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Everything posted by Kav

  1. This is so true and yet so stupid! Typical Nintendo! So bloody true too! Nintendo need to start taking steps forwards, not sideways!
  2. A Netflix-like VC can have featured/genre/developer/recommend lists etc. Things won't necessarily get lost! As it is I didn't bother using it after a while because I couldn't be bothered repeatedly looking for games that didn't show up for so bloody long! There are many ways to ensure titles get seen!
  3. They really should get the games on a Netflix-like service. Have them all on there for people to play... but also, if people don't want to pay a subscription then they can pay to own the games too.
  4. If the Switch has Party Chat I'll buy it and all 3 of these. I'd play on Splatoon most... but it'll not take the majority of my game time up unless, like you say, they improved features of the game itself too. No chance in hell at the mo it'd replace Titanfall 2 or Battlefield 1 as my main multiplayer games!
  5. Splatoon, Mario Kart and Smash, plus any other online multiplayer games that come out... that's why Party Chat and social features are important. Can't buy them on other consoles! Plus, if multiplatform games were the same, the portability of the console might sway the consumer to pick up the Switch version over prettier graphics. It would for me!
  6. Nvidia CEO on Switch: Good praise... but should we worry about the bold bit? I doubt friend-codes will return but does this suggest a lack of social features..? http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/01/prepare_to_be_blown_away_by_nintendo_switch_says_nvidia_ceo
  7. Haha, it best have Party Chat at £250 with a game!
  8. £250 with a game would be a reasonable price for me.
  9. I'm talking about a stable connection online. When online everything is smooth and fast, it's very stable. It's just it gets attacked and taken down, luckily I've never gamed when it's been down though so I've never noticed.
  10. Network infrastructure is HUGELY important! Both stability in the network, network features and social features, as well as number of gamers online... it was impossible playing some game modes on CoD on WiiU!
  11. This deserves a thanks too, so thanks. They did have that game breaking bug in Skyward Seord... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-12-06-nintendo-details-game-breaking-zelda-skyward-sword-bug But anyhoo, we all know he meant in terms of online/social features. EDIT: aren't they both jokes? Thought it was a bit of banter.
  12. I've run out of thanks so; thanks! I actually can't believe he had the gall to post it!
  13. Only one thing will make it great for me! Please please please please!
  14. No, I'll not be bothering. Once I heard you had to unlock dumbass things, like tucking your legs up when you jump, I decided not to bother at all!
  15. There may not be any long pauses. The "script" may already be written/translated so the voice-over may just be on the video feeds for the non-Japanese regions and not some guy waiting to translate.
  16. 4am GMT is why an E3 reveal last year would've been better! :p
  17. If Zelda comes after the Switch release I think it's an utter piss-take and they should be chided for it! This is a WiiU game, revealed years ago now and it'd be coming out after their next console ships?! That's treating their WiiU owners like crap!
  18. A new one of these would be rather awesome... [tweet]816652913581944833[/tweet] Retro working on it would be schweeeeet!
  19. I'm not sure about that. It may well be, don't get me wrong, but it may just feel like it because how bad the general view towards the WiiU is nowadays... it'll amplify the feeling of hype.
  20. I still worry Nintendo will fail to deliver for me, it'll be heartbreaking to not buy a Nintendo console.
  21. Only 3.4% of downloads are paid ones. [tweet]816560301856305152[/tweet] Way behind Pokémon GO as far as money made is concerned.
  22. My favourite mobile game is Flow Free. Love it!
  23. MH3U with the usual hunters. Probably my best multiplayer experience on the console. I got to know @Blade playing this and as you know we're now engaged (you git @Fierce_LiNk, haha)
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