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Everything posted by MicroLovePony

  1. Found some rather interesting analysis on Splatoon 2's reception from the press. While a lot of it is expected (chat, matchmaking etc...) it's amazing to me that despite being a sequel with plenty of extras the game still can't quite shake off it's "update of original" image it got partially thanks to the "leak" of a definitive edition to the original coming to Switch. Still not a bad overall score. Managed to beat Crash More info at the link below. Read here
  2. Thought this might be of interest. Obviously last month the Switch was announced and shown off in a trailer but how much publicity did it actually gain? Judging by the video it seems websites were talking about it most over every other game. Facebook too. Twitter however it was topped by Red Dead 2. Interesting, seems Nintendo is making the right moves at the moment.
  3. I think I may have finally had all I can take of the game. I might take a break and see if I want to return when they start adding more Pokemon. It's been a fun ride, now time to play some console games Although just stumbled across this video and thought it might be of interest. I cannot believe how much Pokemon Go is dominating on YouTube and social media at the moment. I wonder if it will be the same story in August?
  4. So I feel really happy with this one. Hopefully you guys enjoy it... 2529-0000-0047-EA6B
  5. FizzyDuck - 6ED2-0000-0016-E134 Check it out and follow me please!
  6. So part rant and part question. Ordered all six Amiibos from Shopto well in advance and all were shipped Wednesday. Only one has shown up so far on Friday. Interestingly I noticed that on the actual box is my full home address complete with correct postcode. Then just below that in bigger text is my old work postcode. Now obviously I'm concerned the other five are in limbo seeing as it didn't show with the one. My question is what would happen to them if they did indeed use the big incorrect postcode. My home address starts RG6 but the other incorrect one reads RG4. So obviously if it did go to the RG4 area they'd see there is no address in that area. Am I doomed? Obviously this is a problem as Rosalina is all sold out and being sold for £40 on eBay Should I call the Wokingham delivery office in chance they might have it? Any help or advice would be great!
  7. I'm in Berkshire. That seems crazy considering ShopTo is Bracknell based, if anything the South should be sure to get it early!
  8. I got mine today from ShopTo!
  9. So recently recorded a video with my mate and reached the mine cart stage. Completely forgot about a certain part of it... Well when you get to around the 23 minute mark you'll see what happens. I won't spoil it for those who've yet to play the game. Let's just say we couldn't believe it!
  10. If anyone has a spare code they could send me that would be fantastic?
  11. Hey all. So I finally managed to pick myself up some decent video game recording gear and figured I'd try my luck at creating my own video review. It's for Mario Kart 8. Be great to get some feedback from you guys.
  12. I have to ask, what's the menu music like. If I remember correctly in past games the music would add new elements to it the further into the menu selection you got. Is it something similar or totally different this time around?
  13. My review went live earlier in the week for the game. Have to say even though I played the Wii version to completion, I still had a great time with this one. Read the rest of the review here
  14. New trailer showing off actual footage of the game. Have to say I wasn't too bothered at first about this game after number three, but the idea of pirates and ship sailing is tempting me...
  15. New trailer released. Can't believe this is out this week already!
  16. Just recorded some videos of my (poor) attempts on some of the games. Having such a fantastic time with this and really do hope we see the series continue on the 3DS and Wii U.
  17. A video showing off the first chapter in the game. Good watch if you're still on the fence about the game.
  18. Another positive preview. This is looking like it'll be my go-to launch title when the Wii U i released. Looks so much fun Rayman Legends E3 Hands-On
  19. Hello all! Back off holiday and have got a new video podcast you might like. Let me know what you think of the video. Should we go back to just an audio podcast? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
  20. SEGA just announced this for 3DS as well as Vita, PS3, 360 and PC. Surely there must be a Wii U version in development too? Maybe Nintendo doesn't want third parties revealing their line-up before E3? Click Here For More Screens Of The Home Console Versions & Details Anyway Transformed will allow you to use boats and planes as well as cars which sounds cool. I've tried to include screens of each vehicle type. Also if the 3DS version offers as much as the console versions will this could be a great addition to the 3DS. The DS original was cool so hopefully the new handheld can be put to good use for this sequel. I want to see Phantom R from Rhythm Thief in the game! Or maybe an Outrun stage. It could change environment every lap.
  21. LINK HERE While we knew it was likely to be shown at this year's event, Nintendo have now confirmed it. I for one have been waiting for this for quite some time. What you hope they've included? For me it would have to be online multiplayer and plenty of treasures and enemies to be found. One thing I also really loved about the second game was the variety of stages and baddies along with the random environments like the bathroom and toy room. More of this please Nintendo!
  22. I'll always have a soft spot for the Pikmin series and I've always been so excited at the thought of finally seeing a new entry at an E3 for the past three or four years now. Sadly it never shows. Looks like this year has to be the year though and fingers crossed it'll be playable there too But yeah you guys are right, Nintendo needs to find a nice balance between old favourites and new experiences.
  23. New Super Mario Bros is a decent series. Sure it's the last thing I'd want in terms of a new Mario title but it's still good fun. Mario Galaxy 3 would be pure awesome sauce!
  24. Wow! While there is a chance it might be the New Super Mario Bros Mii game we saw at E3 last year (although more 2D Mario is no bad thing), imagine if its something completely new! Bring on E3! http://blog.fancensus.com/?p=3212
  25. We've posted a quick look video of the game on Youtube. I warn you this does contain video of the first tower along with its boss so if you don't want to know anything about it, don't watch. Have to admit, enjoying it so far. I'm not usually one for these type of games but it's impressing me.
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