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Everything posted by Drunken_Squirrel

  1. I set it back 2 weeks. It didn't help at all. I've never seen the point in System restore. Mainly because it never restores the system really. That's actually working. First time and everything :shock: Is there a way that i can get something that i'm streaming to my 360?
  2. Well, i fixed it. I haven't any idea how, but i changed something minimal just fiddling around and it's connecting fine. No fucking way am I ever going near my network connections again though. Thanks for the help. I don't want to change anything now. It's back to how it was, so i'm going to leave it that way. Thanks anyway.
  3. To be honest i'm not going near WMC again, i just want to get things back to the way they where. I've moved forward a bit now, it says 'confirmed' for my IP address again. It's back to failing on DNS.
  4. I thought i'd try and set up the windows media connect thing before. As a result of this, i've spent the last 4 hours trying to repair the damage this done. The wizard changed my settings so initially i couldn't connect to the interent anymore which i've just fixed. But now my 360 won't connect to the internet. In the connection test it passed ip address fine and failed on DNS. I tried to fix this, and it now fails on IP address so i've took a backwards step. If you go in to more info it gives you a list of things which are absolutley no fucking help whatsoever, so can anyone think of way that I can fix this, as I don't want to arse around with it and lose my internet alltogether again. Please help, thanks in advance. YOU FUCKING ****
  5. That Zelda thing is sort of alright like......
  6. Just entered number 7. To be honest it's a bit of a let down after the build up to it
  7. That is definatley a magic metre. Must have taken out fairly late on.
  8. To be fair theres no reason why you shouldnt be able to do it this time around.
  9. That wouldn't fit in any way. Added to the fact Termina is a parralel dimension, the provinces are named after the Gods. Nayru's in Lanayru; Din's name is present in Eldin; and Farore's is split into both Faron and Ordona. It's what he says though. I think it's there for a reason.
  10. Has anyone got all the Golden wolf skills yet? I just did, and it hits you with an unexpected bombshell when you do. Just finished Temple 6. There's alot of overworld stuff to do before number 7, which is nice.
  11. Just entered dungeon 6. The intro to it is amazing. I'm getting slightly upset now that it feels like im approaching the end, but i've done 5 out of 9 dungeons so really i'm just over half way. Hopefully there's plenty of overworld stuff to do aswell before the end, as after dungeon 5 your straight into 6 without anything in between. Which was upsetting.
  12. Yeti or postman, I cant decide....
  13. Just entered Snowpeak Ruins. The yeti is one cool mudderfucker.
  14. Pffft, Ocarina of time. That is soooo 4 days ago.
  15. Are there any details or comments on this yet? It's obviously inevitable, it feels like the Wii was designed around it. It would be nice to know when. Thanks in advance.
  16. It is ALOT more open to exploration than Wind Waker.
  17. And the postman is fucking ace.
  18. The characters are the best part of it for me.
  19. The intro to zelda on the Wii channel. Hearing that music and it sinking in what you were about to play.
  20. I think the charracters are the most astounding part of the game so far. In most of the reviews I read they said that solitude was a heavy theme of the game. I'm struggling to understand that because the characters so far are so well developed and involved that I feel alot less alone than in previous games. The kids all always there or there abouts, the Shaman and the bar owner are there also and you feel that they will continue to be so and their stories will continue to develop. Everyone just oozes personality. And the gorons are still absolutley ace, in fact more so than ever. So far, it's the sort of gaming experience that i've only ever experienced once in OOT. I'm deliberatley slowing myself down so i don't complete it because this ammount of sheer brilliance may never come around again. The bird section before the water temple seemed a bit tacked on I felt at the time, but in reflection it was a good a way for the purpose that was needed. I've spent the last 7 years thinking that nothing would ever beat OOT. I'm 6 hour in, and my head seems to have already decided that this will. It's going to take a drastic downhill slide to change my mind, and somehow I don't see that happening.
  21. It was brilliant the first time through. It gave you a sense of acheivement because it was brutal, puzzle wise. I've since completed OOT about 6-7 times and its the part I least enjoy getting to, with Jabu jabu to a lesser extent.
  22. Just entered the 3rd dungeon. What an absolute gem this is.
  23. Still haven't touched it.......
  24. Game delivered, as always. Parcelforce seemed a bit slow getting it to me, but that's just because i'd been waiting since 8am and time was dragging. I have no complaints in reflection.
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