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Everything posted by Fruitgun

  1. School of Rock; 10/10 It's Jack Black, teaching a school of abnormally talented kids how to play rock! What's better than that!?
  2. I'm thinking of Sexbox, unless the name is for Online purposes and Nintendo will probably have some sort of name protection system to protect poor innocent children from our "eeeeevil words" Then again, screw them. Sexbox it is.
  3. Even though this man is nuts, it would look like the thing most of us will be doing when Wii finally goes on sale, just without the publich humiliation factor.. (I hope.) I know I will be playing Zelda until my eyes bleed!
  4. To be honest, I think it looks rather like the Harvest Moon series. If you look closely at the characters in the bottom right corner and compare them to the characters in Magical Melody, they look very similar in the way they are drawn. Also, if this was Animal Crossing, then the characters would surely be animals instead of humans? And the town picture looks as though it belongs in Harvest moon; simply the graphics and the people wandering around.
  5. The Wii remote and Nunchuck attatchment are useful for different types of gameplay; Zelda, Metroid and other shoot 'em ups, and some sports titles. But there is a limitation to the games which can use this revolutionary controller. Racing games may find the remote challenging to use, or fighting games for example. However, this does not mean they won't find a way to somehow get these games on the console! The Classic controller will most likely be used for these sorts of games, like the already announced Super Smash Bros. Brawl. In my view, I think the controllers look like fun, but also consider the classic controller more practical and easy to pick up and play.
  6. Using Mii would be a good idea, but this looks cute nontheless. Although I liked the reality of the other sim games, this is a refreshing change. And yes, the ability to use a mop with the Wii will probably generate a series of cleaning games... Fun fun fun.
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