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Posts posted by Zero

  1. Now i think you're seeing things, we all now that SSJ4 isn't real, it like DBGT was all just a bad nightmare, now if you'll excuse me i now have to once again repress those memories ::shrug:

    I dont get why a lot of people hate DBGT.


    OK I lie. I do see why people hate but, I still thought the baby and dragon sagas were good.


    Bradock was also my favourite character.

  2. Although remember at the end of Ocarina of Time Link returns to his child form and he is a hero no one has heard of, yet.


    At the beginning of The Wind Waker, Link(OoT) is one of the greatest legends ever, maybe even more important than princess Zelda herself.


    Although if Twilight Princess is to be set at the time when Ganondorf destroys Hyrule there was no recollection of that Link(TP) in the beginning of The Wind Waker.

    I think people have been specutlating too hard on OOT and WW. TP might not even be related to the games or might only be related to one of them. It could be realted to a different zelda game.

  3. I personally don't see why poeple dislike this game. I played it after I played ToS and BK and still enjoyed it a lot. It's got a great story and when you get far enough into the game thats when you can really enjoy it. As for graphics, there isn't much wrong with them. As long as it doesn't hurt to look at then why should we care.

  4. Something I do when i gloat is to combo someone, and as I hit them off the level, say 'wait, what happened there...I'm so sorry'...hehe works a treat!

    That would piss me off if someone done that to me.


    JAs for gloating, when I gloat i usually break concentration. If I win though, I do the "silent gloat" and it gets to people :D.

    I prefer the more 'in your face' gloating. Especially if the other person thinks they are all high and mighty. :p


    What's a gloat :S

    Taunting someone. You know like rubbing in the fact that your better than them.

  5. When I play a 1on1 I prefer not to use all the advance techniques. The speed some people play at is just... wow but, I at least want some time to gloat when Im beating their ass (my friends) instead of killing them instantly.


    Was wave dashing really meant to be in the game. I always thought it was some sort of glitch.

  6. JammyJu, haha funny story - listen to this one: in the N64 one when I used to play with my sister, her favourite character was Yoshi and she would stand at the side and eat people then lay them off the side and into oblivion!


    My sister used to do that as well. I wonder if its a sister thing.


    SOOOO, boring. 4 player all items mayhem FTW.

    Playing without items is like playing a half assed strange fighter with nintendo characters. Playing with items is like playing SMASH bros.


    I would have to agree with Goron3. 1 on 1 with no items but 4 player is also really fun if you pick random characters and battle it out.

  7. I have to ask


    Is shinji actually gay. There is a lot of stuff the proves he isnt but saying you love a guy doesnt exactly make you straight. A lot of people say he is and a lot say isnt. Personally I dont think he is so if someone could clear it up please.


    It confused me to no end during the movie.

  8. What were you left wondering about? Maybe I can answer your Evangelion-related questions.


    Please ask away, it'd give me something to do. Plus it's always nice to help people understand such a brilliant show.


    All these years on I'm still learning new things about Evangelion. I've basically given up trying to find the answers myself, instead I obsessively read the musings and discoveries of others. I guess you could say I'm lazy, but I'm not wasting time on groundless theories this way. Saying that, I very much doubt all of Evangelion's mysteries will be uncovered.


    As far as remaining questions about a series go, I'm currently reading into the Tenchi Muyo OVA which, for a simple harem comedy on the suface, has been so expansively developed and planned out it's almost terrifying.


    It was pretty much eps 25 and 26 i didnt get and


    why was asuka with senji at the end of EoE. I thought she died in eva 02 and also why was shinji trying to kill her.


    Thoughts please.


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