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About JimmyPage

  • Birthday 11/02/1987


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gamecube, N64, DS, GBA, GBC
  • Other Systems Owned
    360, Mega Drive, Dreamcast, PC
  • Favourite Game?
    Ocarina Of Time
  • Gender

JimmyPage's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Well that's Direct X 10, Windows Vista and an uber-l33t PC for you.... shame it would be cheaper to buy ALL next gen consoles. But those graphics are unparalelled, absolutely stunning, the E3 video is very impressive too.
  2. kutaragi FTL!1! I genuinely didn't like anyone from Sony at e306, they're all the same "$599 $599 $599 $599" wouldn't mind some real-time PR change tbh
  3. bloody slow download too.... at least a couple of hours, mine's still not done, might go to bed =/
  4. Become a Pirate Thanks To Sly_Coconut from Gameplay Forums wub j00 sly!
  5. I just beat the temple, and the snow is still there in Termina =/ and there are big lumps of snow throwing things at me nyoh well, there ya go.
  6. It does disappear i think, as do the lizard thingies nearby. Not 100% sure though, i'll go beat the temple again and check for you
  7. ICE FISHING!111!!! would be a bit of fun no boat usage though, i hope the weather changes the landscape and stuff on a daily basis, like Ice one day, then melting the next when the sun's out. would like to fix it to summer though
  8. This "Matt" retard clearly has been forced into liking the controller, but still can't quite comprehend next gen without uber-l33t gr4ff!X. So he will never truely accept it as next gen i'm guessing.
  9. Or if you just want to get going on some awesome games with a friend, Wii (£149) Metroid (£29) TP (£29) Extra Controller (£35) £242, ish
  10. I still remember where i saw the first next gen graphics.. on a Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure 1.... damn! love that game. Anyway, DC2... mabye e3 2010? they will return one day, never soon enough though.
  11. Wii - miles ahead 360 - miles behind PS3 - slightly less than 360 due to price.
  12. umm... "it's quiet, too quiet..... ZOMFG look out it's a trap" "use A to charge your laser" "never give up, trust your instincts" incidentally all from the Asteroid Belt in chronological order
  13. Nintendo have always made a profit on consoles, this should be no different because they havn't bothered matching the others spec-wise. They will be able to charge under £200 for a profit, and that is a very important price point. However it will sell cheaper than that, Cube was going to retail at £169, then was dropped to £129, so i'm expecting anything between £149 and £169, that is, if they don't screw us over... hah!
  14. Eternal Darkness as i never got ANYWHERE with it. Metroid Prime 2 for the same reason, Metroid Prime 1 due to uberl33tness, and F-Zero GX because i got stuck on the story mode :| and Starfox adventures because i only completed it twice, and by law i must complete all Rare games that i own at least twice (which means playing Kameo again yay)
  15. We all know this is out to compete with the best game ever created, need not mention names, but what do we expect this to do that the other game didn't? Or is it not really that easy to put your finger on it because what made the other game so special wasn't really... identifiable :P
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