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About DOAG

  • Birthday 08/29/1983


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  1. One of my favourite ex ne members was ford prefect. A lot of people didn't seem to really like him... He did rant a lot.. But we did talk all the time and he was actually a really cool chill dude IMO. Blackfox was awesome too. Jolene (forget her ne name) had a heart of gold. Still talk to her from time to time on Facebook. Jim Bob was awesome (he still might be around) Some more people I liked back in the day... Athriller, svt4him, rokkhed (she did get weird not cos she was trans , just seemed to want to shock), omg I forget so many old names but remember their posts... I'm sure more names will come to me...
  2. Racism and any kind of hatred towards anybody is something I can not stand and will not tolerate from anyone! Like dude there is just no excuse for it!! We are all human and need to be loved. So let's just love one another and enjoy this one life.
  3. Yup definitely too early to get complacent. Be safe at all times.
  4. Ikr!!! But here in Northern Ireland I think we are definitely doing fantastic at beating covid. So hopefully sooner rather than later :).
  5. I'm groovy dude! Could not be happier! Life could not be better... Apart from covid being a pain in ass 😂.
  6. This is soag here, using my alternate account as I can never log into my original and best account.. I joined this group back in 2002...a life time ago. So many names and faces come and gone. And I love and miss them all.
  7. I loved the series of daredevil and Jessica Jones but I've yet to finish luke cage and start iron fist. Need to catch up asap.
  8. Yes I'm a imposter trying to steal all of Georgias old posts lol
  9. If you could do that it would be great acctually lol
  10. A pack of hula hoops and a galaxy.
  11. Yes it's me it's me is the S O A G. Well I can't get back into my old account so I made a new one. So who missed me.... *tumble weeds* Yea I missed you guys too lol.
  12. As raining again said message me if you want to talk I'm very far into the transition. Hopefully having grs either late this year or some time next year. I'm happy to help x
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