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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Biology B Chemistry B English D English Literature B Geography B History B Media Studies D Physics B Maths A
  2. Chuck


    just got minne at 7. postie woke me during a dream. tin is nice, i only got that, the figure, and a slimline dvdcase. no artwork. is that right?
  3. Plus Real Madrid buy and sell players like its nones business. Just look at this transfer window on Wikipedia
  4. Level up/Unlock the full map. I dont think there is a level up ssystem, just if you complete some - you unlock some. HAve you uncovered all the map?
  5. 80 minutes ago we were winning easily
  6. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Nice work my friend:)
  8. Lovely play by Wright-Phillips to get past those 2 defenders
  9. Chuck


    I wouldve thought that I wouldve got mine today with 1st class post
  10. I didnt know that Heinze went to Real Madrid! He signed today! I was looking at Real Madrid on Wikipedia and hes on the team!
  11. Sounds like they have just copied a speech on the net. <3 you babes
  12. I hate coursework. Worst I did = C Best I did = A. Mixed bags in each subject. All I need is 50%+ in Maths for an A. I really want o do good, even though it means almost nothing
  13. No commentary coordination - *tuts* EDIT SHIT|?:@~}{
  14. To reilliterate why you need more space on a HDD Borderlands FPS will require it
  15. Just the 4? Still they look cool New feature of the Ps3 and PSP to be able to watch and record live TV.
  16. Shit. What has happened to Goalkeepers these days
  17. Mongo? I thought the same thing. Good goal although I was typing at the time
  18. Thats where Im sitting. What happened to Alan Hansens bottom lip? Shearer should get back on the pitch and off telly! Im going to Whitley Bay Sixth Form in 2 weeks:) Just needs the 'drunk' look, half a beard and a gashed botom lip
  19. What in Whitley Bay?
  20. Tommorow for all those left to get there results woo
  21. Chuck


    Are you sure its not too big to come in the normal post?
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