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My Buttons are Magic!

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Everything posted by My Buttons are Magic!

  1. your doing french at uni? ahh you poor poor thing...lol.. im only doing a-levels at least i only have to scrap a E to get into uni next year thank you so much! im gonna need all the help i can get :S
  2. FRENCH EXAM TOMORROW reading, comprehension, listening, translation damn the french
  3. okie... all entitled to ones opinions and all that jazz i just find acoustic-y type music very calming - im weird like that
  4. i love hallelujiah - that guys voice was very soothing...lol.. tho i havent listened to much of his stuff... i think some of his albums will have to be a future purchase
  5. 3 words jimmy eat world =) augh dont listen to me - im just bitter...lol
  6. if it wasnt for the dress - she looks about 4...lol plus the start of that dance routine looked like line dancing but hey.. whatever you like!
  7. same here.... im thinking of actually going to the library tomorrow so no internet / tv / books / food / drinks (non alcoholic of course) / n-europe to distract me.. and theres no signal in my local library so no texting
  8. im still not 100% - ahh well ive got till 28th september to figure it out
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59djEY3vjt8 if im gonna youtube anything french it will be this ^^^^ lol
  10. for some reason ive got lost prophets in my head *checks* its make a move i keep thinking i hear it on the telly
  11. in the music department in our school we use macs.. and theres a big shiny white imac (lmao - like the old leg cream) or something...and its lovely to use...
  12. wow - the amount you can get off for student discount from apple is unbelievable
  13. not really! lol.. just someone that had one could tell me more about the pros and cons plus since i could probablly find you and hit you if it turned out to be the wrong thing to do most likely well.. my dad and my mum and me are paying for it for my 19th in september (28th woot) so id be paying 250 or something towards it if it was a mac ( also counting as a christmas pressie if its too expensive - so its not that expensive if you think of it i hate nuts
  14. do you have one? i love them!... havent had them in ages
  15. but i have like 5 expansion packs and that means forking out loads of money for it :S.... unless i get a second hand copy... but i dont like buying those.... *without this turning into a flaming thread* can anyone tell me the pros and cons of getting a mac/pc? i mean i could get a mac as we have a pc at home and the computer labs are pc at university... but doesnt that mean i cant transfer documents like essays and stuff from computer to comptuer and print them out?
  16. forgot to mention - i have the sims 2 and the last time i looked it said os - windows only... (hence me not wanting a mac) and photoshop and itunes so i kinda need enough to store those..lol
  17. why? give a honest answer! i may get a dell or a toshiba... places normally do summer offers so ill get it closer to then
  18. we dont really put mayo on chips tho i do love garlic mayonnaise with chips...
  19. id never vote chips over daddy.....lol.. mine has to be the most patient one ever!
  20. daddy gives me money - so daddy
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