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Everything posted by Falcon_BlizZACK

  1. Woah Neogeo stuff on eshop! Fast RMX just £16.99?? Take ma moneys du! Switch code to the left to the left, add a brother. (3051-5423-1545)
  2. Was taken aback by how small it really is! Thank you Nintendo Gods!
  3. Cheers - just came back with my stash: Pimms, JD&coke, 'assorted toffees', Lindor white chocolate. Its ouuun!
  4. @Mokong out of likes but SALUTE! : peace:
  5. Gratulerer! I vil add deg nor jeg har min. ^^ Ghost numbers? Whats the point of tracking then.
  6. I got 11.43- 12.43 - Download the DPD app if you haven't as it may be refreshing faster than the site.
  7. We all like this about now
  8. @Aneres11 - Not yet with the shopto order but its at a closer destination now...
  9. Damn just heard the BBC3 radio news on Switch's release, but the only angle they came from was that "Nintendo defends its lack of launch titles" and "some have been critical of the Switch"... This is the knee-jerk media these days -no yin to the yang.
  10. 0 Days Switch is here! Lets do this! Couldn't sleep... Feels like Christmas morning. Still stocked [if youre in east London] 'old' Stratford, Leytonstone, East Ham and Ilford. Neon as well. But the website says '100+' people viewing it right now... A good indicator for sales may be if they sell out by tonight.
  11. I will enjoy the secluded/wildnerness parts - sometimes, its not always about 'doing', just sitting back and checking out the scenery and weather dynamics etc is a draw for me... and if I get bored with that I'll continue the quest, do collections, find stuff etc. Hmm thats definitely something I didn't think about that could break the immersion a bit - constantly pausing out to change things mid battle.
  12. This game looks incredible.
  13. LMAO nice to get the pulse raised before bed.
  14. There was an unboxing which showed that the console was about 50% charged while the joycons were fully charged, forgot who from.
  15. Haha same, mines reached Dagenham at 23.20...What if... the delivery truck breaks down in a freak accident?
  16. Ah, never really noticed. Just came from the Gymbox there though didn't see much of a fuss yet.
  17. Whos getting it at midnight? My local game at Westfield Stratford London is doing one... Weird as the centre closes at 10pm but then re-opens.
  18. Even Sheikah is all aboard! : peace:
  19. btw Are you sorted with the Switch and BOTW? Or getting it tomorrow, if at all?
  20. This is the time when the world starts to tremble and the evening sky is a crimson impending doom-red... its an absolute pleasure to be sharing these moments with you guys. If we've had any disputes, beef or whatnot lets bury the hatchet and go into this new gen arm in arm. Feels so effing good to be alive about now... was cycling home defensively from work to ensure I reach this moment lol.
  21. We know Reggie lies... businesses lie. Its hardly surprising.
  22. Nah, I agree with clownferret. Friend codes are an inconvenience to be sure and it is telling that Nintendo arent really listening to its fans in this regard - but is it news worthy of going all DEFCON1 over? I'd say not, but it is an annoyance.
  23. All Items dispatched. With a nice one hour slot for delivery ie no waiting by the telecom/panicking.
  24. Mines still processing but Shopto sent a message out saying they will dispatch today (the tracking will be 'live' this evening).
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