Have you guys seen this petition?
Couldn't find another thread with this on so thought I'd try and share it.
Would be great to have soul calibur 2 in hd with Link on Wii U. Loved that game.
I've not seen this petition mentioned in this thread so far so here is a link to one for its original release date to be honored. Don't know if it will work but there is no harm and is up to 9000+ signatures so far.
Shame... but I'll still hold out hope
So my question is, will my SSBB US save work with the UK version....?
I guess I'll have to borrow someones UK version to find out.
Its weird, I have an order number and email from Codejunkies. But when I login to the site it says I have no orders in my history.
I tried their email contact system but they have not replied... Anyone else have this problem or am I going to have to call the gits at £1 a minute?
I was thinking about a post to see if anyone, like myself has forgotten about the star catalogue. And if anyone knows if they will be able to be traded for Wii points.
I booked the day off work when I knew the date.
Flexi time is very useful.
I got a email from gameplay saying i will get my wii on launch day so its wake up and listen for the post man all morning.
I'll play Zelda OOT until it arrives :P
I think its a given that everyone wants Sonic to be in it.
Its the age old arguement in primary school, when the megadrive and snes were out, mario could beat sonic blah blah.
And now we should be able to test that theory.