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Everything posted by Munch

  1. Ok i've added those to my list, along with Old Man Logan and The Killing Joke for good measure. Any more recommendations are welcome. So do any of you have any pics of your vast comic collections or prized items? Show and tell!
  2. I don't know why but with me, I feel as though I can't read multiple things at once, if I am reading one book, I need to finish it before I move on to another. I only buy one comic in floppy form and that is Amory Wars, purely for Coheed and Cambria fanboy-ist reasons. What would you guys say were some of the best self-contained stories/re-imaginings. I'm thinking along the lines of Superman - Red Son, Spider-Man - Reign, I know I am a bit of a mainstream boy, but im fully open to suggestions
  3. Speaking of Green Lantern, I have wanted to start reading some of it for a while and just got myself Sinestro Corps Wars book 1 and 2 for less than 9 quid, so is this a good place to start or am I gonna be very lost?
  4. I was just wondering if there was something special about it since volume 1,2,3 are 'fine' maybe some kind of secret history, or it had to be recalled or something along those lines, lol.
  5. Got this today: Spawn Origins: Book 1 I was delighted to find that the description lies! It includes Spawn #9, also the first ever reprint of Spawn #10 Still waiting on Dark Avengers/X-Men Utopia to be delivered. Also I have a random question, does anyone know why Punisher MAX vol 4 is so expensive and out of print just about everywhere? (this one)
  6. So, since I last popped in here I have given up on the whole Marvel digital comics malarky and invested heavily into buying trades and playing a major catch up game with them, it's costing me a fortune lol. Hoping to regulate my spending on them when I catch up to Siege (I already have Siege).
  7. Inspiring press conference, cannot wait, I can't even wait for Thor let alone the Avengers!
  8. I just bought a month worth of access to the online marvel unlimited comic reader thingy on marvel.com. It's a sea of comics that I am lost it, I have read civil war 1-7 and I found a reading list that centered around that arc so I am into reading some of those now. Anyone else have any experience with the place or can suggest anything I wouldn't want to miss on there?
  9. Haha cheers guys! Totally didn't expect this, I just got back from an awesome weekend, 2 bbq's and 2 bottles of Jagermeister in 2 days, hehe.
  10. Florence and the Machine, if it's the right year you gotta change that to 'dog days are over' And for 1990 try Deee-lite - Groove is in the Heart... Best.Song.Ever. Excellent list though.
  11. Quick question: What world is the throwback galaxy in? I can't wait to play that one! I'm currently in world 3 with like 15 stars (import copy)
  12. Munch


    That's the one!
  13. Munch


    Wow! Girl members eh! What a revelation haha. And for the record I do remember King Boo. Looking back at the wayback machine I can see 2002 and I remember the boards even before then, wow that is a seriously long time back. Anyone remember Laikmosh? lol Remember when a few forum members decided to register revolution-europe or revo-europe or something, in an attempt to sell it to the site owners? Made me laugh haha.
  14. '91 Smells like Teen Spirit - Nirvana '65 My Generation - The Who '95 Wonderwall - Oasis '71 Imagine - John Lennon '75 Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen Just a few that I would chime in with.
  15. Munch


    Holy Sh... Is that true?? Also yeah I don't know who dynastygal is so that would also be an interesting saga to hear about. Yeah I really have been gone a long time, I just formatted my pc one day and it was as if my browser was hit with a dose of amnesia! This thread is now a nostalgia thread, fire away!
  16. That Buck Shot is amazing, do want!
  17. Yeah that probably is the future of "print" journalism eg newspapers and instead of paying per issue you would pay a subscription fee. But seriously, for such a quiet activity like reading that has got to be the loudest magazine I have ever heard!
  18. Munch


    Well I'm back now as an upstanding member of this great community, with a NEW avatar (soon) Anything I need to know about?
  19. Munch


    mate how could I forget j7wicked??
  20. Munch


    I haven't actually got one, it just says Munch's Avatar (I think) Don't worry I'll upload an awesome one
  21. Munch


    My avatar is a hyperlink?! Crazy!
  22. I haven't been here for a very long time, cool to see there are still some names around here that I remember from back in the cube-europe days! Wonder if anyone remembers me? /egothread :P
  23. Quake 3 Arena, all the way!
  24. I've got the 32 inch version of that tv coming to me on Monday, as far as I am aware, the game mode is just a gimmick, and its the brightness contrast, and colour settings... they have a few presets, eg. internet, media, text... and this one has game mode, That's what a guy in PC World told me. But you can customise the brightness and contrast yourself anyway, to exactly what you want... soo.
  25. Last years was better, I don't listen to any of those bands, so I doubt I will go... But this thread has just made me think... Wonder who will be playing at Download 2007?
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