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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Your 2017 Gaming Diary

    Yeah, I'm almost disappointed. Well, almost. The horses felt more of a handicap than any of the three 3D Zeldas that feature them. In older games, the horse felt like a genuine upgrade. BotW's focuses so much on verticality that the effort of getting one just isn't worth it.
  2. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions

    They already announced a sequel!?
  3. Pokémon Sun/Moon

    Okie dokie! How's 9pm for you? You have my friend code, right? Do you have an Electiriser? Or would you like me to get one for you?
  4. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

    That video reinforces my stance that NSMB Wii is a better game then NSMB U. But yeah, it's pretty spot on, especially the surprise aspect, a lot of levels made me think, "Is this actually happening!?" Shout-out to most hilariously mental minecart level, Sawmill Thrill.
  5. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe League 2017

    I don't think Ethan was part of N-Europe... Either way, he didn't follow the setup, so I imagine he's disqualified. I'll go ahead and recalculate those points in the last 5 races. Give me a bit. OK? EDIT: Oh boy, time for my awesome "Gotta make do" graphics to shine again. Remember, DCubed is actually me in that first pic. GP1 GP2 The Mole - 32 Glen-i - 25 Sam - 20 Punio - 15 Dennis - 13 FalconBLK - 12 Sméagol - 7 GP3 The Mole - 34 Glen-i - 30 Sam - 18 Punio - 15 Dennis - 13 Sméagol - 9 FalconBLK - 5 Heh, can't even tell the difference.
  6. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe League 2017

    @Sméagol, you'll need to add DCubed's friend code, as I'm using his Switch to host. If you haven't got it already, it's 0401-9926-5412 EDIT: Righto, room's open, don't forget to follow the theme as closely as possible. Good Luck! Oh, and @The Mole, just so you know. DCubed is actually me this week. Yeah, it's confusing.
  7. Your 2017 Gaming Diary

    I suppose I've put this off for too long... The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is... You know what? You're on a Nintendo based forum, you clearly follow Ninty news to some degree. You know what this game is. So let's get on with it. I played the Switch version and this write-up is going to have...
  8. Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido (3DS)

    Just watched the trailer, this game is Japanese! Like, Tokyo Mirage Sessions levels of Japanese. I'm interested. Music in that trailer is awesome too.
  9. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe League 2017

    Sorry for not turning up last week, E3 gave me no choice but to rearrange my work schedule to accomadate. IN! for this week though. I'd be able to, but I would be more likely to have to miss a session. In before "That would be better for everyone"
  10. General Switch Discussion

    So BBC are declaring that Ninty won E3? Awful decision. Devolver Digital got robbed!
  11. Nintendo Spotlight: E3 2017

    Treehouse shows off port of Pokken with new characters. Proceeds to use nothing but the Pokemon in the original version... EDIT: Had a good laugh when they asked "Why should People buy the Switch version if they have the WiiU?" and the other guy replied with "Well, two people can play on the same screen" There's the WiiU version. Oh, right, that makes all the difference.
  12. Your 2017 Gaming Diary

    Don't, you'll get your keyboard sticky...
  13. Pokemon Ranger already has a level up system. Oh, excuse me, had a level up system.
  14. Your 2017 Gaming Diary

    WARNING: The following write-up is canon. Tales of Game's presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa is a freeware turn-based RPG. It is an unofficial sequel to the SNES/Genesis sports game "Barkley Shut Up and Jam" and the family movie "Space Jam" (Yes, you read that right) It was created with RPG Maker 2003, but later bought to Game Maker 6.1 and released in 2008. Strap yourself in guys, this one is special. The game is set in the year 2053, in a post-apocalyptic New York, known now as Neo New York. You play as Charles Barkley, former NBA superstar, now living in the ruined city with his son, Hoopz. This apocalypse occurred 12 years ago, when Barkley attempted an all powerful maneuver known as the Chaos Dunk, with cataclysmic results, as it inadvertently killed most of the people in attendance. This led to Basketball being outlawed and most of it's athletes being hunted down and killed for practicing the illegal sport. But despite giving up his passion and living in solitude, Barkley's past catches up to him when another Chaos Dunk happens in Manhattan, catapulting Barkley into suspicion and having to flee from the B-Ball Removal Department, led by Michael Jordan. Can Barkley evade capture and clear his name? Will he be able to overcome his guilt and put right what has gone so horribly wrong? Can he show the world that his true passion is not something to be feared, but something to be enjoyed? It's an epic tale of love, danger, heroism and Basketball and is... NOPE! I can't do it! This story is utterly ridiculous. No-one's taking this seriously! How is anyone supposed to type the words "Chaos Dunk" and pretend that it's not completely hilarious? It's impossible, you ask too much! Look at the bloomin' title screen artwork! It's about BASKETBALL! Yes, this plot is insane, I have not exaggerated a damn thing about the plot. And it's not even close to how crazy the whole thing gets. You know how Reggie kept going on about the Switch being a "journey" in the recent E3 spotlight? That ain't no journey. This is a journey. And I loved every damn moment of it. The game plays the story absolutely straight, but you know full well, the creators are giggling to themselves the entire time. And the most remarkable thing? I actually grew invested in the characters toward the end. The character development is astonishing, considering that it's a freaking story about the apocalypse that was caused by bloody Basketball! The gameplay plays like a traditional SNES era RPG. You progress through the game, fighting enemies along the way in a Turn-based battle system. Attacks utilise action commands, not unlike the first two Paper Mario games. And it's great fun, I was going into this expecting something not that hot, gameplay wise, but it's utterly solid. Now don't get me wrong, it's a freeware RPG made by an amateur development team. So naturally, there are a few flaws, the controls can be a bit clunky and it's a pretty short game. It took me 4-5 hours to slam through. But there's sidequests, all sorts of secrets to find and I was legitmately startled by a photo of sugar. It's a great parody of RPG's and didn't even get close to outstaying it's welcome. Oh, and it has one of the best Game Over screens. Which brings me nicely to music. The soundtrack is surprisingly epic, it absolutely does not fit the game. Then again, that's the entire point. Some of these jams would not be out of a place in an actual retail RPG. Massive kudos all around. And then there's the visuals, which are, well, almost entirely stolen from other games. The sheer brazenness of it all adds to the comedy value. You just have to look at some of the screenshots to notice that. I'm pretty sure that kid is from Streets of Rage. Ball Spider... Every asset of this game collides together and doesn't end up being a complete mess like it really should. Instead, you get something that is far more than the sum of it's parts. The creators have managed to throw utter nonsense together and come up with one of the most memorable experiences I've seen. Worth every penny. A shame that the "part 1" in the title was clearly a joke, I wouldn't mind playing a sequel... Oh And with that...
  15. E3 2017

    Fixed that for you.
  16. Monster Hunter World (PS4)

    Being pleased that there are less games for people to play is not a good look.
  17. Rocket League (Switch)

    I wonder if the special Ninty exclusive stuff shows up when other platforms play against Switch players? That'd be cool and funny.
  18. General Switch Discussion

    Uhhhh... That is hardly anything new. Tokyo Mirage Sessions does it as well, Smash Bros. Brawl has had a similar system. In fact, I'm pretty sure Kirby Air Ride invented the Achievement system!
  19. Monster Hunter World (PS4)

    So, using a potion comes with no risk what-so-ever? Uh-huh... So, I just imagined that quest in Generations where you had to fight the 4 new monsters in one area? Weird, it was so vivid and tense... I'm not buying that one, this smacks of simplifying Monster Hunter for the west.
  20. Monster Hunter XX

    So basically, "we don't wanna, get Ninty to localise it"? It's not looking good for my little "family plus N-Europe peep hunting get together" The majority of the bloody localisation's done already, is it really that hard?
  21. Rocket League (Switch)

    Basically, they used the typical Nintendo "think of the children" defense. And it's really hilarious. Because nothing is more dangerous to kids than us filthy Switch-playing Scum. No-one's buying it.
  22. Kirby 2018 (Switch)

    Well, I'm just happy that the ability mixing from Kirby 64 is making a return. Cutter + Plasma to be hilariously broken again?
  23. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    See, I'd laugh a bit if I wasn't losing my sides at that response Sony PR gave. When your stance on an online feature is more Nintendo than Nintendo themselves, you know you messed up!
  24. Monster Hunter World (PS4)

    I'd say that was the moment I thought to myself "This ain't no MonHun" I mean, it's clearly aiming at players who don't like Monster Hunter, and good for them, but I hope this doesn't means Capcom isn't gonna bother localising XX.
  25. Monster Hunter World (PS4)

    You've summed my thoughts nicely. It seems Monster Hunter, but mostly in name. Definitely feels like a spin-off. Also, open-world, yuck. Not for me. Still, the rumour that predicted this also predicted Ninty's conference would have MH5. I'm expecting XX there instead, but still. Here's hoping. Looks nice in a purely visual sense, though.