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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Forgot to post, pals, sorry (I don't think the @ tags worked in the write-up either, as it doesn't show when I check my list of mentions), but, uh, yeah. Don't have anything to report because I assume most of us couldn't do anything. Essentially gave the thieves one free incrimination last break and a session free of voting, as there's nothing much to talk about probably. Cube's list is accurate based on the info we have, and we could probably just pick one from the list and have a 50/50 shot of nailing a thief, pals... but I'm not sure if we have the capability to reach a majority. When you have a majority of 5 and not even that many people have posted over the course of two days (again, sorry it took me this long to post), it might be time for Jonnas to just buy more grape juice instead. He looks rich enough anyway, pals. =P
  2. I don't think I was ever special, I just had plenty of free time and few other games to play. =P /Wii U joke That said, congrats, that one can be a pain to tackle! But unless you only have the Regal Crown left to get, then the actual "hardest" challenge is... You can find a list of the challenges and what you can unlock for completing them here. This isn't like the days of Melee where you had to clear Classic or Adventure with everybody to get Mr. Game & Watch, so aside from the challenges Glen-i mentioned, all you're gonna get out of clearing Classic and All-Star with everyone are the fighter trophies. If the prizes aren't worth it for you, then there's no need to bother. Oh, and if you have someone you can play the game with locally, you can partner up with them for Classic and All-Star and cut the time it takes to collect those trophies in half. However, you'll only unlock the short fighter ending movie for whatever character player 1 is. Here's a reminder of the type of movie I'm talking about. I miss that taunt...
  3. Heh, maybe. It is a hasty theory, pal, and he could also know how he drove you away because he may actually be a protector and know how it works of course. I just figured it was something worth considering so I threw it out there in case I'm not here next session. Thinking about it more though, MadDog and Diageo contradicted each other during the previous session (MadDog was redirected to Rummy, scared by a shadowy figure, Diageo wasn't). So there is that. In any case... it looks like nothing happened to the votes? ... Don't scare me like that, pal! We got an hour left and we're one away from majority. No hard feelings to Diageo, but I think it's time we made some progress, good bad or otherwise, pals.
  4. Guess my trust won't be in question at least if it does have an effect, Mr. Edgeworth, sir. =P I'm assuming it doubles all votes. Gonna quote DuD so I can use his ability again and Vote: Diageo just in case. This is a hasty theory but we don't have time and I don't know if I'll still be here next session, but if Diageo is a thief, then I think MadDog is probably one, too, pals. Diageo was very knowledgeable that he knew how Cube couldn't reach me. Chances are he forged Cube's PM, pals, so he knew exactly what the message would say. MadDog later also said he couldn't reach me with the same reason. None of the stuff that he has found out has been new information, just stuff that's already been mentioned (and also contradictory. He claims he took handcuffs off Rummy and that his ability takes things from people, but he never mentions how he got the info that Sheikah wouldn't like to be made angry in Session 2). I think it's worth investigating, pals! Double Post: On the flipside, Diageo could actually be telling the truth about bein' a protector, but I'm just throwin' somethin' out there that people may not have considered. Also, they could have forged Sheikah's PM in the previous session to give Diageo an alibi, which would pretty much clear up all contradictions I think.
  5. Remove Vote for now because we haven't heard from some members yet and I don't want a verdict to happen too soon. Gotta let people have a chance to talk, pals.
  6. Well, the first line of my post was a joke. =P As for the rest, it was just intended as a friendly message (or at least I thought it was) that echoes what Rummy said when the previous session ended, and there was no intention to cause conflict. Jonnas, as game moderator, can judge whether my post was condescending and act accordingly, but really, I'm just not that type of guy, and I'm sure people here have seen me posting and known me long enough to agree with that. It wasn't intended as a starting point for an off-topic discussion, but that's what has happened, so I apologise to Jonnas for that. Oh, and I'm from "the north", so I'm pretty used to swearing, heh. I'm also not gonna speak for DuD, but I agree that he shouldn't be bringing stuff from outside of the game into here. ---- To get back on topic, pal: I don't think Jonnas has any favouritism over me, certainly not to the point where I'm an overpowered "Gamemaster". I have to use the "Hey Pal!" bubble to activate it which makes it more obvious, and as I don't know the roles of others at the beginning of the game, I have to use it through my own deduction or guesswork. Cube was a guess. DuD was believing in him after what he said about his target lined up with my info. Maybe I was a bit lucky, too. I chose to target somebody other than Diageo because I figured that you, Diageo and DuD would have a high chance of interference of some sort. I chose Rummy because his posts towards the end of the previous session were a bit suspect. Take the results however you please.
  7. ...@Jonnas, can I just say that when you were dishing out the roles for this mafia, you gave Sheikah the perfect character, pal. =P That said, whilst I get that Mafia games can be stressful sometimes, there's no need for becoming frustrated to the point of swearing or getting aggressive towards others. This is a game, and I'm sure we all want it to be a fun to play with a non-hostile environment. Please try to be more respectful to your fellow players, no matter what alignment in the game you think they may be.
  8. I said no such thing, pal. That's what you just assumed. I said that I copy a person's power with the "Hey Pal!" bubble and use that person's power the following break. And during the previous session, I used it on DuD, pal.
  9. See, that's the difference to you private detectives and us real detectives, pal. After a heated discussion like last night, you can't go targeting the obvious because people are going to anticipate that. You have to do the unexpected! Lucky that I copied your powers, eh? And instead of incriminatin' someone (which knowing Jonnas was very much a possibility if you were a thief...), I investigated Rummy and found out that he was innocent. This confirms that DuD is an alignment investigator, as he has claimed (he's just a pretty unlucky one... and not very good at theorising to boot, but that's private detectives for ya =P). This also means it was impossible for him to incriminate Mr-Paul and Sméagol. And as my evidence showed yesterday, the only other person to target Sméagol during Break 2... was Diageo, pals. Vote: Diageo
  10. Well I never said I'd switch votes before, and stood by my vote for reasons I already stated: that I believe in my evidence and am going for the person who contradicted it, pal. Furthermore, not as many people had voted at the time. The reason I say I'm willing to switch now is because we've had more members voting, and the time, however much we have left, is running out. I have done everything I can to get people to vote, asking for an extension, presenting my evidence is clearly as I can and tagging members who haven't voted yet to come forward, yet I'm the only one being pressured about my vote, and I don't think my response to this has been unreasonable, so I would appreciate it if you stopped badgering me about it, pal. One more vote towards DuD, be it a switched vote or an previously unvoted one, that's all I'm asking (which is one lower than I asked before and is something that will be required regardless). If people vote towards Diageo or refuse to change their votes either way, then me changing my vote at this very moment isn't going to change anything, because right now, nobody is showing any signs of budgin' (including Rummy, who's attitude just now is admittedly a bit suspect) and the only person I tagged that has come online since I tagged them was Marcamillian... who didn't post for whatever reason.
  11. Uh... yo, pal. This is new information, what are you talkin' about? This must have been during Break 1, right?
  12. Same could be said to you at this point in the game, pal. You switching to Diageo right now would be no different to me switching to DuD (other than DuD's word that he'd change his vote again, which is no guarantee at this point), it'd make one guy 5 votes and the other 3. All this back and forth between you and I right now is accomplishing is potentially putting members off, pal. Let at least one person either change their vote or throw a fresh vote in the pile, and we can agree from there where the flow of this is now going.
  13. Pal, I'm already tellin' you that you have my vote if we get one or two more votes, because I realise we are on borrowed time and we need to get one of them lynched. Problem is, regardless of the popularity before, both are just as popular right now, it's an even split. Heck, Rummy and jayseven voted for Diageo before DuD changed his vote back! At the time they could have reached majority, pal! Maybe you should trying to convince them to change vote, but the current situation is that we need those who I've tagged to throw their votes in, be it Diageo and DuD, because reaching a majority isn't gonna be easy without at least one or two of them. Double Post: Aaaand since I see @Jonnas viewing the thread, I'm gonna politely re-request that evenin' extension. I'll tell you where I got these pajamas if ya do, pal!
  14. Firstly, I don't think you should be pointing out the how stubborn I'm being when the same could be applied to you, pal. Heck, the only one who has changed vote at all this session is DuD I think? Maybe we're all stubborn. =P The current vote standings are four votes a piece, so even if DuD and I changed votes, it's not going to reach majority without the help of at least one more voter as you said. Also, note that apart from DuD flip-flopping, the only votes that have come in since Jonnas' latest votecount have been from Rummy and jayseven... and both have been for Diageo, not DuD. Granted, barring Cube the members I tagged haven't been particularly active this session, but if we get two votes and they're both for DuD (or one new voter plus DuD changing his vote), you have my word that I will change my vote to DuD. But I can't do anything about people who aren't posting or voting beyond the tagging that I've already done, pal. On the other hand, if one or two come in, read whats been posted and opt to vote for Diageo instead of DuD, what then?
  15. Well I think there was enough info to go on to at least somewhat guess what my role was before I explained it in plain words, but I get that it was gonna be more obvious to me because I, uh, knew what my role was. =P We're already kind of on borrowed time at this point, pals, so what I'm gonna do is tag the members who haven't voted yet: @Cube @Dedede @Marcamillian @The Peeps The votecount is currently 3 votes for Diageo (Sprout, jayseven and Rummy) and 5 votes for DuD (DuD, Diageo, Dannyboy-the-Dane, MadDog and Sheikah). If you haven't already, give the thread a read to catch up on what you may have missed, and put a vote towards whoever you think is the most suspicious, pals! I'd tag all players, but I don't wanna come across as annoying, heh. If anybody else wants to tag those I haven't, then feel free!
  16. Why do you think I asked for an extension? Everyone has their reasons for being busy or unresponsive at times, pal, and I sure everyone here ain't gonna let a game take priority over more important things like the stuff you mentioned. So I figured we should let people have a little more time to share their points or put in their votes. But if I think something doesn't look right, I'm gonna point it out, pal. Can't just leave these things overlooked, y'know.
  17. Forgot to add that the whole giving DuD a chance bit would only be applicable if Diageo was guilty. If he turned out to be innocent then yeah, there'd be no need for extra chances, naturally. =P
  18. You're talking about the write-up I assume, and you're right that you smoked him out that day, but remember that you didn't see the critical point: him implicating Mr-Paul. He may have been pressured to be honest, but ask yourself, what benefit would he have to admitting he targeted Sméagol. I doubt he thought that saying that would have prevented people from voting for him, pal. True, but remember that the circumstances on how they couldn't reach DuD are different. It's another contradiction (that we may get more light on depending on if we hear from Dedede). Furthermore, MadDog has provided flavour, that he was redirected by a "scary shadow", but Diageo has simply said he was unsuccessful, providing nothing else. Let's not forget Diageo's claims that he was "tied up" with handcuffs (which isn't something I'd associate "tied up" with) and that somebody removed them, but nobody has come forward to claim that they removed them, unlike MadDog who claims to have removed the cuffs from Rummy. All of this could be explained away, I'm sure, but on top of everything else, don't you find it all a bit... iffy? Fact is, both are suspicious, we agree on that, pal. But the reason I think we should go with Diageo, aside from what I meantioned with my previous post, is that with DuD, we at least have his role claim to hold him to, and his target for Break 2 isn't in question, unlike Diageo. I'm sure if we let him live another night, there will be at least some people targeting him and keeping tabs on him. He made a claim that he's an alignment investigator, maybe we should see if that pans out and he targets somebody other than a victim for once, pal. However, we have nothing to hold Diageo to. He has provided us with nothing. Sure, DuD has his targets against him, but we know for certain that he's been honest about them. We can't say the same about Diageo.
  19. I figured in the event we do get some people posting overnight (and we don't get an extension), I thought I'd try using that... logic... stuff one more time, pals. Audio If my info is right, then both DuD and Diageo targeted Sméagol, pals. At least one of them is a thief. DuD has been truthful about his target (and revealed his target before I revealed my info, so he wasn't necessarily forced to reveal his target), whilst Diageo's truthfulness is uncertain, claiming he targeted DuD instead, with Sheikah backing him up. Obviously, my evidence and Sheikah's contradict eachother. However, both Cube and jayseven appear to trust me, which I believe helps make my evidence more reputable, pals. Cube because I copied his ability and he knows how it works, so if something was off he'd have said so. jayseven... well, it's just my theory, but based on what he's said and the voice I heard, I have reason to believe that he targeted me, and that his powers would have been beneficial to me. Dannyboy also targeted me, but I don't think he, nor any other member keeping silent on their targets, could have tampered with my findings. If they could, I don't see how they could have possibly tampered with it to get the results that I ended up with, pals. As said, if one turns out innocent, our next vote will be obvious. But I believe in my evidence, and I believe Diageo lied, so my vote stays on him for now.
  20. Ah, I guess you could have been that voice I heard then, pal! We seem close to majority, but people are probably gonna be sleepin' durin' most of that time! I dont think we should drag out the session for too long, but it has been a little more active than the previous session, and rules say you're open to suggestions for phases, so any chance you wanna be a pal and extend that to tomorrow evening maybe? Call it a favour if you want after fixing your numbers... twice. =P (And it seems Dedede hasn't even logged in to n-e for the past day or two. Give him a chance!)
  21. About as convenient as you being roleblocked one break and supposedly targeting someone untargetable, right? =P Both of you are suspicious to me right now, pal. Call me whatever or roll your eyes however much you like, I'm just statin' what I think based on what I have and what people have said. If DuD is guilty and gets majority, great! If he's innocent, that's bad obviously, but at least we'll know who incriminated Sméagol for sure. Also, another thought popped into my head, pals... why would the thieves decide for DuD to implicate someone during break 2? Unless DuD is the only one who can implicate someone, then why would they run the risk of using him to implicate someone again after Sheikah supposedly caught him out? Surely they would have chosen someone else in their group to carry off the deed? If DuD does turn out to be guilty though, maybe the thieves ain't as smart as I'm givin 'em credit for here, haha. I'm not sure if we have much time left in this session, but I'm guessin' Jonnas ain't gonna allow us an extension, pals.
  22. You're certainly interested in whatever Sméagol's ability is, aren't ya, pal? And you want to know an awful lot about him all of a sudden... Almost as if you know somethin' about him already. And how could you possibly know that, pal? Regardless, I know nothing about Sméagol other than what I've said, that you and DuD targeted him on Break 2. I'll also answer that I don't know what an person's ability I copy does until after I've used it. Because Jonnas really wants me to suffer. =P
  23. I don't know what Sméagol's ability was? I targeted Sméagol using Cube's ability, pal.
  24. You're breakin' my heart, pal! Plus I figured what with you bein' the ace attorney you'd have figured it out on your own by now. But fine, ol' Dick Gumshoe is gonna explain it to ya, pal! I can copy abilities with the "Hey Pal" bubble. I used it on Cube in Session 2, so I gained his ability for Break 2 (which you can gather from what he said is that he can find out who targeted his target). I targeted Sméagol, and found out that DuD and Diageo targeted him. Is that all you needed, pal?
  25. Pal, you really need to work on your numbers, and that's comin' from me of all people. (You forgot MadDog's vote.) Sorry, pal, I completely forgot to reply to you. I'm not sure if I should reveal my powers just yet, but I intend to reveal them by the next session for sure. That is, if I don't get kicked out in the next break, haha! I have no real reason to doubt my evidence though, and to be honest I'm fine gettin' rid of either of 'em as they're both suspicious to me. If we're wrong today, we'll just get the other one! But I'm going with Diageo for now as he contradicted my information whereas DuD did not. I will say that in addition to the info I shared, that I also heard a voice, which may have been you?
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