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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. This is probably many months late, but I'm glad you came back Stocka.


    I remember you left, having climbed the forum ladder to top and gaining mod-hood.

    Thanks. I don't wish to go back to being a mod though.

    Oh and, Laguna, i love you. You effing rock.

  2. I saw my old english teacher at school today and we talked about the film. she agreed with me that it is almost as good as Rocky I. She said that she reckons he should be nominated for the Oscar next year. Thoughts?

    It was one of the best performances by an actor i've seen in a long time. And I can't think of many films this year that are likely to top it.

  3. Just to let you all know I've put all the games on ebay, so if you're interested please bid away :awesome:


    Mario Power Tennis http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140078085331

    Nintendogs Chihuahua & Friends http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140078091085

    Kirby Canvas Curse http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140078126762

    Meteos http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140078128742

    Mario Kart Double Dash Limited Edition Collector's Pack http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140078142598


    All of them end on Tuesday January 30th.

  4. Ooh, playing it on normal!


    Let us know how that goes difficulty-wise wont you, I imagine that it'll be horrendous come the latter half of the game. :heh:


    I missed the odd character when I played this. I think two maybe, that'd be why I'd replay, though I'd probably need to check some tips to see what I didnt do to not recruit whoever I missed.

    I played through it my first time on Normal. Was damn hard towards the end to keep everyone alive.

  5. APRIL :shock: [in the US at least]

    Takes place in the town of Flipside, where a giant black hole looms overhead, complete with floating math equations (that old story again huh?!)


    Mario gains the ability to change perspective at will, switching from the normal side scrolling 2d view to a 3d view of the 2d “paper mario like” world


    Switching camera from 2d to 3d is necessary. Some puzzles can only be solved by switching the camera to reveal new paths on a level


    Wiimote is held sideways, 2 button is used to jump, A button to switch view.


    Mario collects friends called Pixis that give him special abilities. These abilities make use of the Wiimote capabilities. One Pixi named Tippy allows you to point the Wiimote at the screen to learn more about enemies, or discover hidden passages.


    Shaking the Wiimote at the right time when you jump on an enemy allows you to get more points


    Graphics have received a noticeable upgrade since E3 videos


  6. Yeah i'll definately keep at it, I always try to complete my games :smile: The satisfaction from completing ALTTP is going to be fantastic, i've been on and off with it for AGES, since way back when it was first released on the GBA. I need to get back to Oracle of Ages and complete it at some point too.

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