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My Buttons are Magic!

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Everything posted by My Buttons are Magic!

  1. I'll Have 4, 12, 87 and 163 Please.

    chicken, mushrooms, blackbean sauce YUMMMMMMMMMY OR.. from the chinese near where i work 1/2 and 1/2 fried rice and chips, 2 chicken balls and curry sauce... YUMMMMY damn i want one
  2. Who Would You Beeee From KNEEEEE

    if i could be anyone - i dunno who i would be if it was a case of swapping bodies with the person i dont think anyone would want to be me :P (not that id want them to)
  3. How was your day?

    im so in trouble with work ha ha ... i was meant to be working 12-5 tomorrow but they phoned and asked if i could work 5-11 instead. i said yes thinking my dad could give me a lift home. but it turns out its his christmas work do tomorrow night and wouldnt be in the fittest of states to give me a lift home...and greg is working to 9 and it wouldnt be fair to make him wait 2 hours just to give me a lift home! so when i realised (like 5 minutes after they phoned) i phoned them back but they never answered.. so ive been phoning every 15 minutes to tell them and when i got through they said they had it all arranged and to leave it to them and theyll sort it out now its not really my fault now.. i mean i did try to get into contact as soon as i could so i shouldnt feel guilty? they should have just answered the damn phone!!!!
  4. How Much Is Spent On You At Xmas?

    hmm.. to be fair i KNOW im spoiled.. being an only child ... miracle child at that :D dads got me a pair of boots that were 35 quid for christmas and he was meant to be getting me a ds but everywhere seems to be sold out of the silver one ... i dont really need anything else and i would be perfectly happy just to receive them.. cause i actually need them. normally i would have got lots more spent on me but dad does spend a lot on me during the year so i think ill give him christmas off :P (and last year he did buy me half a laptop and for my birthday i got a tv :D) he is a legend like. and i know hes trying to make up for the crapfest this year has been so far i have spent 81 pounds on pressies... not including my dad, aunt, other aunt, cousin, granny and granda. frak. so glad im getting paid on friday
  5. N-Europe Forum Awards 2008 Edition!

    lol thanks for the 2 whole votes for me and nando :P quite surpriising since i didnt realise many people knew we were a couple..lol.. i guess its cause we dont post pictures :P well.. ill maybe post my votes later
  6. Post a picture of your car!

    (fiat) bravo/brava?
  7. How was your day?

    my job meh i just dont know how to write a cv... to GOOGLE!
  8. How was your day?

    just got an email from my uni saying that x-factor are looking for people to help out int he final of x-factor (u know when they go to the hometown of the finalists and generally do stuff...lol) some guy is from derry (name escapes me)... now im meant to be working in barratts that whole day but should i sent my cv? i dunno this would be a mega opportunity if i could help out with the x-factor even if ive never watched it
  9. How was your day?

    it does i hate my couse i hate where im living and i dont get on with my flatmate home ftw
  10. How was your day?

    i think im getting annoying in the car thread this is what happens when i get bored and.... ive nothing else to do anwoos - i dont care just got loaded lots of hoursin work next week which should be fun!
  11. Post a picture of your car!

    another clue! even tho i know i have no chance at winning i want another clue! p.s im slightly bored so you can tell that im over excited about this suzuki swift? edit - nevermind - read your last post - dont think anyone has suggested a suzuki b efore renault twingo? (im officially bored...lol) this would be my dream car:
  12. Post a picture of your car!

    um... renault megane? i hate those cars
  13. Post a picture of your car!

    so its a smaller car but not that small? :P
  14. What should your other half be?

    i kinda agree with this whats the point of being with someone if you dont trust them completly..
  15. Post a picture of your car!

    im only learning to drive but my dad says he'll get me a car only when i pass my test so i can travel to uni next year instead of staying up - i know that im flamin spoilt but im wasting money stayin up there when i hate it! oo is it a mini cooper or a mini one?
  16. Questions

    i assume i do. it told me when i installed something else to download the latest flash so i thought it had and oops i didnt realise it had been asked b efore.. dont think ive ventured into this thread really before... and they used to always work... like the last one did.. this one just doesnt
  17. Questions

    for some reason the header on the top of the forum the links arent working - like "home, chat, forum" is this just me and my silly computer?
  18. Battle of the Santas - Nominations

    am i doing this right? :P gotta love santa
  19. What Do Other People Think Of You?

    what i mean is that people perceive it in different ways, people think when im shy im just rude n stuff but im just plain shy in front of people i dont know and that when im nervous people think im weird for talking too much but its because im nervous i just talk to fill the silence...like they dont realise.. i dunno i know what im tryin to say but im not sure its coming across :P
  20. What Do Other People Think Of You?

    people think im weird. strange. confusing. greg sees the "real me" i think. the paranoid self concious nervous shy person.lol
  21. X-Factor 2008

    quoting myself she is actually ruinin white flag as well.. har har *mute*
  22. X-Factor 2008

    i never watch x factor normally but diana was awful. she ruined girlfriend...lol.. well she ruined girlfriend more than he ruined busted so yeh
  23. Cinderella: Christmas Comic 2008

    oh the stupidly good timing of the mouse in the house! hehe
  24. How was your day?

    its snowing!!!!!!!!! bring on winter, christmas and overtime! woooooo!
  25. How was your day?

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *ahem* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha sorry - now you just know how i felt