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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    No excuses? Platinum cases/discs are FUGLY Sucks.
  2. Post Your Purchases

    Someone on AV forums got it free with a phone contract, he wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible
  3. User Image Gallery

    Eyyyyyy now, don't over do it
  4. User Image Gallery

    You may aswell give up nightwolf, it's common now on these forums for at least 1 guy who makes fun of the guy who looks like a girl =_= But it is kinda nice to no whenever someone posts something like that, I will have you saying "nooo he doesn't" ahahaha ... Am I whining?
  5. User Image Gallery

    Me with my amazing new mcdonalds "can" coke
  6. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    I was lucky, I spotted it within 5 minutes of it being posted And even more lucky I put some money in the bank today and has JUST enough to buy it ^_^ So excited! Just gotta find the money to get singstar and the PS3 eye
  7. Post Your Purchases

    40GB All for £225 inc postage New, not opened, bargain!
  8. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    Just bought a 40GB PS3 from a seller on AV forums, boxed, never been opened and includes GT-5 and spiderman 3 blu-ray ^_^ £225 inc next day delivery! Verrrrry happy, *cancels GAME pre-order*
  9. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

    Looks freaking GORGEOUS! YAY for platformers
  10. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HDMI-Digital-Cable-Lead-For-TV-HD-PS3-to-LCD-GOLD-1m_W0QQitemZ190243789498QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item190243789498&_trkparms=39%3A1|66%3A4|65%3A2&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1318 This alright for the PS3 guys? And is there any chance I will get customs? EDIT: I have pre-ordered the 80gb PS3, but I'm now wondering if its best to wait a bit for bundles and stuff? But I'm worried they will have a stock problem again :/ What do you think guys?
  11. User Image Gallery

    I didn't notice the cat at first, and thought he had a hUUUUUUUUUge cock :/
  12. Legalising Weed In The UK

    Ewww, you think so Nightwolf? :/ I like the smell of cigars though, while we were in Cuba, mmm.
  13. Legalising Weed In The UK

    No. It smells horrid.
  14. Sexuality Thread

    Ah yes yesterday night Y'all guys wanted to know what went down right? ^_^ Weelll, we were just cuddling and kissing all night whilst watching tv, (and the odd bit of grinding and wondering hands) but when it started to get to penis business, he was like I don't wanna rush things with you, as I really think this could turn into something special....which I agree with It was a really sweet night, yay, happy days
  15. Sexuality Thread

    Ah yeah, we finished ages ago O.o Well I finished with him about 2 months ago, I dunno what it was, but I just totally went off him, and everything people had been saying to me about him being big headed and looking down on people suddenly made me think twice about him. He was also becoming really obsessive, when I hadn't seen him for like 3 days, he wouldn't stop ringing my house and my parents got pissed off.. He didn't take it very well :/
  16. User Image Gallery

    For the theme, using my current Myspace profile pic Ha.
  17. I need a new digital camera

    I have the Samsung NV20 and it's an awesome camera So I guess that one should be even better ^_^
  18. Strange Tales...

    Happppy Birthdaaaays
  19. Sexuality Thread

    Sleeping at a guys house monday, we like each other, he is hot... Somethings telling me we wont just be watching movies....^_^ Yay for gayness.