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Everything posted by Zero

  1. On horse back it takes 45 mins. How long do you think it would take walking.
  2. The people in the legends also seemed to be aware that link could travel through time. That confuses the hell out of me. I don't know where im going with this but could someone explain that.
  3. I can't ever remember nintendo ever saying that. Do you have any sources. If they did confirm it that gives them a place to put tp without messing everything up timeline wise
  4. I still don't believe there are alternate timelines. If there was why doesn't it show what happens to the adult link at the end of oot.
  5. It doesnt say TP is related to them. Only placed between them. Either way im not saying it is or isnt. Just saying people sometimes look too far into it. Myself included.
  6. I think people have been specutlating too hard on OOT and WW. TP might not even be related to the games or might only be related to one of them. It could be realted to a different zelda game.
  7. I personally don't see why poeple dislike this game. I played it after I played ToS and BK and still enjoyed it a lot. It's got a great story and when you get far enough into the game thats when you can really enjoy it. As for graphics, there isn't much wrong with them. As long as it doesn't hurt to look at then why should we care.
  8. Blashphemy But I do agree with the review part. Reviewers don't speak for everyone.
  9. I am ashamed I didn't see that. And I call myself a Zelda fan.
  10. OMFG. There had better be multiplayer. And it better be good. Even if it wans't though I would still buy it.
  11. That would piss me off if someone done that to me. I prefer the more 'in your face' gloating. Especially if the other person thinks they are all high and mighty. :p Taunting someone. You know like rubbing in the fact that your better than them.
  12. When I play a 1on1 I prefer not to use all the advance techniques. The speed some people play at is just... wow but, I at least want some time to gloat when Im beating their ass (my friends) instead of killing them instantly. Was wave dashing really meant to be in the game. I always thought it was some sort of glitch.
  13. Yeah, 2on2 is awesome but, i perfer it without items.
  14. My sister used to do that as well. I wonder if its a sister thing. I would have to agree with Goron3. 1 on 1 with no items but 4 player is also really fun if you pick random characters and battle it out.
  15. Doesnt that seem like a bit of a pointless study. I mean what are you going to do with chicken that grow teeth.
  16. I'll probably buy both but not straight away. I'll get the wii version then after a while i'll probably try and get the GC version.
  17. What if it turns out to be ilia (that woman who had epona). We didnt see what happened to her after she was captured. That could be a big twist.
  18. Well lats just hope they dont delay it too long.
  19. Did anyone here that watched Evangelion understand any of it. I sure as hell didn't.
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