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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. But I'm A Cheerleader


    An amusingly ironic little film (about a cheerleader whose parents realise she's a lesbian and send her off to a "readjustment" camp but its all done ironically as ultimately it just makes them gayer)


    I've only seen it once, a very odd movie.

  2. I'm using the Default "N-Europe" so that width is fine really, it's just that at 1440x900 approx. the third right of my page is just blank gray. The left side is where everything starts so it just looks odd.


    A stretched template is also a bit odd imo :p

  3. I heard from someone on a different forum, that they watched a bootleg copy. Here;s the quote.


    I watched a boot leg of it a few days ago...it's...truly something special.


    Notable moments:


    Bella arrives at a new school and instantly makes 7-8 friends, even though she has absolutely no personality and makes zero effort to engage in conversation with them. For some inexplicable reason, she is asked out to the prom by probably the nicest guy in the movie, but she blows him off because a pale kid glares at her all day.


    When Edward first sees Bella, he makes a face like he's about to upchuck. I'm not sure what Pattinson was going for.


    Jacob's smile is the face you see before you die.


    "I got a rush of adrenaline. It's very common. You can google it."




    There's a scene where they play baseball...it's...a montage of super sped up and slo-mo scenes to out-of-place music. It's followed by a big growl off between the vampires.


    Edward and Bella's first conversation plays like a **** victim confronting her rapist.

  4. Yea.........I can see this being either good or bad. It could cut down on required installs by taking Resistances method or having data redundantly copied multiple times to reduce search time to make up for the slow 2X speed.


    On the flip side, someone lazy may just cram it full as possible meaning a redonkculously long search time until Drive speeds are increased.....which won't help people using their PS3s as the only blu-ray player.

  5. You've made a powerful enemy today stop sign!



    That video is win, I salute you.: peace:


    Can any race talk to the sign, or is it just those crazy Malkavians.


    @leetpants Bloodlines bugs can be mostly fixed with patched and fan made patches I hear.

    But still awesome game.


    Have you played Arcanum? Same developer and all that

    Best way to describe it is steampunk fallout.


    I have the patchs and fanpatchs installed, there are still bugs :(


    I really really really really want to play Arcanum, REALLY. But I can't really find it, I :( even tried to pirate it, but it wouldn't run, crashed after loading iirc. Perhaps when I get a credit card/other online form of payment I'll pick it up off of amazon.



    Well, I now must rate EDF 2017(there is an every so slightly different PAL name that I can't remember atm).


    By all accounts, this game should be horrible. Every thing about it is just bad and if any other game had similar design choices, it would be critically panned. EDF on the other hand all these bad choice mold together to make one of the funnest games I've ever played. Co-Op probably triples the fun.


    9/10, it's so bad but the fun just outweighs everything else. Quick sidenote, it has less game bugs than VtMB.

  6. huehuehue.jpg




    You outta install the mod to allow you to goto level 30 or 40(your choice.) And possibly the mod allowing skill points to go beyond 100, since if you max every skill at 100 you can't get past the level screen if there are points to distribute.
