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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. We only just finished trading.
  2. Oooooh, get you with your foreign Sableye. Appreciate the massive help there! Cheers!
  3. Sounds good, I'll give @RedShell a shout because I know he's around right now.
  4. Sorry, was just about to start a raid. Code is 2618.
  5. About to head online now, so give me a heads-up when you're ready to go.
  6. Trust me on this, Shield players have a harder time in the end.
  7. Will you be around at 5-7 this evening? That would be a better time for me to trade as I'm off to my weekly community centre smash-up soon and I just fancy max raiding at the mo. As for what I need, Combee, Cottonee, Mimikyu, Passimian, Turtonator, Sableye, Mawile, Drampa, Dhelmise, Riolu and Rotom are the ones that I can't get without either trading with Sword or waiting for perfect weather. Also have a Rhydon ready to evolve. The rest are just evolutions I'm working on.
  8. Hey, @RedShell, I've got the item that evolves that Rhydon if you haven't got that evolution yet.
  9. Finally got a Gigantimax Centiskorch that time!
  10. I just realised this now after fighting @RedShell. Has this game removed the Battle Video option!? EDIT: Man, Toxtricity and G-Max Pikachu is a great combo for any raids weak to electric! Toxtricity's ability actually makes it stronger when it's normal size, which leaves Pikachu to fit that role brilliantly with the guaranteed Paralysis move (As long as that shield isn't up)
  11. Nah, nothing, seems you only get something for doing ranked battles. Pity that.
  12. Yeah, always keep in mind that when you switch, you're gonna have to take whatever attack the opponent throws out before you can start retaliating. Also, Fake Out only works on the first turn your Pokémon is out, not the opponents.
  13. That Arcanine switch at the end was a mistake. You should have kept Pikachu alive. Other than that, it's a surprisingly good team. I enjoyed that. We should get 4 N-E members together and do a Multi Battle with our Champion teams sometime.
  14. That was quite close. Next we'll do a Dynamax one
  15. I'm not sure, so I put mine in my active party, just in case. Code is 3648.
  16. OK, @RedShell after this Heatmor raid, I'm gonna get my team ready and set up a battle room. I'll edit this with the code a bit later.
  17. Let's go with no Dynamax, I find it's too central to competitive battles. A lot of matches are won by the person who decides to Dynamax first. Then again, your team are mostly unevolved? So maybe you should be allowed to use it to even the odds? It's up to you if you want to do that.
  18. 7pm good for you? Doubles or Singles? And do you want to allow Dynamax?
  19. Seeing as a fair few of us have seen the credits rolled now, would anyone be interested in a Champions Battle with me? It's something @Ugh first aid and I always do when we both finish the game. Simply put, it's a battle with these restrictions. Standard ruleset (All Pokémon set to Lv 50, no legendaries) The 6 Pokémon you use must be the 6 you used on the final battle before the credits rolled. Yeah, it's pretty straightforward. I find it fun to compare teams that aren't even remotely competitive. Give me a shout if anyone is interested.
  20. Congratulations on your meaningless piece of paper! Glad to have helped. I was only asking for Pokémon that Sword players could get, but I may have to update that list if you're kindly offering.
  21. OK, yeah, that makes more sense. You're right though, it is weird.
  22. Wait, but you can? You just go to a changing room in a boutique and choose the uniform on the rightmost tab. You can even wear separate parts of it in case you like only one piece. I'm currently wearing the Flying Uniform Shoes as part of my outfit.
  23. No, I got a Dino one once, they're just really rare on my version. I imagine the same is true for you with my common ones.
  24. I've got loads of Fossilised Fishes and Drakes if you need some of those, pretty sure those are hard to come by in Sword. Would like some Dinos and Birds in return.
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