SNES hands down. 2d perfection, many excellent rpgs, platforms, side scrolling shooters and fighting games and best 3rd party support Nintendo has ever had.
Everyone should buy a DC (they are so cheap nowadays) just for playing Shenmue. It's an experience that every gamer should live.
Just get a DC from ebay for 20 gbp, then Shenmue for 10 and Shenmue 2 for 25-30.
Even if you play now the first Shenmue you will be amazed - it looks like a "next-gen" game. Its concept... its mechanisms... just wow... This game was so ahead of its time.
It's still an excellent game but if you have played too much SC3 or even SC2, turning back to the previous game is always hard (except if you play for fun).
Dreamcast has many good fighting games... From Capcom VS SNK 2 and Street Fighter 3 to Jojo's Bizzare Adventure and Powerstone.
Radiant Silvergun. Treasure's best game. Almost impossible to find but but anyone who has played it would easily understand why this game is the pinnacle of vertical shooters (along with Ikaruga - it's unofficial sequel).
Which company published this game in Europe? Red Octane like in the USA?
I wanna also ask if anyone has found the PAL version of the game outside the UK.