notice it unless you went back to the 3DS game, at which point you’d long for the Switch’s brilliant textures and draw distance. I do have two criticisms, however, that I haven’t changed my mind on over the past couple of weeks. The first is the breakable tools. I simply do not see the appeal of breakable tools or weapons, and I don’t understand why modern developers feel like it’s something they have to put in games nowadays. I spent hours and hours fishing in New Leaf, and have done in this as well. It’s like meditation. But when a fishing rod breaks it really ruins the “zen” of the moment. Which brings me to my other grumble - crafting. Whilst it’s not difficult to obtain materials and craft items, I agree with others that there should be a faster way of crafting en masse. That said, I do believe Animal Crossing New Horizons will develop greatly over the coming year. It’s intentionally slower paced than New Leaf, as though it wants to keep your interest over a much longer period. For me, the seasonal fish and bugs are enough to do that, but it’s a different approach this time and we just have to go with the flow. At this moment, New Horizons does feel incomplete, which is fine if it’s all coming at some point, but as it stands New Leaf has the better game design from the offset. Whether the rest of the content is hidden within the game now, or will be supplied as DLC, is something I’d be curious to know. I’m particularly keen to obtain the Sleek furniture series, for example, but haven’t seen any hint of it so far, or any of the other classic sets. Achieving Rank A from the Happy Home Academy was surprisingly easy compared to New Leaf, where I remember striving hard to gain full “modern” sets; though a good thing about this is you can choose items that suit your personality rather than worrying about a theme. Whether all this will be in the game eventually is a mystery. Regardless, for now I am happy to spend all night fishing, keep paying my mortgage and return to my abode, which currently has K.K. House blasting out of the stereo. Alas, it is no longer 2013, but I’m happy to be on this ride again.
  12. I know what you mean, but I think this game teaches you to chill and just go with the flow. The game isn't going to restrict your visibility, even if you build something chunkier than you'd like or in the wrong place - it'll just put that fish/fossil somewhere else where you can see it. I'm making all my decisions on the assumption that I'll eventually have enough money to change anything I want. Actually, I've found myself applying this if I miss a fish, or don't get all the Cherry Blossom recipes. I just think "I can get it all eventually". I genuinely think the game encourages calmness and patience.
  13. I haven't needed mine so far. That's not to say there isn't a recipe out there somewhere that will need them, but I've got loads and haven't seen one so far. When you want another bridge you simply pay for it and don't need to craft it.
  14. I did the same (and still have the logs ). But no, you have to wait for Resident Services to upgrade itself before you can build more bridges. I can confirm that it still does! Darn, I love this game.
  15. C.J. is in my town today, which is the first time I've seen him in New Horizons, and I want his partner to make a model of one of my favourite fish. Unfortunately, I didn't keep three Sturgeon, but of the others I'm currently at: Oarfish x2 Marlin x1 Tuna x1 Just some advice to keep three of your favourite fish for when C.J. appears. Plus, I'm hoping complaining on the internet will work its magic!
  16. They do eventually. Hit rocks with your shovel. Hopefully some of them will be iron.
  17. I bought ten this morning and accidentally ate them.
  18. I like that the flightless dodo in charge of aviation is called Orville. Lovely tribute to Keith Harris. Just in case people want to know which fish and insects to catch before April, I found a handy guide : https://www.polygon.com/animal-crossing-new-horizons-switch-acnh-guide/2020/3/25/21194292/march-bugs-fish-insects-critterpedia-leaving-last-chance Bug Emperor Butterfly Flying N/A 4,000 5 p.m. - 8 a.m. Fish Bitterling River Smallest 900 All day Fish Yellow Perch River Medium 300 All day Fish Stringfish River (Clifftop) Largest 15,000 4 p.m. - 9 a.m. Fish Sturgeon River (mouth) Largest 10,000 All day Fish Sea Butterfly Sea Smallest 1,000 All day Fish Football Fish Sea Large 2,500 4 p.m. - 9 a.m.
  19. True, but I think something needs to be done to stop loitering and socialising within the supermarkets. I've seen groups standing around, blocking aisles and having a chat and a laugh. I've also seen groups of children who seem to go in largely for something to do. I reckon they should employ nightclub bouncers, then at least those going in would know they need to behave.
  20. The measures are not even that extreme. They could be much more so, but at least Boris Johnson making such a formal speech might actually get the message home to those who weren't getting it. I'm still very concerned about food shopping though. Can't help thinking there needs to be some sort of spacing/timing rule at the supermarkets. Very difficult, I know, but they must be the riskiest places left, hospitals aside.
  21. They'll probably end up preferring this. Animal Crossing will become an eSport.
  22. That's incredible. Wild World and New Leaf were huge hits on their own.
  23. They've been running away from me, and I didn't even have the net!
  24. Welcome to the club! I never download retail games but I got some free money and just thought "What the heck". Bought loads of eShop credit and downloaded it a few weeks ago. It's the sort of game that you might want to play at any moment. Looking forward to midnight! (We do get to play it at midnight, right?)
  25. I enjoyed it. Not sure whether that's because I'm trying to see the good side of everything in present circumstances, but I enjoyed it! Blue Fire - looked very good, like an N64-style Zelda. Baldo - very nice tone and art style. B.ARK - very colourful and smooth-looking example of the genre. The Last Campfire - looked rather special, at least visually. The Good Life - now this one did catch my attention. I'm intrigued that it's set in an English village. Rainy Woods? Sounds like the sort of place I always frequent! I suppose I haven't paid much attention to these shows over the past couple of years (have been a bit distracted), but it's interesting how "indie" used to translate into very simple, 2D pixel art games, whereas more and more they are becoming full 3D games.
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