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About ReZourceman

  • Birthday 02/12/1987

Personal Information

  • Location
    Close enough to hear you breathe....
  • Interests
    Comics, Games, Heroclix, Funnies, Movies, TV shows.
  • Occupation
    Customer Representative for a Bank.


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Wii, DS Lite, GC, SNES, GB, GB Color
  • Other Systems Owned
    X-BOX 360, PSP, PS3
  • Favourite Game?
    DKC2/3, SSB Melee, Disgaea
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Mario. Kirby. Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong!!!
  • Gender

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  • 3DS Friend Code
  • Wii Console Number
    1814 1015 8914 7612
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    3DS = 1719-3161-1404
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  1. Really good so far My flat mates are nice, but one is literally a dire person. A really sad case, and you just don't know what to do. She makes no effort to try and be part of everyone else, and is just (it sounds horrible, but it's the most apt way to describe it) uncool. And she is attention-seeking but in that awkward, negative way. During dinner, she'll go "Well I've never had any friends, so..." and then expects us to say something. We just stare at each other. It's awful. She's not even a nice person. ANYWAY. The rest are all nice.


    But I'm so glad that I've made a decent friend group from my course (which I expected), and I get on with everyone on my course so far. :)


    But yeah it's good. My friend-for-years-from-home-that-isnt-Chair-or-trotterp was down last night and it was cool to just be like "Look, I have a life! And friends!". Cause you're always scared you'll end up with no mates/etc. But that rarely happens.



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