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About SirBaron

  • Birthday 07/15/1984

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  • Location
    Littleborough, England


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I would also like to know why Super Mario Bros seems to run at twice the speed than the original. Seems abit odd, though the music seems to play fine. Perhaps they didn't slow the speed down to PAL 50hz? and just let it work at 60hz speed. (if that made sense to anyone)
  2. When mine say's mode not supported i press the menu button on the Wiimote, and it shows up on the screen, and suddenly carries on working.
  3. Well i just tried Sonic, and space harrier 2. Pressing reset, reset the game to the Sega logo as if i just pressed reset on the real machine. Edit: Just tried Mario Bro's and it reset properly too... you sure you pressed the Reset button on the Wii console?
  4. Press the Reset button? Not sure if that would work only a guess.
  5. Well i bought the DS version Dagnamit! If they did cancel the European version, which I hope they don't. Then i will be extremely pissed off! Time will tell, and hopefully it gets released next month with abit of luck.
  6. Not as far as i know, however even though it dosen't it still looks better anyway due to the higher bandwidth of Component video. There's no noise, and the picture is sharper regardless if the game supports 480P. I have 2 component cables, though in the house we do have 2 Wii's
  7. Thanks for the link! :p
  8. Prince of Persia 2 on DOS was by far the best of all. Man i just loved that game, and so did my mum and dad back in the day.
  9. How, it clearly say's it's a reciept in the title and description, plus it has a freakin huge picture of the receipt. If any idiot bought it thinking it's a Wii, then they desearve what's coming. You're actually supposed to read what you're bidding on before you bid.
  10. They are as good as the one's i built my self using Gold plated connectors.
  11. That site has a terrible order system, which is why i haven't used it. Plus where does it say instock? Maybe someone bought them all for ebay? edit: Oh and it's not exactly cheap either... $50 and that's without shipping, from what i can tell.
  12. Here i was thinking £25 was alot for component cables :bleh:. Anyone who pays that much is just insane, and coming from me you can gurantee that's bad.
  13. Not really far in this game, i must say i love this game. I must say this is the best Zelda yet. I just wish i had some component cables to make this game less blury .
  14. Red Green Blue, and Red and White. First 3 are for video, 2nd two are audio.
  15. Yep, they want to create a FPS and a RPG of the Alien franchise... FPS i can obviously agree with... but a RPG? Anyway, this game may be good... just hope it's not a direct port of the PSP game with tweaked controls, i hope they put the extra Wii power to some use.
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