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Posts posted by Zero

  1. The Prime engine looks great dont get me wrong but after a trilogy that looks more or less the same, i personally would welcome a drastic change to the graphics (and gameplay for that matter).


    I thought the best part of Wind Waker was how great the enemies animated and how bold the colors were. A 2D/3D hybrid Metroid could look awesome done up like that. Id buy it

    Me to, buts that just becaus I enjoy the games.

  2. Well, you say that, and since Prime 3 is a sequel to Prime 2, which had a multiplayer, i can say, that the multiplayer on that, was Shit.


    There is a lot of conflicting opinions regarding Metroid Prime Hunters Multiplayer, i absolutely hated it.


    And yeah, adding multiplayer to a Metroid game, just makes the multiplayer another Generic Online FPS


    Could Nintendo handle more then 4 players online, last i heard they were struggling on Smash Bros to do that.


    For an online console FPS game, you need at least 8 players

    I don't see Metriod Prime games to be FPS's. I see them like adventure games with an element of FPS.


    Even if you didn't like the multiplayer in MP2, you have to admit it was a lot better in Hunters, which says to me that it will get better hopefully in MP3

  3. Metroid Prime Hunters looked like it had an impressive single player


    Multiplayer does not belong in a Metroid game.

    I don't see why not. If they can implement it properly then what's the big deal.


    And we already know they can make a good multiplayer metroid.

  4. Death Note is about Light Yagami who is a young but bright high school student who has until recently led a boring and uneventful life. That changed very quickly when he found a strange notebook with the title "Death Note" lying on the ground one day in 2003. It wasn't until later that he realized that this "Death Note" was the tool of a shinigami (god of death in Japanese) from another world named Ryuk, and that it had the power to kill whoever's name was written on its pages, so long as the writer knew the victim's face as well so it won't kill anyone sharing the same name. Light realises his ability to kill whomever he wishes, and he uses it to begin a "cleansing" of the world from evil.


    It does not take the police long to realise that somebody is responsible for the mysterious deaths of criminals, and he is then soon hunted by the Japanese police force and a mysterious detective known as "L". So as Light works towards his "perfect" world, devoid of crime and injustice, L works to catch the mysterious murderer, dubbed "Kira" (Japanese pronunciation of Killer) by the press and end the increasingly senseless deaths of criminals and anyone who gets too close to the truth. L and Light soon begin a cat and mouse chase to see who will be the first to have their identities exposed.

    :D Sounds really good. Bit strange but, good.


    I edited it to make sense:


    Basically when I was young my dad and mum stayed out in japan with friends they have living over there.

    That makes much more sense

  5. Could some one make me a sig with my name on it and this as the background




    and with these pics please






    I have tried myself but I'm still learning how to use photoshop and thus my attempts suck.


    Thanks in advance.

  6. I thought the cell saga was the best once you got past all the talking aka when the cell games actually started.


    But, if i had to chose overall what one i prefered it would probably be the frieza saga. Mainly because that dont have super saiyans popping up every where when there was only meant to be one every couple of thousand years.

  7. I've always wanted a class DBZ game, preferable an RPG/MMORPG. I remember playing some of the japanese SNES ones briefly on an emulator to check them out and they were pretty good. All the DBZ games recently haven't appealed to me that much though, and I played budokai and hated it.

    This however, well its more exciting, but still not my ideal type of DBZ game. The thought of playing it with the wiimote has always seemed right though, and i loved it if it was really tiring as then it would feel more like you're actually fighting.

    I take it you like RPGs a lot. Me too. Best kind of games imo.


    Maybe its just me but, I don't think DBZ suits an RPG genre.

  8. Link has the hawk

    Finally someone else agrees that it is a hawk.


    I find it strange no one talked abour the Sheikah's symbol on the coat's back.

    Also, what about zelda holding a sword?


    This is TP official art:



    I have not read the whole 155 pages of this thread, so feel free to kick me.

    So. Zelda with a sword. Maybe she fights with you at one point. Linke when tetra fights with you in WW.


    Maybe she was taught by the Shiekah how to sword fight and thats also the time she got that cloak. Either that or maybe Impa makes a return.

  9. well... there are pics where wolf link appears to be out of the twilight realm

    True enough but, isn't there a video that shows wolf Link running about in the snow, in colour.


    No different eagle its small and golden colored - in hyrule world. Zelda is Zelda in twilight world.


    To make it simple:


    Hyrule: Link- Link(normal)

    Zelda- Eagle(golden one)


    Twilight realm: Link - Wolf

    Zelda- Zelda(normal)

    Huh? I'm really confused. Why would she turn into an eagle in normal hyrule?


    She must have been in her normal (assuming she has an animal form) form in Hyrule to begin with before the Twilight realm appeared. So why would she suddenly become an eagle in normal Hyrule nad not in the Twilight realm, again, assuming she had an eagle form.


    Another question. What eagle is it your talking about?

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