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Everything posted by insider

  1. There will be some kind of a Wii VIP pak, although I'm not sure if it will be available outside UK. It won't come with a bundled game, but with something you have already seen few weeks ago...
  2. About the "Home" button, I asume it's like the button in the 360 controller which pops up the main menu, and the "+", "-" buttons for the changing of the channels, just like the TV remotes. As for the on-screen keyboard, you won't need to use it, if you have a USB keyboard.
  3. If anyone can go to Leipzig, don't miss that opportunity. On the other subjects, I don't take back what I have said in the past. My job is related with the videogames industry and I get to learn some things before others - and I don't have any reason not to believe my contacts cause I don't deal with kids. If there is something that just won't happen, don't flame me! Peace bros.
  4. Don't have high hopes about Leipzig. Yes there will be announcements and new games, but you'll get more excited in September, where Japanese developers will unroll their projects. And there is a big title, (not anymore Sony exclusive) that every gamer in the world wants to play – hmmmm.
  5. That doesn't mean that I don't visit the forums every time as a guest. And I back whatever I said in the past.
  6. that goes to InvaderElmo Well you said it yourself man. I am reliable and that's why I said I couldn't confirm it. I don't take rumors and transform them to news! As for what I said, there is a patent from Nintendo - not my mind. It doesn't use any kind of visor or "image projector lens". It just uses the wiimote with an add-on device attached to it, and quick moves of your hands. If someone can find it, please post it here, because some people just want to prove themselfs fools
  7. 1) Rayman was never an exclusive Wii game 2) Assassins Creed is coming to Wii (100% confirmed) and it's not going to look horrible! Also there are at least 5 AAA third party games I know that have not been announced. Wait until the end of September - big announcements.
  8. All Wii games - all - were running on 100% GameCube/dev hybrid hardware! No real Wii, but they had more memory than the usual cubes.
  9. Hey man! When I say something, consider it confirmed!
  10. I don't know if all these games are confirmed, but you forgot Brother in Arms and... Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Las Vegas
  11. I can't confirm this, but Nintendo might show "some kind" of image projection on Nintendo Wii. The ability is there and it doesn't cost too much! Now I know that all of you are going to flame me... but that's alright.
  12. But I didn't denied that it would eventually be released : peace: ! Search my post with the code letters and ya'll see that there's the first letters of Brother in Arms title. I'm very careful with the way I post/answer every time and I don't have to apologize for anything.
  13. Just simple as that. Brother in Arms is coming to Wii and it's confirmed by me . Please don't start usual posts like well I'm not sure, or I don't believe it'll come to Wii etc. It's coming and it's a launch title.
  14. Well I'll tell you what! I have told you all in the past that you wouldn't be so excited with the 3rd secret! That's because I knew about those funtions in the nunchuck and thought that this was the said 3rd secret. But now to tell you the truth I don't know, I don't now if there's something more.
  15. Hero-of-Time thats why I don't like revealing things. Nintendo is going to amaze us in E3. There are many things I don't know or I'm not 100% sure, but because I still know more things than many of you, it's the first time I'm really excited about a Nintendo Console. Nintendo this generation it's your turn... :bowdown:
  16. 1) I didn't sait anything about any game! 2) Is there an official confirmation for BIA for Rev. Cause in the latest interview I've read they said it wasn't coming to Rev.
  17. Well here we are "BRVIA4RCTSL" :awesome: Now go figure... If you don't find anything write those letters. You'll understand after the E3 These are BIG TITLES!
  18. And it'll be more "OMG super-psyched" when some new games will be revealed. The are some games only announced for Xbox 360 and/or PS3 and not for Rev... but they'll come to Ninty as well. And I'm talking about FPS and BIG TITLES. :yay: Please wait. I want Nintendo to announce them :awesome:
  19. I don't think so and I don't hope so :p
  20. 1 or 2? There is huge potential to use 2 FHC, than 1 FHC and a nunchuk. I have been told that there will be at least one big : peace: title revealed at E3 that will use this gameplay configuration, but it will be also playable with the nunchuk. For now I just can't trust my source, cause the name of the game she told me was that game! I mean a game we all want to Revo .
  21. Well... :awesome:
  22. He doesn't have any NDA! He finds his info from Nintendo but also from developers, journalists etc. Just like me. The reason for not sayning what it is, is cause he don't want to reveal anything before Nintendo officialy do! And cause he might be completely wrong. I continue to back my post, that the "3rd secret" won't blow us away - the Revmote will. Sorry.
  23. I wish I could tell you more but I don't want to talk about a) things that I have not confirmed 100% and b) things that I can't speak because of a contract 99% though is pretty close! And if before E3 none will say anything, I'll might do it just before the E3 show. You see besides my job, I speak with many other "insiders" (as you call them) and get news before others! And that info is not covered with any NDA, cause it doesn't have any relation with my job! I'm just a happy man.
  24. Concerning hardware features, Nintendo is going to showcase all the aspects of their next-gen console at E3. But mark my words: UNFORTUNATELLY YOU WILL NOT BE SURPRISED BY THE 3RD (as we call it) REVOLUTION SECRET
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