I was wondering does everyone's wii clock have the AM and PM showing??? Mine doesn't show it, just in 24 hours clock. I've seen some screen shots from others and its show the AM, PM. Or is it only the US has it??
Yeah pedrocasilva is right. The Saturn was a powerful machine as it uses quadrilaterals to make the polygons instead of triangles.
Heres the video ~Shenmue - Saturn version
Yu Suzuki once said "One very fast central processor would be preferable. I don't think that all programmers have the ability to program two CPUs - most can only get about one-and-a-half times the speed you can get from one SH-2. I think only one out of 100 programmers is good enough to get that kind of speed [double] out of the Saturn."
I'm sure Square-Enix wasn't expecting the wii to do so well, probably their next annoucements will have a few more titles for the wii.