Helicopters seem a little easier to fly now, not sure why, but if you kept on crashing a choppa full of friendlies into the ground it might be a little easier.
Anyone else tried this since the new big patch was released, it runs so smooth now, even for the people who have just got it after most of it was fixed you'll notice a difference.
I think they are creating it from the ground up for the next gen, plus they have dropped tiger woods from the game so don't look for a tiger woods game.
I think people disappear when you enter a no revive zone, so no more than three of you end up taking on one boss, it is a bit poo though. I just invite them to my fire team if they look like they are doing the same mission.
What does it mean when there is an event thing on the left hand side of the map. There seems to be four slots but the only one available to me is a PvP multiplayer option. Its no different from the normal PvP multiplayer...
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@baboo if you want to play tonight, I'm free from about 7. I'm a Level 12 and still need to get some of the moon story done and take it up a notch. Anyone else free to join as well.
The PvP multiplayer is well good, enjoying it a lot. Finally understanding things, like why is some weapons/armour green....oh its because it has upgrades on it.
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