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    NES; Game Boy; Game Boy Pocket; N64; GBA; GC; DS; Wii; 3DS; Wii U; Switch
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    Dreamcast. No doubt.
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  1. I was so excited for Sin & Punishment after reading all the previews in NOM - it was gutting when it only released in Japan. I did consider importing it but I was only like 13 at the time so it seemed unaffordable really. It came out on the Wii VC when I had just started my first year of uni so I didn't get around to playing it for a while but it's definitely one of the best N64 games.
  2. I don't think the eShop interface is too bad, it's clear and simple to navigate, but they definitely need to make huge changes on the back end in terms of discoverability. The cash grab spam issue is a major one that needs to be addressed but even if they excised all that stuff it would still be hard for most games to get noticed so I guess a review system that is tied to your NSO account would be a good way of highlighting quality titles without the cash grab devs being able to exploit the system in their favour. Besides that though the main thing for me is the speed, it's so excruciating to navigate it at the moment if you're looking through the games that are on offer - I've got used to it over the years but I would probably go to the eShop a lot more if it was a smoother and snappier experience
  3. It'll take over your whole life @Happenstance
  4. I had a dream last night that Kojima was working on a Switch 2 exclusive for Nintendo so don't be surprised if that shows up in the April direct.
  5. They need to bring back the more surly and argumentative villagers - I want them to fall out with each other and create real drama over petty nonsense. And I would love it if they gave the staff in town their own houses too, let us see them wandering around in their time off - its so weird in New Horizons how Nook and Isabelle are just stuck in the town hall 24/7, they deserve some time off. And bring back Pelly, Phyllis and Pete too!
  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Herman Hulst isn't very good at his job
  7. Miyamoto specifically requested that DK be less handsome
  8. Yeah, it'll be edge cases like Labo VR I reckon. I'm a bit underwhelmed by the reveal to be honest, it's a shame that we only got renders and the date for the direct is so far off. Still, it's officially out there now so we'll be getting more game announcements from third parties in the interim and Mario Kart 9 does look very nice from the tiny glimpse we got of it. The way the joy con skate around at one point in the video seems a clear sign that the mouse functionality is a genuine feature too. I guess it would have been a pretty exciting reveal if all of the designs hadn't already leaked.
  9. Maybe they're actually calling it the Nintendo Lunch
  10. Technically I don't have my lunch until like 5pm so we could still be waiting a while
  11. I think we should all show DK the respect he deserves by boycotting any announcement Nintendo makes and spending all of Thursday playing through Donkey Kong Country Returns HD instead
  12. It doesn't really tie into or further explore the Shenmue story beyond "This is how Ryo ended up with Sega Saturn in his front room" although it does use tropes and dialogue from the first couple of games so it helps if you are familiar with the actual story. It's definitely not trying to be close to canon, it's a very meta fanfic but made by people who clearly have a fondness for the source material and a deep love of Sega
  13. It is a bit different this time around though because of how long the cross gen period from PS4 to PS5 was and the fact that most developers have scalability in mind from the beginning these days. There will definitely be a glut of PS4 ports, more than there were 360 or PS3 conversions on the original Switch, but the rise of the PC handhelds in the last few years means that there will be a higher likelihood of current gen games being ported to the new Switch too.
  14. A French journalist tweeted after speaking to Genki staff that they heard that the console is set to release in April - pretty wild that if that's the case we could be playing a new 3D Mario in a few months
  15. One of the supposed leaked picture of the dock did have Switch 2 branding so it seems pretty likely that's the actual name
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