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The Mole

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Everything posted by The Mole

  1. @Pestneb we have no room tonight sorry We have space now
  2. @BowserBasher can you get a record of the results please? @Hamishmash I've sent you a friend request
  3. Next League Night Thursday 23rd July 8pm @HollolW (With Nightfire) 6. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 7. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 8. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 9. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 10. @welsh_gamer 11. Dylan Will keep it one group tonight, one place left for tonight. First person to delcare on the server gets it. Make sure you add jcmarshall and see you all soon!!
  4. Next League Night Thursday 23rd July 8pm @HollolW (With Nightfire) 6. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 7. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 8. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 9. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 So far only enough for one group so far. Hopefully see you all tonight!!
  5. Thanks to @Nightfire for the theme suggestion Next League Night Thursday 23rd July 8pm "Always in" List 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 7. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret Sign Up Now!!
  6. The Results The League Table Post-race comments Thank you all for participating in this GP, I feel that we gave Iwata the perfect send off. Nothing left to say apart from goodbye to a great man, Will post the theme later. "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." Satoru Iwata 1959-2015
  7. Yes that is fine. Also, do you reckon you could move into group 2 please?
  8. Next League night: Thursday 15th July 8pm: The Iwata Memorial cup @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 3. @HollolW (With Nightfire) Group 2: BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher 1. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 2. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 3. @yesteryeargames NNID: SILENTMOUNTAIN 4. @Dcubed[/MENTION] NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 5. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 6. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 7. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 For this GP you will need to scan the QR code presented below and then change the name to something I can recognise you. For example I will be Mole Iwata. Amiibo costumes are allowed Groups still might change, will keep checking this until rooms open. See you all tonight
  9. Next League night: Thursday 15th July 8pm: The Iwata Memorial cup @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 3. @HollolW (With Nightfire) 3. @Glen\-i's question, amiibo costumes will be allowed, only fitting to see Satoru Iwata off in his own characters Still time to sign up, see you all later!!
  10. Here are the results The Results The League Table Post-race comments A nice random night, will definitely do it again in the future. Keep the themes coming in Connection A couple of people had problems in group 2 but group 1 was fine I had a theme ready for this week, however, in light of recent events, I am going to postpone this theme and instead create a new one and dedicate it to Mr. Satoru Iwata. I haven't decided the tracks yet but it will be using the Satoru Mii, will post the QR with the theme. Right signing off for now, will post the theme later. See you soon! Here it is, in Memory of Mr. Satoru Iwata (1959-2015): Next League night: Thursday 15th July 8pm: The Iwata Memorial cup "Always in" List 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 7. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret For this GP you will need to scan the QR code presented below and then change the name to something I can recognise you. For example I will be Mole Iwata. Sign Up Now!!
  11. Will get the results up tomorrow sorry, it's been a busy weekend.
  12. No thank you it's fine, I also got pictures of the results.
  13. @RedShell, have you started, we only have 6, we could combine the groups? Nevermind, We have 7 now
  14. @RedShell, Brian58 has joined our group for tonight
  15. Next League night: Thursday 9th July 8pm Group 1: The Mole is host, add NNID: jcmarshall 1.@The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 3. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 4. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 5. Nando NNID:nekunando 6. @Phube NNID:Phube Group 2: RedShell is host, add NNID: RedShell 1. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 2. @Nightfire NNID: Nightfire 3. @HollolW (With Nightfire) 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 6. @Zettabytes NNID: Brontobyte 7. @RedShell NNID: RedShell Been put into two groups, quickly check and add your hosts. @RedShell, if you could just check also and add the few that don't have you. If anyone else wants to join, be wise and assign to the right group!!
  16. Next League Night: Thursday 9th July 8pm @HollolW (With Nightfire) 12. Nando NNID:nekunando If more people join, groups will change, also will announce the kart later so check back later. See you all soon! Next League night: Thursday 9th July 8pm Group 1: The Mole is host, add NNID: jcmarshall 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 7. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 8. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 9. @Phube NNID:Phubey 10. @Nightfire NNID: Nightfire 11. @HollolW (With Nightfire) 12. Nando NNID:nekunando Looks like one group tonight but might still change. Will be updating this until rooms open. See you all soon!!
  17. Next League Night: Thursday 9th July 8pm "Always in" List 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 7. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret The kart will be decided on the day of the league night so check back then for the actual kart. Also, as a lot of this night is random, what do you guys say to random groups for this night? Sign up now!!
  18. Here are the results: The results The League table Post-race Comments Another week gone, was nice to dust off the 200cc wheels. Thank you to @BowserBasher for the theme idea. Keep suggesting the theme ideas guys, I will get round to doing all the suggestions. Connection Bit of an issue regarding the last GP, a lot of us had problems regarding connection (#blamenintendo). So you understand, I took the results up to race 3 where most of the players were still there and averaged it out. Will post the theme within the next couple of days and lets just say its going to be a bit random. Signing out for now, see you next week!!
  19. Can anyone from group 2 shed some light on this situation. Might be I'll have to do the same as i'm doing in group 1, if so, could one of you try to recover the scores up to the third race please, or where it went wrong.
  20. Group 1, A lot of you DC'd on the last race so I got the results from the end of the third race and will do the average for the three. Is that ok with you?
  21. Don't worry I'll be able to get them
  22. Next League Night: Thursday 2nd July 8pm Group 1: The Mole is host, add NNID jcmarshall 1. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 2. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 3. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 4. Nando NNID:nekunando 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Nightfire NNID: dan131192 7. HollolW Group 2: Clownferret is host, add NNID: Clownferret 1. @Phube NNID:Phubey 2. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 3. @Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 4. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 5. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 6. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 7. @viceview51 NNID: viceview51 Groups still might change a bit but won't update the post again, good luck tonight!!
  23. Next League Night: Thursday 2nd July 8pm Group 1: The Mole is host, add NNID jcmarshall 1. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 2. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 3. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 4. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 5. @Phube NNID:Phubey 6. @Nightfire NNID: dan131192 7. HollolW 8. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 9. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 10. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 11. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE Still time to sign up, might go into two groups so check back later, see you all tonight!
  24. The Results The League Table Post-race comments Another week gone, some enjoyable races. Big welcome to @Zettabytes to the league and also welcome back to @Gaz and @WelshGamer Group 1 and 2 No connection issues apart from viceview51 We also have our player of the month, congratulations to Bullet Will, also well done to everyone else in the top player list: Enough rambling, next theme is up, thank you to @BowserBasher for the theme idea and to spice it up I am throwing in the return of 200cc. See you next week. Next League Night: Thursday 2nd July 8pm "Always in" List 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 7. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret Sign Up Now!!
  25. Group 2 please
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