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Everything posted by Mr.X

  1. Hello, this an invitation for everyone join the N-E Gears and RB6:V match tonight from 8 till late. Post if you will join the festivities.
  2. I have to say I quite like TimeShift, good weapons, great graphics - definately on my must have list
  3. I honestly don't know what your on about mate the 26/08/87 is on my certificate of birth.
  4. Who is guy you think I am ?
  5. Didn't Hero mention this a little while before a few pages back.
  6. Antartica(sp?) now that would be a rubbish place to live.
  7. I said pictures in spoiler boxes people Won't anyone think of the children.
  8. Shit thanks guys you have scared me before going to bed, please spoiler tag all pictures Please think of the children.
  9. TimeShift Demo is out guys enjoy!
  10. If you think about it there has been loads of character franchises that should be brought back to life.
  11. Mr.X

    Blue Dragon

    They don't like games with charm
  12. Mr.X

    Blue Dragon

    Gamespots Review 6 I officially think they hate all games except generic ones.
  13. Play.com, gameplay.com, pretty certain Amazon.co.uk has it listed as well.
  14. Strangle hold has been pushed back one moreweek New date 14/09.
  15. The 21st was confirmed by EA itself.
  16. Blues Brother 2000 for N64 great game shame I think I was the only one who bought it.
  17. If you look at Nintendos home console history its - inovate, play safe, innovate, play safe, etc. NES - gave us the D-Pad SNES - gave us amazing detail sprites on the game N64 - gave us analogue stick GC - gave us more processing power and just nicer looking games Wii - gave us a new controller with MS+P The next console has already been confirmed to have 3.2Ghtz multi threaded processing chip. As stated by ATi or some chip manufacturer rightwhen wii launched. So HD graphics plus Wiimote. Wii HD.
  18. But Incognito who made it is, are owned by Sony. So how is that possible?
  19. Where for art thou Nintenchris your not returning my 360 texts, messenger texts, and not accepting my RB6 game invites Edit: Sorry for telling Hero the truth, but honestly I never heard you tell me those things in gears mate - otherwise I wouldn't of said anything you know me mate. But I want to play a game of RB6 or Gears.
  20. Lets keep this topic free from console bashing guys.
  21. Whos this Zeldafreak anyway?
  22. How can they develop it for the wii if Sony own them Also those images are from the beta of the game. Sorry M-N
  23. And don't forget Sonys publishing it and I'm sure they own the studio, Incognito right? M-N when games are online theres a switch between the the graphics for online, to avoid lag, like Halo 2 and others. They look like early beta shots, mate.
  24. It was something Nintendchris said on Gears on monday saying you used a guide to complete the game as he was bad mouthing BD mate.
  25. Alot of people want every game on wii to have waggle. But do they all really need it thoughts?
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