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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. The DS situation is why I'm still hopefully the Wii will come good.


    One thing I will say though. Gamecube had Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars: Rogue Leader at launch, and then there wasn't a long wait for Pikmin and Smash Bros. in the 3-4 month wait for Mario Sunshine. So I'm not sure why people are saying the Cube was like this. Cube had some massive droughts bt the first few months weren't that awful.

    Also what bothers me is the fact that the games we're all excited about are just the typical nintendo franchises, Mario, Metroid etc. I'm not saying i don't like them and won't like the games but it just feels like Gamecube all over again rather than 'a whole new revolution'. I should be excited about upcoming new,unique games, but no.

  2. What is it for you?

    I'd probably say it's sunday for me. Many people don't like it because it's generally quite quiet and empty feeling, but that's why I like it. It gives me a chance to spend the day in a bit of peace, perhaps go to the countryside and appreciate nature, or just relax and enjoy my own company, and generally escape from all the crap of life (especially in this country).

    I kind of like mondays because the start of the week is usually full of promise.

  3. Stocka, you should really play a 3D Final Fantasy game at some point. I remember you saying that you had never played one. :(

    Funny you should say that, one of my friends who is a massive final fantasy fan wants me to get into them so much, but like I said "i don't have a ps2" + "i'd have to play them all through from I-XII, because i'm awkward like that." I'm very tempted to get a ps2 and get them all but also part of me would rather not. If I was to get them i'd get a ps3 instead but then i really don't need one..

  4. I dunno, I think Dawkins puts more emphasis on life itself because of his belief in its brevity. Also, in The Blind Watchmaker, he had a nice argument that humans were the only intelligent life in the universe, giving him another reason to revere their existence.

    Fair point, I was being a bit over controversial really. But still, Dawkins sees a human mammal as "nothing more than the sum total of his or her DNA "

  5. Completed Dead Rising, and managed to get ending A, as well as experienciencing the others before doing so.

    A Solve all cases; talk to Isabella after 10; be on heliport by 12

    B Don't solve all cases; be on heliport by 12

    C Solve all cases; do NOT talk to Isabella after 10

    D Be held by the special forces at 12:00pm, instead of at the heliport

    E Don't solve all cases; don't be at heliport

    F Do not collect all bombs




    Crazy way to finish the game, the whole overtime thing is a bit ..um.irritating. Is it really worth doing it?


    Other than the way it ends frustrating me, I think it's a great game. My revised top 3 360 games:

    1. Gears of War

    2. Kameo

    3. Dead Rising

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