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About Jinmu

  • Birthday 02/07/1984

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    wii. ds. n64
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    ps2. 360.
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  1. Curtosy from Rare's Graeme Norgate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJsMNH6ML8c
  2. blue you THIEF ^^ Crowbars at the ready gentlemen and ladies.
  3. haha wow, front page! nice one
  4. couple of things to note: I wouldn't drive with "PETE" here. None of the links work, the images links directly to your site. As does testimonials, he has one tiny little mobile number as a contact. With no prices on his site and everything linked is 404'd, I doubt he'll get much customer base from that, all in all. Polite email to him and tell the dodgy arsehole to stick it! If you can find an email that is.
  5. Not one mention of White Ninja : (
  6. If you wanna see over GAME exposure, have a look at Southampton city centre. Theres a total of FOUR stores within walking distance of each other, -one in the main shopping centre, -another close to the Sega Arcade, -another store one on East Street which, if I recall, is less than 200 meters from the main shopping centre store and a tiiiiiiny concessions store in the debnenhams store. Madness, simply, madness. That said, the store finder can only locate three of the store. Punch In SO14 OYN in the box to see how stupidly close they all are
  7. last time i went into a CEX was in Brum's high street store. Never been a fan of shops that smell of manure, customers with cigarettes in their hands and people (kids) crying. Oh and Wii's going for three hundred quid as well, san's wii sports :p
  8. All/most GAME and Gamestation staff don't get laid as much as they deserve to, so cut them some slack. As for GS getting rid of retro, it depends on the store that seems to be selling the best with whatever footfall they get. Basically which ever store gets the richest students. Otherwise they just fill it pointless trashy tshirts and R/C Mario Karts.
  9. Generic one this. mgs3's ending, its like remembrance day every time.
  10. "Wizard hat and robe?" this thread needs more purple rain. But hell if i can find a youtube link with sound thanks to ©
  11. it would be even better if she finds this thread.
  12. Well done for making it this far
  13. Jinmu


    I obviously don't. But as your comment was about as two dimensional as an IGN review, how about you enlighten the kind gentleman and ladies at home, eh?
  14. Jinmu


    Oh no, I said something bad about a zelda game. Don't worry, the next one will be EXACTLY the same.
  15. Jinmu


    christ, the wii version of resi 4.
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