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Everything posted by MrRon

  1. "Pokemon Grumble" Interactive pocket-monster porn (cartoon voices, naturally!). "Mushroom City" Mario themed GTA clone. That'll do for the first 5 years.
  2. I'd prefer if they called it:- Italy Vendetta IV: The Conspiracy Of The Alien Guns In The Post-Apocalyptic World War II Whore Gangster Car (Destructible Scenery Edition) Part II HD Redux.5 The twats.
  3. My two cents... Sorry if somebody else has already come up with this but... Starfox: Multiverse (Working title) A rift in the Starfox universe opens up, resulting in Fox and co chasing Andross through other Nintendo universes with predictable awesomeness. Imagine boss fights such as; blasting Bowser in his flying machine over a lake of lava or chasing and zapping Ganondorf (on horseback) across Hyrule. You could even enter the Airwing into a Mario Kart race...
  4. ... and if you play right now, the little robot fella is adorned with a Santa hat and red nose.
  5. Officially interested now.
  6. The colour scheme looks nice but the music could be a lot better.
  7. After reading the Eurogamer review, I caved in and ordered a Wii speak. Never thought I'd do such a thing... I feel... dirty.
  8. MrRon

    Pikmin 3

    Didn't enjoy it much then?
  9. MrRon

    Pikmin 3

    I wonder where can they go next with this franchise. What new pikmin types and abilities will be included? What Wii specific features will be included? M+ for plucking and herding? Online? Will there be 2 or more playable characters? More than 100 pikmin to control?
  10. MrRon

    Pikmin 3

    Time for a thread for the flowery little buggers.
  11. I've been led to believe that the sword is a character (the silver female with the pointy head, depicted in the painting shown at E3) that will float alongside Link, thus negating the need to jump to First Person for 1:1 handling.
  12. Getting the star coins on 9-7 is some kind of inhuman torture that I'm too scared to even attempt again for at least week, fearing some kind of a mental breakdown. I have every star coin bar the three in this level which is, indeed,
  13. You can already play OOT on the N64, GC and Wii. I don't think a remake makes any financial or creative sense.
  14. This is hardly a work of great beauty, but it pretty much communicates the feel of the game. So, in that respect, it could be considered a success.
  15. Metroids discovered in Arctic shocker! http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8231000/8231367.stm
  16. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/973/973423p1.html I've barely read the article... but I get the idea. The usual unconfirmed spectre of suggestion, dipped in suspicion and tempered with hope. Could it be this? Will it be that? Surprise? Disappointment? Let us ponder!
  17. What about "Pokermon Online"? Online poker.. with pokemon. All the avatars are... pokemon. Instead of cards, you use... pokemon. Instead of money, you gamble with... pokemon. It should be set in Johannesburg and feature, gritty, realistic graphics, a mature storyline (all the pokemon smoke heavily), fully-orchestrated music by The Killers and a continuous commentary by the anime version of Pikachu:- "Pika pika pikachoooo, pikachu. Pika, Pika, Choooo..." Does anybody else think that this would be amazing? Should we set up an online petition to get Reggie Bel Ami to make it for us?
  18. Plus "Rouge Squadron II" was the first game to put you in control of an army of transvestites!
  19. I'm quite looking forward to this! All I need now is to trick three non-rpg-playing friends into joining the fun.
  20. They should show video where Waluigi marries Daisy and starts knocking her about. The sequence would end by fading into black and the sounds of sobbing. Then the audience would be told to go home.
  21. Looks like another case of a start-up company founded solely to litigate for gains from established concepts and products. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/911/911328p1.html
  22. She's a manipulative beeatch! [Look what I found!]
  23. G-Force (aka Battle Of The Planets)! That takes me back... This was my first-evah hit of anime. I was such a tiny child, but still I was perplexed by the decision of the heroes to dress up as geese.
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