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About Dexter

  • Birthday 10/03/1984

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    N64, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    XBOX 360
  • Favourite Game?
    Ocarina of Time, Gears of War
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  • Wii Console Number
    PM me

Dexter's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. took mine 6 days, but it varies.
  2. Hes one of the best managers around at the moment, no doubt. One of the greatest ever though? Not yet.
  3. This happend with me last week when i got stranglehold. It said that "the last item we sent you...." then it still had stranglehold on the being picked list. I got the game on the friday, so you could have it tomorrow. If it says its been sent, and the money has come out, then its on its way. Sometimes it takes a while for the GP system to update.
  4. im with you. Its good ndont get me wrong, and im enjoying the beta, but yet again people go overboard about it ala Bioshock.
  5. its probably better that you play through yourself to be fair. I just didnt like it at all. Its too, i dunno, simulated! Its slow, and the passing isnt anywhere near out of this world IMO. like i said, when you pass the ball its like your playing on turf which is knee high. If you like other fifas, you will like this.
  6. just played the demo and i think its crap tbh. they just dont seem to improve Fifa anymore. Just the same as last year! Slow, crap and the passing sucks. Its like playing footy on turf which is knee high.
  7. to get a US account, dont you need a US address?
  8. I fail becuase i dont like a game? ooook then, if you say so?
  9. not my sorta game at all mate. I can only see that giving me a headache!
  10. jesus that looks turd!
  11. ive taken moria's. Thanks mate.
  12. Iron Man. Awesome. http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/ironman/
  13. i think you type it in at the "redeem code" function. Like you claim points. Then you download the beta like a demo. Im only speculating though, im still waiting for my code.
  14. My buddy has one from launch, and its running fine. He now has an elite though.
  15. You sure? Do you have a source for this info? Im just making sure as i will get it when im in the states if it is.
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