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About WelshDragon360

  • Birthday 10/28/1990

Personal Information

  • Location
    Wales, UK
  • Interests
    Gaming, Music, Films, Web + Graphics Design..
  • Occupation


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES, N64 + GC
  • Other Systems Owned
    Xbox 360
  • Favourite Game?
    Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

WelshDragon360's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Goddamn that one on IGN is sexy as hell. Anywhere I can get it in the UK?
  2. I've put an order in at Argos now too. We'll see who gets it to me quicker.
  3. I've just got this too and I'm fucking mad. I just pre-ordered it at Game's website, but if Play.com don't have it how will Game? Argh.
  4. Like I said, Play.com got me my 360 on day of launch. I trust them completely with Wii. I'm not sure why everyone here doesn't trust online shopping..
  5. Why's that? Got me my 360 on launch day.
  6. Eh. Only £10. Rather get it pre-ordered now and have it done with. I know Play.com are reliable and have it to me on release day no hassle.
  7. I've just pre-ordered from Play.com Console + Zelda, £220.
  8. I'm importing for sure. Fuck Ninty Europe, longer wait and a stupidly high price. We're ripped off once again.
  9. Looks good. Cheers.
  10. So, unless the UK gets Wii no more than a week after the US, I'm importing it. Anyone know any good sites to do this? That are cheap and reliable. I've never imported before.
  11. If I have to wait til fucking December, I'm gonna be mad. I thought November was a sure thing.
  12. Unfortunately, for some of us, it was the only option due to the shortage at release. I'd rather have paid a bit more buying the HDD seperately than not having a 360 at all. Also - I'm not a fan of Halo at all, however my brother got Halo 2 again so I'm playing it through out of summer boredom. It seems really glitchy, moreso than I remember, kinda sucks that. I think it's because of the 360. I don't see any graphical improvement, either.
  13. Meh. I'm kinda miffed we didn't get something big, I know the release date etc MUST come at the TGS now. The two new games look rather funk. B-Wars online? <3
  14. Snakes On A Plane - 10/10 Pure fun, never takes itself too seriously and is just an all-round enjoyable film. Best I've seen this year.
  15. Whilst I understand a lot of concerns here are valid, I don't really echo any of them. This new control scheme does sound a bit odd, and could potentially have flaws, however I have utter faith in Nintendo to produce the best control system possible for this game. It's sounding better every time I heard something about it.
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