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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Oh, by the way, how many times can I use the skill you get at the end of a dungeon? It was a complete surprise to me that I got one.
  2. Like many others, I did the first dungeon last night - 7 days after taking ownership of the Switch! I found it a few days ago, but wanted to fully prepare myself. It's funny, I remember in the past some people saying "Wouldn't it be good if it took you days to find a dungeon?" Well, now it's happened! I greatly enjoyed this dungeon - it was absolute classic Zelda except (I think) taken to the next level. I've always thought HD could offer things on a bigger scale, and the ability to see into the distance. This sort of reminded me of the desert ship (Sand Ship?) in Skyward Sword, but I personally found it a lot more enjoyable.
  3. Just a quick question. When you put an image on Twitter from the Switch, can you embed the image here (ie. the file ending in .jpg), but not the whole Tweet? I suspect it's via right-click and "inspect element", but that's running a bit slowly.
  4. Assuming you've got Sheikah Sensor+, have you tried photographing a Korok and setting it to that? I don't know if it works, but it's the closest thing I can think of to tracking down a seed. Yep, this game is certainly the first time I've considered buying one of those! Great point. The way the game starts, it makes it seem extremely hard, but the more traditional bits seem about right.
  5. Excellent point. I've often used up many weapons just trying to complete a Shrine or get somewhere and, as you say, ended up with much less than I had. I'm very surprised to hear this. How did you know which areas had the dungeons? Did I just not activate the right part of my Sheikah Slate? What bugs me (slightly - I love the game) is that Nintendo used to know what to copy from RPGs, and what to leave out. Thus they became market leaders and made a perfect genre of their own. With Breath of the Wild, it feels like they've taken everything from open world games and bolted it onto Zelda.
  6. Sorry if you didn't want to know. It's hard to know what to put in a spoiler tag, but I probably should have done with that. I much prefer the elemental armour (not that I've really got any yet) to the food, because it's satisfying to have permanent protection. The food gives me that MM-style time-limit panic!
  7. Well done! Did you use any Rubber armour or electro-resistance?
  8. Thanks H-o-T. This is interesting. I've just looked up Arcade Archives, and it's not just Neo Geo games - it has Tecmo, Konami and Data East as well (to name a few). Shame licensing will affect so many of the Konami ones. At the moment, Double Dragon I & II are available (on PS4, I think). As far as Neo Geo goes, Metal Slug 1 and 3 are on there, but not 2. I can't really explain how happy I'd be to have the coin-op versions of Double Dragon, Bad Dudes and Crude Buster on my Switch!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcade_Archives
  9. Oh yeah, that was the one I fancied, actually. Do you have any idea why they've put on 3 before 1 and 2?
  10. Basically, you get all types of download from the eShop - retail games, dedicated eShop games and Virtual Console. Technically, a Virtual Console game could appear any week. It just means a retro Nintendo game emulated to a certain standard, such as the Restore Points that 3DS introduced (or was it Wii U?) Anyway, thanks to londragon for this thread. I've always fancied getting a lot of Neo Geo games, but don't really know which ones to go for. I'm not too tempted by the ones I've seen so far. Are they all 60Hz?
  11. I've got a feeling, and this is in no way meant to pre-empt those who aren't so keen, that this game gets better once you have finished the main story and can just play about in the world getting full completion. I remember when I finished Wind Waker for the first time, I loved it, but it was afterwards that I found myself thinking "This is the best game ever". Just sailing around, filling out the map. Breath of the Wild is so big, it's hard to know which bits are worth exploring for the main story, and which are best left for "post-game". If you 100% explored as you went, the progress for the main game would be far too slow. It is utterly brilliant, but there are times when I just wish I knew its overall form a bit more. Anyway, I really upgraded my gear and strengthened myself last night, so can't wait for the next play session.
  12. When you play it and think of the wages they must have had to pay, it is honestly worth £60. Anyway, glad to hear you've got it now (if I read that correctly?)
  13. I've had similar encounters. When I've been talking about Zelda, they ask me what console it's for. When I say the Switch, I'm met with the excited response "You've got a Switch?!!" Seems it's quite cool. One reason is the advertising, especially for 1-2 Switch. When I saw the advert for that a month or so ago, I had a feeling it would hit the spot. The other thing is that they've gone back to targeting hardcore + casual separately, with no bridge game like New Super Mario Bros. Although the entry of that game was successful on the Wii (several years after the console had made its debut), it wasn't enough to sell the Wii U at launch. For me, Twilight Princess was definitely a core game, but Breath of the Wild is ultra hardcore. I'd argue the Switch goes one better than the Wii, because even the controller changes shape depending on how you want to play it. It's no exaggeration to say you could be playing it as a motion control experience (1-2 Switch), a hardcore console on the TV with the Pro controller, or (like I am) a dedicated handheld.
  14. @Happenstance @Aneres11 - this is well-timed. I just found this: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/03/guide_the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_clothing_and_armour_list
  15. I have the same questions myself, but it's a mixture of shops, sidequests and just finding it. Here's what I've got so far:
  16. I totally agree with this. It's probably its greatest strength. In previous games, I must admit, it was extremely frustrating if you got stuck. You basically had to call it a day until you could find out how to do it. Breath of the Wild's game world, however, is so massive you can just head off in any other direction and find something else to do. I've not yet come close to being bored.
  17. Funnily enough, I'm more impressed with this than OOT. In fact, it's the most amazing game I've ever played. I find myself constantly wondering how Nintendo managed to make it; how they managed to afford it. Even how it fits on the cartridge! I know it sounds like I'm joking, but I'm not. I think the cooking, the sheer size of the world and possibly the breakable weapons (does that happen in other games?) are three examples where they've probably copied the open world formula more than they've thought about how to expand the Zelda series in its own right. Following rather than leading, as such. But hey, nothing exists in a vacuum, and I can understand that not even Nintendo is immune from being influenced.
  18. Great! This will probably be my 2nd Switch game (if I'm not tempted by others in the meantime).
  19. At the moment I'm thinking it's probably the "best", but won't be my favourite. It's perfectly built and doesn't have any flaws that couldn't be easily fixed with a "re-used engine" game (like Majora's Mask). At the moment, I'm just missing the guiding hand of a director who wants to help me out a bit more when I need it. As strange as it may sound, it's missing Aonuma's inherent kindness, or Miyamoto's theatricality. (Incidentally, I can't believe this has the same director as Skyward Sword. Literally looked it up as I'm typing this - I'm staggered!) For every problem I've had with the game, I'm struggling to take much away from the (seemingly) deserved 10/10 that reviewers gave it. As others have said, my opinions may change many times. I haven't even completed a dungeon yet.
  20. Sorry about that, by the way. I didn't realise this was the spoiler-free thread.
  21. I've decided to accept the pace of the game as it is, instead of trying to go too far too fast. I hadn't actually followed the proper paths to the villages, and thus had missed some important things, like the inventory upgrade. Just tamed my first horse - a lovely grey beast - and called it "Grey" . Choosing the one you want really does feel more personal than even Epona in OOT.
  22. I still don't understand how people are playing this without a guide. I was thinking of buying one, but today I see the price has gone up by £5 for both versions on the website I was browsing. Seems many gamers are thinking the same thing!
  23. Nintendo needs to capitalise on the goodwill they've built up with hardcore gamers recently. I mean, Breath of the Wild really is hardcore . As strange as it sounds after being used to all these years of the Wii and Wii U, the company does now seem to have loads of fresh talent who have mastered HD game-making. I think they need to be at E3 with a new Metroid (although I shudder to think how daunting it'd be!) Bonus points for F-Zero and Kid Icarus. The Switch hardware is good, and we know Mario's on its way. Nintendo really does have a chance to get back in the game now.
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